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Trump’s Labor Pick Has a History of Attacking Voting Rights

Alexander Acosta was once accused of undermining the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Now he could become secretary of labor.

John Nichols

What Is the Deep State?

Even if we assume the concept is valid, surely it’s not useful to think of the competing interests it represents as monolithic.

Greg Grandin
Healthcare Policy

Your Members of Congress Are Going Home. Greet Them by Demanding Health Care for All

It’s the perfect time to pay them a visit. 

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From the Magazine

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Donald Trump Has Pulled an Epic Bait-and-Switch

Putting a Goldman Sachs alum in charge of the Treasury Department proves the Big Lie. 

Robert L. Borosage

What Did President Trump Know and When Did He Know It?

Michael Flynn is out, but until there’s an investigation by Congress, we’re at the mercy of intelligence leaks for the story.

Joan Walsh

Behind the Scenes, Obamacare May Be in Grave Danger

Pay attention to the man behind the curtain. 

David Dayen

Race and reproductive health

What It’s Like to Be Black and Pregnant When You Know How Dangerous That Can Be

I knew I had a find a way to have a healthy birth—despite what the statistics were telling me.

Dani McClain

What's Killing America’s Black Infants?

Racism is fueling a national health crisis.

Zoë Carpenter

The Story Behind the Maternal Mortality Rate in Texas Is Even Sadder Than We Realize

We don’t know exactly why these women died—but we know that they were poor and lacked medical care.

Katha Pollitt
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Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts

A new book suggests Snowden may have been a spy, but what it reveals is its author’s own duplicity.

Sue Halpern

Austra’s Ear for the Moment

The band’s new album calls for the future by harkening to the past.

Erin Vanderhoof

Saul Friedländer’s Many Lives

What is the relationship between the Holocaust’s history and its memory?

Peter E. Gordon


Ecuador’s Left-Wing Success Story

It doesn’t fit with neoliberal orthodoxy, but President Rafael Correa has made remarkable progress. Will the next government sustain it?

Mark Weisbrot

In South Korea, Women Are Leading the Resistance to US-Backed Militarization

Tired of their country’s deference to the US, theyre taking matters of security into their own hands.

Christine Ahn

America’s Favorite Syrian Militia Rules With an Iron Fist

The Kurdish YPG recruits fighters at gunpoint, assassinates political opponents, and suppresses the media.

Roy Gutman
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Watch and Listen

View: In a World of Closed Borders, Deciding Who Deserves Asylum

At Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, workers face few humane options.

February 9, 2017

View: Photos of Resistance: Inside the DC Women’s March

Over 500,000 people flooded the streets of the nation’s capital to protest everything President Trump stands for.

January 22, 2017

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016


Take Action

Net Neutrality Is in Danger. Tell the FCC Why We Need It

Our new FCC chairman has said that net neutrality’s “days are numbered.”

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