Exclusive: How the church forced me to relive my abuse

Therase Lawless
Having testified at the royal commission and for a police investigation, a victim of abuse endures another cycle of doubt from the church.

George Pell evidence rejected in royal commission counsel submissions

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Newly published counsel to the child abuse royal commission rejects Cardinal George Pell’s evidence regarding known church abusers.

Who audits the Big Four auditors?

Michael West
While some thought the suspension of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ audit of the Vatican a blow for church transparency, it is the Big Four accounting firms themselves that remain hypocritically inscrutable.

The Australian Christian Lobby's bid for influence

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The Australian Christian Lobby has a high profile as a religious organisation seeking to influence government policy, but are its claims of intolerance and censorship a sign it realises it is out of step with a secular society?

Australian Jew’s fight against the Catholic Church in Poland

Jill Singer
For many years a Melbourne Jewish doctor has been fighting assiduously to prove the Catholic Church in Poland willingly participated in a scam to steal her forebears’ land. Finally, justice has been served.

Love Makes a Way members sit down and speak up

Samantha Trenoweth
A group of multi-denominational Christians are undergoing training in nonviolent direct action as they pray for changes to asylum-seeker policy.

Cardinal George Pell’s royal commission testimony

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The remarkable part of George Pell’s royal commission testimony is not its insensitivity but what it asks people to believe.

Testifying against child sexual abuse at royal commission

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The latest round of royal commission hearings bear witness to despicable cover-ups and blatant disregard for victims.

The vexed power of Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed

Mike Seccombe

A controversial figure, Australia’s Grand Mufti is of more importance to The Daily Telegraph than he is to many Muslims.

The many trials of Cardinal George Pell

Mike Seccombe
As Cardinal Pell prepares for another child sex abuse hearing, his ‘company man’ style has made him enemies within the Vatican.

Bendigo mosque clears first legal hurdle

Kevin Childs
With another anti-Islamic protest set for today, October 10, supporters of a planned Bendigo mosque prepare for a Supreme Court appeal.

Sexuality and Islam

Sarah Malik
Gay Muslims in the West can face lack of acceptance within their families and their religion, as well as experiencing wider prejudice against their faith, fostering a complex and contradictory identity.

Hiding sexual abuse behind prestige at Geelong Grammar

Martin McKenzie-Murray
For students of the elite Geelong Grammar School, sexual abuse survived within a subculture of hazing born in the ‘Great Public Schools’ of England.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Christian right

Mike Seccombe
As Australia becomes less religious, churches have insinuated themselves into politics and gained particular control over Tony Abbott.

Royal commission examines Jehovah Witnesses cover-up

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ fiercely literal reading of the Bible has distanced them from the law and politics, but the royal commission into child sexual abuse is ending that.

Fighting Muslim radicalisation

Lauren Williams
While Muslim community leaders combat youth radicalism, the federal police are considering how to utilise returned foreign fighters as deterrents.

The delicate balance of policing suburban extremists

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The arrest of five teenagers in counterterrorism raids this week sparked fresh claims of racism and police brutality. It also highlighted the need for deeper investigation into the motivation of young  jihadists.

Inside the Knox Grammar's sexual abuse scandal

Martin McKenzie-Murray
How one man’s blindness allowed a generation of sexual abuse at Sydney’s Knox Grammar.

Hillsong in the Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse

Tanya Levin
Despite a royal commission being told that Hillsong’s senior pastor mishandled revelations of child sex abuse by his father and fellow church leader, the organisation’s global expansion continues apace.

The government's multicultural guardian

Sophie Morris
As Coalition figures drum up fears of Muslim extremism, Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells is trying to reassure a community at the crossroads.

When team building fuels racial unrest

Mike Seccombe
Encouraging membership of ‘Team Australia’ must include active recruitment of Muslim players and consultation on the game plan.

George Pell's blindness on child sex abuse

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The Catholic Church presents an implacable face as victims of abuse stream forward.

Church offers a blind eye for an eye on child sex abuse

David Campbell
As the spotlight shines on institutional responses to child sex abuse, one victim tells how her church community made her feel more punished than the perpetrator.

High Court win on school chaplaincy funding

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The High Court has ruled against the government’s controversial school chaplaincy scheme. A report on the man who beat God.

Australia's anti-gay churches shift focus to Asia Pacific

Luke Williams
The country’s final gay conversion ministry closed last weekend. Now the same pastors are taking their mission overseas.
