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Andrade, David (1859 - 1928)

Activist, Anarchist and Bookseller


David Andrade was an anarchist and bookseller. He was one of the founders of the Melbourne Anarchist Club (May 1886), along with other members of the Australasian Secular Association. He was elected Secretary, and was a key organiser and theoretician. His anarchism was heavily influence by the individualist-anarchism of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. In the 1890s he became secretary to the Unemployed Workers’ Association in Richmond.

He ran an anarchist bookshop and news agency in North Brunswick, and then ‘Liberty Hall’ in Russell Street, Melbourne. He was also involved in the formation of the Melbourne Co-operative No. 1, a workshop at Albert Park.

His key works were: Money: A study of the currency question (1887); Our Social System; An anarchist plan of campaign (1888); and the utopian novel The Melbourne riots and how Harry Holdfast and his friends emancipated the workers (1892).

See Andrew Reeves, 'Andrade, David Alfred (1859 - 1928)'Australian Dictionary of Biography Online.

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  • Andrade, David A., Our social system, and how it affects those who work for their living., David A. Andrade, Melbourne, n.d., 13 pp. Image PDF Details



  • David A. Andrade (ed.), 'Honesty', An outspoken advocate of social reform on the basis of Justice, Equity, & Liberty, vol. 2, no. 1, Cooperative Publishing Company, Melbourne, February 1889, 8 pp. PDF Details

Newspaper Articles

  • 'An agitator's career', The Worker [Sydney] (Sydney), 29 January 1889, p. 1. Image PDF Details


  • Andrade, David A., The Melbourne riots, and how Harry Holdfast and his friends emancipated the workers: a realistic novel, 1892 edn, Andrade & Co., Melbourne, 1892, 67 pp. Image PDF Details