Committee of Management

The RSA is an association incorporated under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act.  It is managed by a Committee of seven Members that meets monthly other than in January.  Meetings are held in Melbourne with interstate members participating via Skype.

The Committee has appointed two subcommittees.  The Finance Advisory Committee monitors the Society's income and expenditure and the performance of investments and recommends changes thought desirable to maintain a prudent investment strategy. The Editorial Subcommittee oversees the development and production of the Society's publications.

Until the 2017 AGM, the Committee is:

With AnaPresident (and Secretary for official purposes)

Dr Meredith Doig
Jonathan MeddingsVice President

Jonathan Meddings

Len Buller
1-Rohan KapitanyCommittee member

Rohan Kapitany
hugh harrisCommittee member

Hugh Harris
TJ ChellewCommittee member

TJ Chellew


The Committee is ably supported by:

  • David James, Editor of the RSA's quarterly hard copy journal, the Australian Rationalist. Email David at
  • Brett Davis, Accountant (responsible to the Treasurer for financial book-keeping).

Role and Responsibilities

Committee members are responsible for both the good governance of the RSA and for promoting its aims and objectives through active campaigns.  Because the Society has no paid staff, campaigns are actively led by members of the Committee of Management.

Operational Responsibilities

  • lead at least two operational activities per year (eg, writing an article for the quarterly journal, organising an event, writing a submission)
  • participate in campaigns run by other Committee members.

Administrative Responsibilities

  • attend all committee meetings or send an apology
  • read committee meeting papers; prepare comments and / or questions
  • follow up on tasks between meeting
  • monitor the RSA’s financial position
  • as part of succession planning, seek and recommend suitable candidates for the Committee
  • persuade people to join or renew their membership of the Society.

Desirable Attributes

  • knowledge of and enthusiasm for the free-thought movement and its issues
  • event management skills
  • submission writing skills
  • time to attend committee meetings and contribute to operational activities.