Current Conditions
23.1°in Brisbane
- Wind: ESE at 4.0kph
- Humidity: 69%
- 6:33pm AEST Monday - 0.5m
- Sunrise: 5:13am AEST
- Sunset: 6:46pm AEST
A trough and lows are triggering showers and thunderstorms over WA and SA, some severe, with hot winds ahead of it. A broad trough over the NT and QLD is also generating thunderstorms, severe over QLD. A deepening monsoon trough is sparking storms over the tropics. More Synoptic information
Cloud covering western and central of QLD with a low pressure trough is triggering showers and storms. Thick cloud over the far north near the monsoon trough is causing rain. Patchy cloud along the southeast coast with cool onshore winds is bringing a few showers.