Thoughts On The Dead

Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Phil And Billy

Phil loved the Farewell Shoes. There was the overwhelmingly positive spirit coming from the crowd, and the band got along semi-decently, and the money was wonderful.

But what Phil really liked was that jean jacket Levi’s Stadium gave him.


Right after this picture was taken, Billy punched Bill Murray in the dick and whispered in his ear, “Everyone will believe you.”


“How should we decorate the green room?”

“Who’s using it?’

“Grateful Dead.”

“Hang up as much bullshit as possible.”


“And a rose.”



Phil’s had hepatitis, several different cancers, and a liver transplant, and he’s ten years older than Bill Murray, and he still looks better.


  1. the music kept him young?

  2. Gaze into the chrome bra.. breathe deeply..

    And publish ToPattiLabelle..

  3. Survivors. Most of their friends are dead, many for a very long time now.

    Rock and roll was serious business; a lot of good people paid the price.

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