Entrepreneurs tackle problem of graduates not being ready for the real world

Martin Astbury (left) and Leo Walton, founders of Prevyou: "We weren't practically equipped for the real world."
Martin Astbury (left) and Leo Walton, founders of Prevyou: "We weren't practically equipped for the real world." Daniel Munoz

When entrepreneur Martin Astbury was hired as a graduate recruit at the National Australia Bank two years ago he soon realised that although he and his group of 80 trainees may have excelled at university they lacked key skills for the world of work.

"It was quite bizarre because we were the 80 people from thousands of applicants who made it through to the final stage. But even we weren't practically equipped for the real world," he said.

Now, as the long slide in graduate employment since the Global Financial Crisis is at last turning around, universities, employers and even entrepreneurs such as Mr Astbury are looking for new ways to make graduates more prepared for the jobs they are going to move into.

Over the last two years the job situation for graduates has been encouraging. After a low of 68.1 per cent in 2014 the employment rate for graduates has now risen two years in a row and is now at 70.9 per cent.

But this masks the major drop in graduate employment since 2008 (just before the GFC) when it stood at 85.2 per cent. (The rate measures the proportion of bachelor degree graduates who are available for full-time work who have a full-time job four months after completing their course.)

There has been a long-term fall in the readiness of employers to hire graduates and Mr Astbury's experience at NAB motivated him to find ways to make them more employable.

Mr Astbury and business partner Leo Walton decided to form a start-up, Prevyou (pronounced "preview"), to tackle the problem. Backed by EduGrowth, a new accelerator funded by a group of universities and education company Navitas, they are developing online tools students can use to learn soft skills and apply them in work place settings.

Students will be able to learn basic skills such as how to act in the office, how to conduct a meeting, how to reply to an email and how to communicate with your boss.

Practical experience

They are also tackling the biggest problem students have in getting practical work experience – finding someone to hire them. Employers say they would like to hire an intern but they don't want to spend too much time structuring a program or managing them, Mr Astbury said.

"So we've taken the hard work away from them by creating a completely structured internship program on our platform," he said.

He said the student will go to a company and say: "I'm going to do this digital marketing project. Here are the outcomes, you don't have to do any work managing me.

"But by the end of these two weeks you're going to have this report about your digital marketing and how its performing. I'm going to get work experience out of it plus learn a lot about digital marketing."

The University of Melbourne academic David Austin is launching a program this year which will give 400 engineering students experience in solving real problems in real life firms.

He said that graduates are very good at "solving specific problems in a limited domain with a pre-determined answer". But Associate Professor Austin said he often gets feedback from employers saying they are not good at innovating or working in teams.

The students will do a subject called Creative Innovative Engineering which involves working in teams of five with each team spending three hours a week working on a employer's project with a mentor from the company.

Engineering firm Aurecon is one of those joining the program and will work on projects with two of the teams of five. Aurecon's chief people office Liam Hayes said the practical, real-life experience was critical for students.

"It's hugely important to be able to turn theory into how you apply it in your everyday role," he said.