Thoughts On The Dead

Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Home By The Sea

In other Dead-related business news, Garcia’s Stinson Beach place is back on the market. He and MG’s old house, which they called San Souci, can be yours for only $4.35 million. They paid (in today’s dollars) $118,000 for it; if the house’s value had only stayed level with inflation, then it would be worth $750,000 today. This illustrates the most important lesson of the real estate business: you should have bought forty years ago.

You can go and read an article about it, but you shouldn’t. It’s yet another one of those cloying “shove lyrics in” pieces of content I so despise. Stay here; I’ll tell you everything you need to know.

  • Four bedrooms.
  • Five bathrooms.
  • No kitchen. (Kitchen was stolen by Ron Rakow in ’78.)
  • Barbecue pit.
  • Sumo pit.
  • Sometimes Bobby forgets that Garcia doesn’t live here anymore, and is dead, and stops by to hang out.
  • Menagerie.
  • Several patches of quicksand.
  • Central air.
  • Cigarette burns, like, fucking everywhere.
  • Gotta be a couple of pets buried in the lawn, right?
  • Light switch that doesn’t control anything in the house.
  • From one of the bedrooms, you can see right into a neighbor’s house, and they’re both really hot and hump constantly.
  • That building on the right?
  • Precarious is still living there.


  1. It might be convenient to have a live in roadie with access to a magical highway. 4.35 mill? It may just pay for itself.

  2. “. . . And it’s just a barbecue. We don’t know who put it there. Such a long, long time for well done, such a short time to be rare . . .”

  3. Need the barbecue pit (sans kitchen) because there is a freezer still stocked with remnants of Bear’s red meat stash.

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