National news

ANZ's move to cut credit card interest rates by up to 2 per cent is cold comfort for the bank's customers, Choice says.

Brumbies co-captain Christian Lealiifano reveals he is in remission after a successful bone marrow transplant, and is targeting a return to rugby.

The busiest week of the domestic reporting season will capture most of the attention in coming days.

Australian Capital Territory

Brumbies co-captain Christian Lealiifano reveals he is in remission after a successful bone marrow transplant, and is targeting a return to rugby.

The NSW Rural Fire Service releases the final damage toll for the Carwoola fire, saying 11 homes were destroyed and 12 damaged.

New South Wales

The NSW Rural Fire Service releases the final damage toll for the Carwoola fire, saying 11 homes were destroyed and 12 damaged.

A regional Australian company behind a bio insecticide that is safe for bees and other beneficial insects secures funding to ensure its production remains on home soil.

The Bureau of Meteorology warns residents in Sydney, the Hunter region and the central coast of New South Wales to prepare for another round of storm activity.

Northern Territory

Survivors of the Japanese bombing of Darwin in 1942 have gathered to commemorate the attack's 75th anniversary.


South Australia

A man is shot in the leg after two men force their way into his St Clair home in Adelaide's north-west this morning.


The State Government moves to ban super trawlers from Tasmanian waters and wants the Federal Government to follow suit.

The garden former Hobart home of the father of Australian landscape painting John Glover is open to celebrate his 250th birthday.


More than 20 people are taken to hospital, many in a critical condition, after overdosing on drugs at a dance party in Melbourne.

Melbourne's biggest arts festival attracted hundreds of thousands of people, as the city's most iconic buildings were brought to life with spectacular light shows.

Western Australia

Police in Western Australia's north are concerned about an increase in children committing sexual assaults, a trend child advocates say is being seen nationally.

WA Labor says it expects the Prime Minister will back down on a threat to prevent $1.2 billion in Perth Freight Link funding being diverted to the party's flagship transport project Metronet.

The WA Liberal Party denies its surge in the polls is due to a preference deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation, instead attributing the gain to a growing lack of faith in the Labor Party.