Thoughts On The Dead

Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Our Enemy

Do you remember Daniel Pearl? He was a journalist before someone cut his head off; they filmed it; you can watch it. James Foley was also a journalist; his head was cut off in Syria. What about Bill Biggart? He was born in Germany but became an American citizen; he was a photographer that died in Lower Manhattan on a clear and beautiful Tuesday morning. These were enemies of the people.

Narciso Gonzalez wrote for The State in South Carolina, and he was killed by the Lt. Governor of that state. Ruben Salazar wrote for the Los Angeles Times, and he was killed by the police of that city. The Lt. Governor was acquitted; the cops were never charged. The journalists were a threat to the American way of life, you see, and not their murderers.

Nellie Bly went undercover to expose the horror and filth of American insane asylums; Upton Sinclair got a job in the Chicago stockyards; Woodward and Bernstein hung around in parking garages. Enemies.

Ernie Pyle was accidentally blown up by our own Army, but Joseph Morton was executed by the Nazis. William Moore did not make it to the 37th Parallel. Phillipa Schuyler’s helicopter fell out of the sky near Da Nang. Michael Kelly was riding in a convoy outside Baghdad that came under fire. Marie Colvin stood too close to a coffee can packed with explosives and nails during the Siege of Homs.

These are some of the people that the president called America’s enemies.


  1. I think the first journalist you mentioned was actually named Daniel Pearl.

    Long live the Fourth Estate.

  2. Serious part:
    I think I am going to start paying for NYTimes or Washington Post access.

    Fun part:
    Do you think you can just mention Patti Labelle and walk away. No sir, Patti Labelle does not get mentioned in passing, Patti Labelle gets to be a character.

    Take a look at what you are missing.

  3. Do you know who else thought a free and open press was an enemy of the people?

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