The truth about house prices

Mike Seccombe
The crisis in housing affordability traces back to John Howard’s actions half a century ago and the lack of political will since.

Charting the war on young people

Mike Seccombe
A suite of policy settings, from wage cuts to unaffordable education, shows the government turning its back on a generation.

Senior Liberals caution Malcolm Turnbull on style

Karen Middleton
As Turnbull’s supporters become anxious about an absence of narrative and clear advice, his problems are greater than a vengeful Tony Abbott.

Changing employment trends and universal basic income

Mike Seccombe
With wage inequality at record highs and technology plundering jobs, a universal basic income is being championed. But how to foretell the problems, let alone possible solutions?

The truth about claims of a faulty welfare system

Mike Seccombe
Recent attacks on those who receive social security payments – and on the welfare system itself – are born of manipulated statistics and the government’s philosophy of a carrot for the rich and a stick for the poor.

Veteran UK banker Paul Fisher on climate change and the financial sector

Mike Seccombe
A veteran of Britain’s central bank, Paul Fisher says climate change will have a massive impact on the global financial sector. He talks about managing the risks.

China’s coal price cartel

Mike Seccombe
China’s plan to increase coal production and keep global prices low is bad news for Australian miners and their political allies.

Who audits the Big Four auditors?

Michael West
While some thought the suspension of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ audit of the Vatican a blow for church transparency, it is the Big Four accounting firms themselves that remain hypocritically inscrutable.

Measuring fugitive CSG emissions

Mick Daley
As coal seam gas is promoted as essential to Australia’s future energy needs, there is insufficient research being funded on the contribution to climate change of ‘fugitive emissions’ from gas mining.

How the Northern Territory failed

Mike Seccombe
At the heart of the NT government’s perpetual shambles is a crisis of fiscal racism that for decades has squandered federal money.

Scott Morrison's black hole serves its campaign purpose

Karen Middleton
Their attack on Labor’s economic figures may have backfired, but the Coalition’s campaign HQ is just happy the focus is back on the economy.

Reagan ‘voodoo economics’ at the heart of Scott Morrison's budget

Mike Seccombe
Following a sponsored visit by Reagan adviser Arthur Laffer, Malcolm Turnbull’s budget is based on the fallacy of his trickle-down economics.

Malcolm Turnbull’s budget grab bag to prime election

Karen Middleton
Amid confusion over forward estimates, the budget is as much about promised economic planning as it is an election pitch.

ABS unemployment figures overlook the hidden jobless

Max Opray
The ABS unemployment figure, used to direct government policy, ignores hundreds of thousands of jobless Australians.

The strange politics of negative gearing

Karen Middleton
By picking a battle over investment incentives, the Coalition and the opposition are looking to fight the election at opposing ends of the “Australian dream”.

Inside the $100b charities bubble

Mike Seccombe
The first reports on the charity sector reveal staggering duplication and a nation less willing to give than it likes to imagine.

New rules for foreign investors

Karen Middleton
As foreign investment increases, especially from China, new protocols are being weighed to find a balance between Australia’s national security and economic growth.

No royal commission as Turnbull's Liberals in deep with the banks

Mike Seccombe
Conservatives against a banks royal commission argue it would damage the economy – because of the criminality it would reveal.

The tax shirkers running the PM’s ‘agility’ agenda

Mike Seccombe
They are some of the country’s biggest corporate tax avoiders. Now their directors make up the board advising the government on innovation incentives.

The rich people who pay no tax

Mike Seccombe
Lost in the tax debate are the billions hidden in the cash economy, and the complex systems concealing the incomes of the very rich.

Inside John Howard’s legacy

Mike Seccombe
Twenty years after he won government, the economic and political damage of John Howard’s leadership is becoming clearer.

Australia's two economies

Tim Colebatch
The mining sector rides waves of China's confidence, while the rest of the country enjoys jobs growth and affordable prices. Does it make sense to speak of an ‘Australian economy’?

Lucy Turnbull’s innovation push

Sophie Morris
A strong connection with Germany and investment in emerging technologies have seen Lucy Turnbull drive the innovation debate.

Why Turnbull's COP21 Paris talks won’t save renewable sector

Sophie Morris
Malcolm Turnbull is signing up for global clean energy innovation, while pushing to dismantle the local sector’s funding.

South Australia pins jobs hope on driverless car industry

Max Opray
Is developing a driverless car industry the answer to South Australia’s unemployment crisis, or a harbinger of far greater job losses across the nation?
