
One of the major aims of the RSA is to raise awareness among the general public of the value of Reason and the benefits of a rationalist approach to life and living.  The Society has published a high quality journal since its formal inception in the mid 1920s, interrupted only by war and internecine strife.

The Australian Rationalist was suspended for 18 months from December 2011 to June 2013 due to the retirement of our long-standing editor Kevin Childs.  Under new editor David James, the Australian Rationalist has now been updated and refreshed.

"RSA Daily" is a relatively new addition to our suite of publications. For the time poor, we take the effort out of scanning websites and reading newspapers to bring you a daily digest of articles from Australia and abroad covering secularism, non-theism, science and philosophy, all in one appealing package delivered to your inbox every weekday. Why not try it? Subscribe here.

We also have a facebook page here and a twitter feed here.

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