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Web Design

for small business
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Website Design Custom Made

Promote your business, products and services with a custom website design, created for your brand and promoted to your target market.

  • Professional Web Designer
  • Personal Consultation
  • Page Editor, Edit Anytime
  • SEO Search Submit
Sample sites designed
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Get online with a web presence
Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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  • 3Page Website
  • 2Design Revisions
  • 100Images
  • Search EngineOptimisation
  • Page EditorAnytime
  • Google Maps
  • Email Forms
  • Stock Photos
  • Social Networking
  • Project Manager
  • 24/7 Tech Support
  • Budget

    Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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Popular for business & startups
Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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  • 10Page Website
  • 5Design Revisions
  • UnlimitedImages
  • Search EngineOptimisation
  • Page EditorAnytime
  • Google Maps
  • Email Forms
  • Stock Photos
  • Social Networking
  • Project Manager
  • 24/7 Tech Support
  • Business

    Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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Promote your services & products
Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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  • 25Page Website
  • UnlimitedDesign Revisions
  • UnlimitedImages
  • Search EngineOptimisation
  • Page EditorAnytime
  • Google Maps
  • Email Forms
  • Stock Photos
  • Social Networking
  • Project Manager
  • 24/7 Tech Support
  • Promoter

    Website Design + 500 Web & Email Hosting
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Your Questions, Our Answers

Why is a great website design important for your small business?

It helps you stand out

There are more than a billion websites on the internet today, and hundreds more are popping up every day. Your challenge as online entrepreneur is to make sure your site stands out. An effective way to do this is to invest in a great website design. You can use your site’s custom design, typography, images, and other elements to show online users what your company is about and what makes you different.

It improves your SEO and increases web traffic

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are known to favor well-designed websites when ranking search results because they tend to be more user-friendly and efficient. Professional WordPress website designers know how to create sites that look great and adhere to current SEO standards and trends. These include optimizing headings and titles with relevant keywords, using high quality content, and having an intuitive navigation scheme.

Since sites with SEO-friendly website designs often rank highly in search engine results, they are more visible and get more traffic from potential customers. This helps them significantly improve their branding and conversions.

Building brand consistency

Aside from helping you stand out and boosting your SEO, a great custom website design can also add consistency to your corporate branding. Your own website is, after all, an extremely crucial part of your online marketing arsenal. For optimum results, make sure your site uses images, colors, and font styles that are consistent with your custom corporate logo. Also, place your tag line somewhere conspicuous on your site. The easier it is for users to recognize your site and associate it with your brand position, the more likely they are to trust you.

Improves your credibility

Speaking of trust, having a professional website design can do wonders for your company’s overall online credibility. An attractive, easy-to-use, and welcoming site resonates well with internet users. It shows them that you are a real organization or firm that’s worthy of their time, attention, and confidence. This makes them more confident about sharing private information like email addresses and credit card details with you. Moreover, a great custom design will help you establish your reputation amongst industry contemporaries, showing them that you are a worthy competitor they should watch out for.

Boosts online revenue

The best website designs don’t only attract attention and have great SEO, but also encourage users to stay on your site. The longer they stay, the more chances you have of convincing them to take action.

For optimum results and better SEO, make sure your calls to action are strategically placed throughout your site. If you run an eCommerce site, make sure your checkout process is as hassle-free as possible. This way, users will not become impatient and abandon their carts before they complete the transaction.

What makes an effective small business website design?

Clear purpose

The most successful small business website designs are those that cater to a target audience. Before you go choosing layouts, templates, font styles, and color palettes, determine first the main purpose of your site. What are your website visitors looking for on the internet? What is it specifically that they want from you? Once you figure the answers to these question to design webpages that have a clear purpose and effectively fulfil the needs of your target visitors.

High quality photos and videos

Even an affordable and simple website design can be effective and profitable if it is able to use colors, typography, images, and videos wisely. Graphics grab attention, especially those that are beautiful and unique, and they can heavily influence your audience’s first impression of your website.

Take time to carefully choose and plan the color palette you want to use for your site. Preferably, opt for hues that match those on your corporate logo to ensure brand consistency. Also, take advantage of white or negative space, as it will give your site a more modern and organized look. When it comes to your photos and videos, make sure they are of the best quality and are placed strategically throughout your site.

Graphic design websites offer great ideas for proper image positioning and striking typography that you can use as inspiration. You can also look into the types of software like Photoshop you can use to check and enhance the quality of your photos.

Easy navigation

Another important pillar of a successful WordPress website design is simple, intuitive navigation. Users need to be able to promptly find what they are looking for on your site without having to click through so many pages and links. The easier people are able to move around your site, the more likely they are to stay and take action. They will also be more likely to recommend your site to others.


People nowadays access the internet using multiple devices with varying screen sizes. This is why it’s crucial to make sure your site has a responsive design. This way, it will be able to automatically adjust according to the screen sizes and specifications of the device it’s being viewed on. Having a cheap mobile website design can help you reach a wider target market, which is great for increasing potential sales and improving brand recognition.

Fits SEO requirements

Search engine optimization or SEO is an effective way of ensuring your target audience finds their way to your website despite the multitude of choices online. To maximize your online success, you need a WordPress eCommerce website design that meets the top SEO standards set by major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These include having prominent and clear calls to action, including social media sharing icons in the design, adding high quality photos, and using relevant keywords in headings and page titles.

Loads quickly

It is also extremely beneficial to ensure your eCommerce site loads quickly in different web browsers. Load time affects your overall SEO. Moreover, users are turned off by sites that take ages to fully load. Avoid this by optimizing the size and scale of the images you use in your company or church website design. You can also combine code into a one JavaScript or CSS file. Another technique is to use a certain software or tool to minify HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to effectively increase their load time.

Prominent contact information

Once people are already on your site, the next goal is to encourage them to take action and engage with your organization or agency. To make this possible, you need a cool website design that offers enough space for your company’s contact information.

Make sure details such as your street address, emails, and phone number are prominently displayed on most, if not all, webpages. It is also be also a good idea to include icons in the design that will allow visitors to directly call you or send you a message with just one click.

How to work most effectively with expert web designers

Do your research

Before anything else, you need to first find out what kind of web layouts you like. You need to know what kind of website design templates fit not only the aesthetics of your brand, but also the theme of your industry. This way, it will be easier for you to communicate and collaborate with your designer once you begin working on your website.

Start your research by checking out sites of your competitors and other companies similar to yours. This will give you an idea of the kind of designs that are popular in your industry. It would also be beneficial to browse through top WordPress design websites so you can see creative combinations of designs, color schemes, and typography styles and decide which ones would help your site stand out.

Know the basics of how to design a website

Even if you hire an expert, it is still a good idea to understand the fundamentals of how to design a website. You don’t need to learn the complex terms and the latest software trends, nor do you need to learn to use advanced website design software. But some basic knowledge of the process will help you become better prepared for the project. This will also help you minimize mistakes when planning for your site’s design and allow you to work more effectively with your designer.

Determine what you are paying for

Employing an expert design team is a considerable investment, so it’s important that you know exactly what you are paying for. Discuss the website design pricing with your team and determine what kind of services or additions are included in the contract. Key points you must look into include the payment schedule, the software used, the number of free revisions, and the pricing of additional changes.

Prepare to share ideas

Just because you have hire a website design company to create your site for you, doesn’t mean the entire project is off your hands. Your input is still crucial to the success of the process. You need to share your ideas and collaborate with your assigned designer so you can come up with a website that fits not only your personal preferences, but also matches the needs of your target customers.

Be patient and decisive

A lot of decisions have to be made when you’re designing your own website, even if you’re doing it with the help of an expert. You might want to add some things to the design or change it altogether after you’ve seen the first version.

In fact, it’s likely that you’ll go through a couple of versions before you come up with the result you’re completely happy with. Throughout this process, you need to be patient. Understand that the revisions are a necessary part of the process and that they take time. However, you can reduce the waiting time by being decisive. Promptly determine what revisions you want made and communicate them well with your design team.

What are the main advantages of a responsive website design?


One amazing thing about responsive website designs is that they are incredibly fluid. Their custom design and content automatically adjusts to fit various screen sizes and resolutions. This gives you the assurance that your website will look good no matter what mobile device or browser your target customers choose to use.


This option is also the way to go if you want a cheap website design. Before, people used to create one site for desktop and one site for tablets and smartphones. With a custom responsive design, you no longer have to deal with this kind of additional expense because you can be sure your website will meet the requirements of all devices, mobile or otherwise.

Improved browsing experience

In addition to being the flexible and affordable website design option, these kinds of designs are also great for enhancing the user experience. Your target customers can browse through your website using any device they want, wherever they are. Plus, they can conveniently view your content without too much scrolling or resizing.