Crookwell Showgirl off to Sydney

Crookwell Showgirl off to Sydney

Judge and 2014 Rural Achiever Samuel Martin, Kawana Lea Shorthorns and Elders, Walcha, 2017 zone 3 Showgirl winner, Verity Price, Crookwell, 2016 The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl Grace Eppelstunand and The Land’s livestock editor, Kristen Frost.

Judge and 2014 Rural Achiever Samuel Martin, Kawana Lea Shorthorns and Elders, Walcha, 2017 zone 3 Showgirl winner, Verity Price, Crookwell, 2016 The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl Grace Eppelstunand and The Land’s livestock editor, Kristen Frost.


Crookwell Showgirl, Verity Price, has been chosen as the Zone 3 Showgirl candidate to head to the Royal in April.


A project officer with the Cattle Council of Australia, Crookwell Showgirl, Verity Price, 21, has been chosen as the zone 3 three showgirl candidate to head to the Royal in April where she will represent her zone and local shows in The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl Competition.

The judging was held in Cooma this weekend with judges including 2014 Rural Achiever Samuel Martin, Kawana Lea Shorthorns and Elders, Walcha, Agricultural Societies Council delegate Mrs Judy Michell, Narrabri and The Land’s livestock editor, Kristen Frost, Crookwell.

The event was hosted by the Cooma Show Society at the Cooma Ex-Services Club.

Miss Price will progress to the Sydney Royal Show, which starts on April 6, where they will compete against the finalists from zones across the state to be crowned The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl.


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