Christensen warned to get back in the tent after speculation he'd threatened to resign

Updated February 17, 2017 18:30:00

Nationals MP George Christensen has been warned by an LNP colleague to get back in the tent and act as a team player. It comes after Sydney's Daily Telegraph reported Mr Christensen had again threatened to resign from the Coalition. Mr Christensen has confirmed today he drafted a so-called 'letter of demand' to the Prime Minister but says he never sent it. His gripe is about what he sees as Government inaction over a dispute between a foreign-owned sugar mill and Queensland cane growers.

Source: PM | Duration: 5min 20sec

Topics: nationals, government-and-politics, political-parties, australia


Renegade Federal Nationals MP George Chistensen is being warned to get back in the tent and act as a team player.

It comes amid speculation he had threatened to resign from the Coalition.

Mr Christensen has confirmed he drafted a so-called "letter of demand" to the Prime Minister, but says he never sent it.

Queensland Nationals MP Ken O'Dowd says the dissent is an unhelpful distraction and should have been sorted out with the party's leader Barnaby Joyce.


George Christensen, LNP Member for Dawson
Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister
Barnaby Joyce, Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals Leader
Ken O'Dows, LNP Member for Flynn