Donald Trump appoints outspoken anti-vaccination campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr to ‘scientific integrity’ commission

ANTI-vaccination campaigner Robert F Kennedy Jr said he will oversee a presidential panel to review vaccine safety and science at the request of US president-elect Donald Trump in a move likely to reignite debate despite now-debunked claims that tied childhood immunisations to autism.

Kennedy, a son of the late senator Robert F Kennedy, telegraphed his agenda this morning when responding to news of his appointment to a scientific integrity commission.

“President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policy, and he has questions about it,” he said.

“He asked me to chair a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity. I said I would.

“Everybody ought to be able to be assured that the vaccines that we have — he’s very pro-vaccine, as am I — but they’re as safe as they possibly can be.”


Previously, Kennedy has accused vaccination scientists and producers of an international conspiracy and linked injuries to the Nazi holocaust.

“They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone ... This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country,” he said in 2015.

He also says he’s had his own children vaccinated.

Kennedy told reporters this morning the commission wasn’t about pushing a Trump agenda: “His opinion doesn’t matter but the science does matter and we ought to be reading the science and we ought to be debating the science.”

But repeated attempts by science to prove a link between autism and vaccines in recent decades have failed. Instead, research has highlighted how autism symptoms tend to become evident about the same age as the vaccine shots are due — whether the child has had the vaccination or not.

The Centers for Disease control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine and American Academy of Pediatrics have all published reports and peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrating there is no quantifiable evidence supporting such claims.

The cause of autism remains unknown.


President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted his support for the anti-vaccine movement, voicing (and tweeting) long-debunked claims that immunisation is linked to autism.

“Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with a massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes — AUTISM. Many such cases.”

It’s a stance Trump took with him on the 2016 campaign trail, reportedly meeting with anti-vaccination activist groups during a Florida donor event attended by discredited anti-vaccination campaign founder Andrew Wakefield.

Wakefield had his medical credentials revoked after it was revealed he acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly” when writing his 1998 Lancet medical journal paper linking vaccines and autism..

CEO of the Holland Center Jennifer Larson, who attended the event, posted to her Facebook page:

“Now that Trump won, we can all feel safe in sharing that Mr Trump met with autism advocates in August. He gave us 45 minutes and was extremely educated on our issues. Mark stated ‘You can’t make America great with all these sick children and more coming’. Trump shook his head and agreed. He heard my son’s vaccine injury story. Andy told him about Thompson and gave him Vaxxed. Dr Gary ended the meeting by saying ‘Donald, you are the only one who can fix this’. He said ‘I will’. We left hopeful. Lots of work left to do.”


Since Trump’s presidential win, thousands of US researchers have signed open letters expressing fears about his apparent disregard for the scientific process.

“Science is science and facts are facts,” Trump told Scientific American in September.

But he’s since been accused of “politically corrupting” science — or simply outright denying the evidence — when it doesn’t suit his agendas.

Senior Trump adviser Bob Walker labelled NASA’s programs gathering data on Earth’s weather trends as “politically correct environmental monitoring”.

Trump recently appointed another climate-change denier, long-term Washington staffer Christopher Shank, to oversee NASA.

“The rhetoric that’s coming out, the hottest year in history, actually is not backed up by the science — or that the droughts, the fires, the hurricanes, etc., are caused by climate change, but it’s just weather,” he said in 2015.

Trump himself tweeted in 2012 that the “concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.”

Such denial of data from multiple, independently verifiable sources collated over the period of decades — whether it be climate or medical — is the basis of the science community’s fears.

“The anti-knowledge and anti-science sentiments expressed repeatedly during the US presidential election threaten the very foundations of our society,” an open letter to Scientific American from a group of women scientists says. “Our work as scientists and our values as human beings are under attack,” he said.

Originally published as Trump hires vaccination conspiracy theorist