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This page provides country specific information on :
  • The ratification of international Human Rights treaties
  • The reporting cycles
  • All the documents related to a reporting cycle

Note: Click on the collapse/expand icon to view reporting cycles and related documentations 

Reporting status for Lao People's Democratic Republic
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) Date
Command item
Command item

CAT - Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

CATConvention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment21 Sep 201026 Sep 2012   26 Sep 2012
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 26 Oct 2013                     LAOINT/CAT/INR/LAO/5860  29False

CCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

CCPRInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights07 Dec 200025 Sep 200925 Dec 2009  25 Sep 2009
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 25 Mar 2011                     LAOINT/CCPR/INR/LAO/6280  29False

CED - Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

CEDConvention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance29 Sep 2008    
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAWConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women17 Jul 198014 Aug 198113 Sep 1981  14 Aug 1981
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 13 Sep 2014                     LAOINT/CEDAW/INR/LAO/5963  29False
ExpandVI-VII44 (2009)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/LAO/713 Sep 200225 May 200826 Jan 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/7  29True
List of issuesCEDAW/C/LAO/Q/7  01 Dec 2008 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/Q/7  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCEDAW/C/LAO/Q/7/Add.1  22 Jun 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/Q/7/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsGender and Development Group (GDG)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_LAO_44_9465_E.pdf     LAOINT/CEDAW/NGO/LAO/44/9465  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_LAO_44_9466_E.pdf     LAOINT/CEDAW/NGO/LAO/44/9466  14True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/2009/II/3/ADD.4  09 Jun 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/2009/II/3/ADD.4  24True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CEDAW_LOP_LAO_44_10528_E.pdf     LAOINT/CEDAW/LOP/LAO/44/10528  107True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/LAO/CO/7  14 Aug 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/CO/7  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCEDAW/C/LAO/CO/7/Add.108 Aug 201116 Oct 201323 Jan 2014 View document       E S   CEDAW_C_LAO_CO_7_Add-1_14988_E.pdf     LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/CO/7/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyFollow-up letter 10 Sep 2014  View document E           INT_CEDAW_FUL_LAO_18190_E.pdf     LAOINT/CEDAW/FUL/LAO/18190  114True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.892    View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.892  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.892 (A)  24 Jul 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.892 (A)  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.893 (A)  14 Aug 2009 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.893 (A)  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.893    View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.893  31True
ExpandI-V32 (2005)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/LAO/1-513 Sep 199803 Feb 200318 Aug 2003 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/1-5  29True
List of issuesCEDAW/PSWG/2005/I/CRP.1/Add.5                      LAOCEDAW/PSWG/2005/I/CRP.1/Add.5  18False
Reply to List of IssuesCEDAW/PSWG/2005/I/CRP.2/Add.4                      LAOCEDAW/PSWG/2005/I/CRP.2/Add.4  22False
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/2005/I/3/Add.1 09 Nov 200409 Nov 2004 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/2005/I/3/Add.1  24True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/2005/I/3/Add.3 15 Nov 200415 Nov 2004 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/2005/I/3/Add.3  24True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/LAO/CC/1-5                      LAOCEDAW/C/LAO/CC/1-5  5False
Concluding observationsA/60/38(SUPP) paras. 81-118  31 Aug 2005 View document       E SACR      LAOA/60/38(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.675  19 Jan 2005 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.675  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.676  06 Apr 2005 View document       E SACR      LAOCEDAW/C/SR.676  31True

CERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

CERDInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 22 Feb 1974 (a)24 Mar 197422 Feb 1974  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 24 Mar 2015                     LAOINT/CERD/INR/LAO/6520  29False
ExpandXVI-XVII80 (2012)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/LAO/16-1824 Mar 200711 Feb 201128 Jun 2011 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/LAO/16-18  29True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsAlliance for Democracy in Laos    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_LAO_80_9467_E.pdf     LAOINT/CERD/NGO/LAO/80/9467  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsHmong ChaoFa States    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_LAO_80_9470_E.docx     LAOINT/CERD/NGO/LAO/80/9470  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsINDIGENOUS     View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_LAO_80_9469_E.doc     LAOINT/CERD/NGO/LAO/80/9469  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsLao Movement for Human Rights    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_LAO_80_9468_E.doc     LAOINT/CERD/NGO/LAO/80/9468  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsUnrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_LAO_80_9471_E.pdf     LAOINT/CERD/NGO/LAO/80/9471  14True
List of themesCERD/C/LAO/Q/16-18  18 Jan 2012 View document       E S         LAOCERD/C/LAO/Q/16-18  146True
Statement     View document E           INT_CERD_STA_LAO_80_11113_E.pdf     LAOINT/CERD/STA/LAO/80/11113  109True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CERD_LOP_LAO_80_10641_E.pdf     LAOINT/CERD/LOP/LAO/80/10641  107True
Concluding observationsCERD/C/LAO/CO/16-18  13 Apr 2012 View document       E SACR      LAOCERD/C/LAO/CO/16-18  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCERD/C/LAO/16-18/Add.109 Mar 2013                     LAOCERD/C/LAO/16-18/Add.1  46False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.2159                      LAOCERD/C/SR.2159  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.2160                      LAOCERD/C/SR.2160  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.2149  08 Mar 2012 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/SR.2149  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.2146  05 Mar 2012 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/SR.2146  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.2150  07 Mar 2012 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/SR.2150  31True
ExpandVI-XV66 (2005)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/451/Add.124 Mar 198524 Mar 200417 May 2004 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/451/Add.1  29True
Concluding observationsCERD/C/LAO/CO/15 18 Apr 200518 Apr 2005 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/LAO/CO/15  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCERD/C/LAO/CO/15/Add.111 Mar 2006 07 Jul 2006 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/LAO/CO/15/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  18 Aug 2006  View document E           INT_CERD_FUL_LAO_11972_E.pdf     LAOINT/CERD/FUL/LAO/11972  114True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1696                      LAOCERD/C/SR.1696  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1674 28 Feb 200528 Feb 2005 View document       E    R      LAOCERD/C/SR.1674  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1673 25 Feb 200525 Feb 2005 View document       E    R      LAOCERD/C/SR.1673  31True
ExpandIII-V49 (1996)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/105/Add.424 Mar 197919 Jun 1984                    LAOCERD/C/105/Add.4  29False
Concluding observationsA/40/18 paras. 165-181                      LAOA/40/18  5False
Concluding observationsA/47/18(SUPP) paras. 254-260  05 May 1993 View document       E SACR      LAOA/47/18(SUPP)  5True
Concluding observationsA/51/18(SUPP) paras. 452-455  01 Jan 1996 View document       E SACR      LAOA/51/18(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.707                      LAOCERD/C/SR.707  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.708                      LAOCERD/C/SR.708  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.709                      LAOCERD/C/SR.709  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1166  14 Aug 1996 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/SR.1166  31True
ExpandIII-V31 (1985)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/105/Add.424 Mar 197919 Jun 1984                    LAOCERD/C/105/Add.4  29False
Concluding observationsA/40/18 paras. 165-181                      LAOA/40/18  5False
Concluding observationsA/47/18(SUPP) paras. 254-260  05 May 1993 View document       E SACR      LAOA/47/18(SUPP)  5True
Concluding observationsA/51/18(SUPP) paras. 452-455  01 Jan 1996 View document       E SACR      LAOA/51/18(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.707                      LAOCERD/C/SR.707  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.708                      LAOCERD/C/SR.708  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.709                      LAOCERD/C/SR.709  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1166  14 Aug 1996 View document       E S  R      LAOCERD/C/SR.1166  31True
ExpandI-II18 (1978)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/2824 Mar 197509 Jan 1978                    LAOCERD/C/28  29False
Concluding observationsA/33/18 paras. 236-243                      LAOA/33/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.390                      LAOCERD/C/SR.390  31False

CESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

CESCRInternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights07 Dec 200013 Feb 200713 May 2007  13 Feb 2007
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 30 Jun 2009                     LAOINT/CESCR/INR/LAO/6123  29False

CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child

CRCConvention on the Rights of the Child 08 May 1991 (a)07 Jun 199108 May 1991  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/LAO/3-606 Dec 201607 Mar 2017  View document E           CRC_C_LAO_3-6_6678_E.docx     LAOCRC/C/LAO/3-6  29True
ExpandII56 (2011)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/LAO/207 Jun 199824 Apr 200912 Mar 2010 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/LAO/2  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/LAO/Q/2  01 Nov 2010 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/LAO/Q/2  18True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CRC_LOP_LAO_56_10801_E.pdf     LAOINT/CRC/LOP/LAO/56/10801  107True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/LAO/CO/2  08 Apr 2011 View document       E SACR      LAOCRC/C/LAO/CO/2  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1602  04 Feb 2011 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.1602  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1600  17 Jan 2012 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.1600  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1601  17 Feb 2011 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.1601  31True
ExpandI16 (1997)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
Country Analysis/BriefCRC/A/LAO.1                      LAOCRC/A/LAO.1  7False
State party's reportCRC/C/8/Add.3207 Jun 199318 Jan 199624 Jan 1996 View document       E           LAOCRC/C/8/Add.32  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/Q/LAO/1                      LAOCRC/C/Q/LAO/1  18False
List of issuesCRC/C/Q/LAO.1    View document       E           LAOCRC/C/Q/LAO.1  18True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/15/Add.78 10 Oct 199721 Oct 1997 View document       E           LAOCRC/C/15/Add.78  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.400 17 Apr 199816 Oct 1997 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.400  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.401 24 Oct 199730 Sep 1997 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.401  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.402 17 Dec 199717 Dec 1997 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.402  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.426 14 Oct 199822 Dec 1997 View document       E S         LAOCRC/C/SR.426  31True

CRC-OP-AC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict

CRC-OP-ACOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict 20 Sep 2006 (a)20 Oct 200620 Sep 2006  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandI69 (2015)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/126 Oct 200826 Jun 201320 Aug 2014 View document       E S   CRC_C_OPAC_LAO_1_6778_E.pdf     LAOCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/1  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/Q/1 10 Mar 201509 Mar 2015 View document       E S   CRC_C_OPAC_LAO_Q_1_19825_E.doc     LAOCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/Q/1/Add.1 28 Apr 2015  View document       E S   CRC_C_OPAC_LAO_Q_1_Add-1_20336_E.doc     LAOCRC/C/OPAC/LAO/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Concluding observationsLao People's Democratic Republic_OPAC_Concluding observations 10 Jun 2015  View document E           INT_CRC-OP-AC_COC_LAO_20810_E.pdf     LAOINT/CRC-OP-AC/COC/LAO/20810  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/OPAC/SR.2006                      LAOCRC/C/OPAC/SR.2006  31False

CRC-OP-SC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography

CRC-OP-SCOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography 20 Sep 2006 (a)20 Oct 200620 Sep 2006  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandI69 (2015)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/120 Oct 200826 Jun 201320 Aug 2014 View document       E S   CRC_C_OPSC_LAO_1_6842_E.pdf     LAOCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/1  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/Q/1 10 Mar 201509 Mar 2015 View document       E S   CRC_C_OPSC_LAO_Q_1_19806_E.doc     LAOCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/Q/1/Add.1 28 Apr 201528 Apr 2015 View document       E S   CRC_C_OPSC_LAO_Q_1_Add-1_20337_E.doc     LAOCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/CO/110 Jun 201503 Jul 201503 Jul 2015 View document       E SACRINT_CRC-OP-SC_COC_LAO_20812_E.pdf     LAOCRC/C/OPSC/LAO/CO/1  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/OPSC/SR.2006                      LAOCRC/C/OPSC/SR.2006  31False

CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPDConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities15 Jan 200825 Sep 200925 Oct 2009  25 Sep 2009
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRPD/C/LAO/125 Oct 201125 May 2016  View document E           CRPD_C_LAO_1_6971_E.doc     LAOCRPD/C/LAO/1  29True

Acceptance of the inquiry procedure for Lao People's Democratic Republic
 TreatyAcceptance of inquiry procedureDate of acceptance/non acceptance
Command item
Command item

CAT, Art.20 - Inquiry procedure under the Convention against Torture

CAT, Art.20Inquiry procedure under the Convention against TortureNO26 Sep 2012
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload


The Treaty Body Database contains all public documents adopted or received by the human rights treaty bodies. Although the Database is updated regularly and attempts to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data displayed on these web pages, it may still contain some inaccuracies, which will have to be corrected over the next months. Clarifications or further information can be sought directly from the relevant Secretariat.

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