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Kez Casey | Feb 13, 2017

BMW Australia has confirmed that a production version of the X2 concept first shown at the Paris Motor Show in 2016 has been confirmed for a local introduction, to be followed up by the brand’s new flagship X7 SUV.

Final details for the compact X2 are still to be unveiled, but the production model is set to be based on the same mechanical package at the current X1 SUV.

BMW X2 Concept
BMW X2 Concept

As with the relationship between the X5 and coupe-styled X6, and the medium SUV X3 and X4 ranges, the X2 will differ from its more practical mechanical donor thanks to a lower roofline and tapered glasshouse, though the X2 concept shied away from the fastback styling of the X4 and X6.

BMW Australia CEO, Marc Werner confirmed the arrival of the X2 at a media event outside of Melbourne last week.

"From a pure numerical product lineup it makes perfect sense to launch an X2 between the X1 and X3, and basically follow the concept of the SAV coupes (Sport Activity Vehicles) such as the X4 and the X6, particularly as the X4 is going from strength to strength here in the market,” Mr Werner said.

“Speaking about the success of the X4, I certainly believe the X2 will be another big success for BMW in that segment,” he predicted.

At the other end of the scale a new flagship BMW X7, first confirmed for production in 2014, is also bound for Australia before the end of the decade, though Mr Werner admitted he’d much rather have it here sooner.

BMW's first tease of the X7
BMW's first tease of the X7

“Arguably this is something that we probably would have liked to see much earlier, but that’s the way it is,” Mr Werner told Australian motoring media.

“The car is coming, and that’s actually the good news. It’s confirmed for Australia, [but] still a couple of years away.”

Mr Werner went on to suggest that the X7, which will be positioned above the X5 range, had the potential to become a benchmark in its segment, lining up against high-end SUVs including the Mercedes-Benz GLS and Range Rover ranges.

Exact timing for the two new SUV models won’t be revealed until closer to launch, but the production version of the X2 is expected to makes its debut toward the end of 2017.

MORE: BMW | X2 | X7 | SUV

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