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News: Helen Razer on Stan Grant's Australian Dream

‘Like all the world’s most horrific complexes, racism is a difficult thing to describe. You may know it very well when you see it, and, if you’re a person of colour, you will see it vividly and often. But, this does not by necessity mean you can trace its historic origins, or plot the way it is likely to adapt over region and time. This labour is one we must demand from our intellectuals—these are the only people with the time to do it. In a new Quarterly Essay The Australian Dream, journalist Stan Grant obliges. He takes the time to chart a part of that horrific complex as it has played out, and continues to play out, in our nation.’

Read Helen Razer on Stan Grant's Australian Dream in the Daily Review.

News: 'Can an Aborigine be a Smiths fan? I can be whatever I damn like'

‘What do I have in common with the Jews? I hardly have anything in common with myself.’ —Franz Kafka

Read an extract from The Australian Dream online at the Sydney Morning Herald.

News: America in a time of Trump and Clinton

Don Watson was recorded in conversation with Paul Barclay at the Brisbane Powerhouse on September 25, 2016.

Their conversation is now available to listen to online.

News: Don Watson: Donald Trump's political rise hints at modern take on fascism

‘Millions of Americans feel they have been robbed of their birthright. The country's wealth, history and traditions have been subverted or gifted to others. The American future is not theirs. They were losing long before the Great Recession, and since it hit they've lost even more. The greatest country on earth is becoming someone else's: that's if it still is the greatest country. Hell, when did they last win a war? An actual shooting war? Grenada?’

Read an extract from Enemy Within by Don Watson in the Sydney Morning Herald.

News: 'No one to learn from' Ken Henry slams APS collective amnesia

‘Decades of government outsourcing and waves of senior redundancies have left much of the nation's public service unable to provide proper and effective advice to politicians and their voters, say two former Treasury bosses.’

Extract: Public servants ignored in favour of spin

‘The periodic mass axing of public service heads upon the arrival of incoming conservative governments has created a caution in the culture. The bureaucracy has been cowed both by the prospect of being sacked and by a reward system which punishes taking risks.’

Read an exclusive extract from Political Amnesia by Laura Tingle online at the Australian Financial Review.

Watch: David Marr and Sophie Black at the Wheeler Centre

David Marr and Sophie Black discuss Bill Shorten and David's latest Quarterly Essay Faction Man at the Wheeler Centre.

Also available to download as a podcast.

News: Shorten 'had no big role in Rudd return'

‘Journalist David Marr has uncovered new details about Mr Shorten's lesser role in the Rudd return in a Quarterly Essay published on Monday entitled Faction Man.’

News: The public doesn’t know what Bill Shorten stands for, or what he thinks

‘The Opposition Leader has had plenty of time to show he has what it takes to lead the nation, but has been found wanting.’

Bill Shorten just wants to be liked, and that's the problem

‘Most politicians have a deep and insatiable need to be loved, but even among those in his own party Bill Shorten's pursuit of affection can seem a little desperate.’

David Marr in The Drum on the problem with Bill Shorten.

News: 2015 Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism

Blood Year by David Kilcullen has been shortlisted for a 2015 Walkley Award.

Watch: The Rise of ISIS and Its Threat: David Kilcullen in conversation with Robert Manne

In this La Trobe University Ideas and Society session at the Wheeler Centre, David Kilcullen, author of the Quarterly EssayBlood Year: Terror and the Islamic State’, and La Trobe University emeritus professor Robert Manne discuss the rise of ISIS and the threat it poses (via The Monthly).

I see no alternative to a larger, more intense conventional war against Isis

‘There are no quick solutions to current global conflict. But we risk a regional conflagration in the Middle East if the west doesn’t do more to contain Isis now.’

Read an extract from Quarterly Essay 58 Blood Year online at the Guardian.

News: QE58 in the Saturday Paper

‘part history, part enlightened analysis, part commentary, part provocation and part mea culpa’ – The Saturday Paper reviews Blood Year by David Kilcullen.

News: State of fear outgrows insurgency label

“Simply put, the Islamic State is, or is on the verge of becoming, what it claims to be: a state.”

Read an extract from QE58: Blood Year by David Kilcullen online at the Sydney Morning Herald.

News: Karen Hitchcock's Quarterly Essay

Stephen Romei writes in the Australian that Dear Life by Karen Hitchcock “should be required reading for every Australian.”

News: That Sinking Feeling wins Walkley Award

Quarterly Essay congratulates Paul Toohey on winning the best long feature-writing prize at the Walkley Awards. His essay That Sinking Feeling: Asylum Seekers and the Search for the Indonesian Solution is a powerful and original work of reportage that reveals the lives of asylum seekers and the politics of Australia's response to them.

News: 2014 John Button Prize longlist

Quarterly Essay 50 Unfinished Business by Anna Goldsworthy and Quarterly Essay 53 That Sinking Feeling by Paul Toohey have been been longlisted for the 2014 John Button Prize.

News: 2013 John Button Prize longlist

Quarterly Essay 46 Great Expectations by Laura Tingle, Quarterly Essay 47 Political Animal by David Marr, Quarterly Essay 48 After the Future by Tim Flannery and Quarterly Essay 49 Not Dead Yet by Mark Latham have all been longlisted for the 2013 John Button Prize.

News: Political Animal shortlisted for 2013 John Button Prize

Quarterly Essay 47 Political Animal: The Making of Tony Abbott by David Marr has been shortlisted for the 2013 John Button Prize.


Event: Stan Grant at the Greek Club

Join us at The Greek Club where Stan Grant speaks about his Quarterly Essay - The Australian Dream: Blood, History and Becoming.

In a landmark essay, Stan Grant writes Indigenous people back into the economic and multicultural history of Australia. This is the fascinating story of how fringe dwellers fought not just to survive, but to prosper. Their legacy is the extraordinary flowering of Indigenous success – cultural, sporting, intellectual and social – that we see today. 


Date: 30 November 2016
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: The Greek Club, 29 Edmondstone St, West End QLD 4101.
Tickets: $15.00. Please book online.

Event: Stan Grant at Stanton Library

In Quarterly Essay 64, The Australian dream: blood, history & becoming, Stan Grant takes a deep and passionate look at Indigenous futures, in particular the fraught question of remote communities. Moving beyond simplistic talk of “lifestyle choices,” Grant explores what makes for a sustainable community and life, and then asks: what can we do to instigate change?

The author talk is followed by question time and the opportunity for book signing.

There is seating for 100 people and standing room is available. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. If you have specific accessibility or seating requirements, please contact the library prior to the event.


Date: 1 December 2016
Time: 1:00pm
Venue: Stanton Library 234 Miller Street North Sydney New South Wales 2060.
Tickets: This is a free event. Please book online.