
Like all associations, the RSA is governed by a set of Rules which essentially form our Constitution - the RSA Rules.

The RSA's Rules are based on the Model Rules of the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act 2012, modified to suit our circumstances.

The Rules specify the following Objectives for the Society:


1. To propound and advance Rationalism, that is, adherence to the principle that all significant beliefs and actions should be based on reason and evidence, that the natural world is the only world there is and that answers to the key questions of human existence are to be found only in that natural world.

2. To stimulate freedom of thought.

3. To promote inquiry into religious and other superstitious beliefs and practices.

4. To encourage interest in science, criticism, history and philosophy, as connected factors in a progressive human culture, independent of theological creeds and dogmas.

5. To promote the fullest possible use of science for human welfare.

6. To promote a secular and ethical system of education.

7. To print or publish original material, including electronically recorded material, relevant to the objectives of Rationalism; or re-issue any periodical or standard or notable books on matters relevant to the objectives of Rationalism and to support the printing, publication or re-issuing of the same by any other person.

8. To aid the progress of Rationalism by means of publications or literature, public lectures, or other such means and activities which may be determined from time to time.

9. To take such actions as may be desirable or incidental to the attainment of the above objects including affiliation with, or subscription to, any organisation having similar objects.

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