The everyday tools of the modern terrorist

Hamish McDonald
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visits Australia; Rex Tillerson in Asia; FBI denies wire-tapping Trump Tower.

New security adviser pro ‘hearts and minds’

Hamish McDonald
Russian ties to US property deals; Benjamin Netanyahu's Australian visit

‘Beautiful new planes’ for US armed forces

Hamish McDonald
Netanyahu plans to visit Australia; IMF damns PNG; Jakarta test in gubernatorial elections

Trump’s presidency begins with a bang not a whimper

Hamish McDonald
Focus on US marines in Darwin; testing times ahead; Brexit tensions.

Peace more polarised as terror takes reins

Hamish McDonald
Unholy conflict; China warning shot; Ahok judgement; Euro loses currency

Putin pal Tillerson to steer foreign policy

Hamish McDonald
Last bastion falls; Donor cabals; Trump credit chaos; Erdoğan angles; ABC pulls Pacific short-wave plug

Shinzō Abe tries to get a read on US-Japan alliance

Hamish McDonald
Third arrow misfire; Vlad-handing; LDP bloodline flows Down Under; Trump’s Razzie.

Donald Trump rides the end of the American Dream

Hamish McDonald
Asia surprised at Trump win; ANZUS as usual.

Russia and The Australian’s Greg Sheridan call win for Trump

Hamish McDonald
US unclear on nuclear first strike; deadlier weapons heading to Aleppo; The Hague orders Australia into mediation with Timor-Leste over maritime boundary.

Syrian city of Aleppo under siege

John Martinkus
As bombs from Russian and Syrian government forces rain down on Aleppo, the city has become an ‘apocalyptic battlefront’ with civilians as collateral damage and foreign aid unable to get through.

People’s tribunal finds Australia guilty over nuclear weapons

Hamish McDonald
Weasel words at UN working group; Turkish president moves to head off Kurds; Russia ‘shows off’.

Al-Qaeda affiliates renounce jihadism

Hamish McDonald
India’s bold GST; Japan’s succession; Thai Prince Duntroon links; Kim goes for gold

How Chechens became key Daesh fighters

John Martinkus
How did the Georgian-born Chechen Omar al-Shishani, killed in Iraq this month, come to be one of Daesh’s key commanders in the ‘caliphate’ in Syria and Iraq?

Nice terror, police killings fuel global right’s message of fear

Hamish McDonald
Republicans drop ‘two-state’ solution; Erdoğan consolidates power after coup; envelope journalism by app.

Chilcot Report drops bomb on Tony Blair and British Labour

Hamish McDonald
Ruling on China’s maritime claims; Ramadan ends with suicide attacks; Hillary Clinton questioned by FBI; two women vying for Tory leadership.

Stinging London looks for a Brexit strategy

Hamish McDonald
Boris dancing?; Nukes subplot; Istanbul attack; Timor recruits US

Hillary v Donald: lines blur for conservatives

Hamish McDonald
UN turns blind eye on Saudi record in Yemen conflict; Saudi prince’s plan to wean kingdom off oil.

Strange bedfellows in battle for Fallujah

Hamish McDonald
Fairfax Sinos on; Chewing the Fat; Trying to reset the spinster cycle

Taxing times as tech giants shift profits

Hamish McDonald
Asia ‘pivot’ wanes; Not so ‘One China’; Israel tensions flare

Republicans brace for The Donald’s candidacy

Hamish McDonald
Philippine Trump; Kim Jong-un gets the party started; Daesh bans opium; Panama corral

French subs builder’s record of corruption

Hamish McDonald
Offshore troops still in the shadows; Trump swaps gimmicks for cynic

Japanese unlikely to supply our submarines

Hamish McDonald
Malcolm Turnbull treads warily in China on trade; legal net closes on PNG’s PM Peter O’Neill; peace moves in Middle East

Rich and famous left to wear Panama hack

Hamish McDonald
Wealthy ‘countries’ unto themselves; Sanders and Cruz win Wisconsin; all eyes on downed Syrian jet.

Pakistan army ploys come back to haunt

Hamish McDonald
Syria conundrum; HK publishers brought to book; Fishy business in South China Sea; GOP gunning for an Ohio showdown

Trump, Wilders drop bombshells after Brussels blasts

Hamish McDonald
Unmade seabeds in Timor-Leste; Egypt stays quiet on student’s death; China has a case of the Ips.
