LRB Cover
Volume 39 Number 4
16 February 2017

LRB blog 17 February 2017

Adam Shatz
The Art of the Bigger Deal

16 February 2017

Laurence Tribe
The Trump Acceleration

16 February 2017

Eliot Weinberger
The Month of Trump


19 January 2017

Rebecca Solnit
Penis Power

2 February 2017

Patrick Cockburn
Misreporting in Syria and Iraq

19 January 2017

Adam Shatz
Frantz Fanon’s Revolution

In the next issue, which will be dated 2 March, Colm Tóibín on Diane Arbus.

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Adam Shatz

The Art of the Bigger Deal

The Israeli prime minister appeared to exult in Trump’s presence, until the president suggested he hold off on building more settlements while Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab states worked out a deal – a ‘bigger deal’, rather. The oldest conflict in the modern Middle East – it’s a century since the Balfour declaration – has become a quarrel over real estate. More

Eliot Weinberger

The Month of Trump

Donald Trump’s personal pathologies aside, it has become obvious that the worst possible leader of a self-styled democracy is the patriarch of an enormous family business, especially one that likes to slap its name in huge gold letters on every item, whether skyscraper or towel – and to whom people inexplicably pay money to paste the name on their own wares. More


David Bromwich

Don’t Resist, Oppose

The nat­ional security state that Obama inherited and broadened, and has now passed on to Trump, is so thoroughly protected by secrecy that on most occasions concealment will be an available alternative to lying. Obama’s awareness of this frightening legacy accounts for the unpredictable urgency with which he campaigned for Hillary Clinton – an almost unseemly display of partisan energy by a sitting president. All along, he was expecting a chosen successor to ‘dial back’ the security state Cheney and Bush had created and he himself normalised. More

Sidney Blumenthal

The First Family

Reckoning with Trump means descending into the place that made him. What he represents, above all, is the triumph of an underworld of predators, hustlers, mobsters, clubhouse politicians and tabloid sleaze that festered in a corner of New York City; a vindication of his mentor, the Mafia lawyer Roy Cohn, a figure unknown to most Trump supporters. More

David Trotter

Orwell’s Nose and Prose

Orwell may have become more important as a symbol than for anything he actually wrote. Both of these books seek to reverse that suspicion, one by tethering the symbol to some distinctly fallible human flesh, the other by subjecting Orwell’s political prose to the kind of scrutiny ordinarily reserved for the novels of Henry James. More

Short Cuts
Andrew O’Hagan

Typing for Goebbels
Karen Liebreich

At the Met
Michael Hofmann


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