Make a Complaint

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When you make a complaint to the Ombudsman about a government action or decision, she can look into it, tell you what occurred, and whether it was reasonable or unreasonable.

The Ombudsman can also make recommendations to the government body involved about its conduct. While there are some arms of government that are outside the Ombudsman's jurisdiction - for example, the judiciary - almost all levels of Victorian state and local government come within it.

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The Ombudsman's role is to investigate the decisions and actions of Victorian government bodies.  The Ombudsman seeks to ensure the highest possible standards of public sector service delivery to all Victorians.

The Ombudsman is independent and impartial and provides a free service.

The Ombudsman also tables reports in Parliament, produces a range of fact sheets and delivers community education.

Find out more about the Ombudsman

Anyone can make a complaint to the Ombudsman. Visit our complaints page to find out more.

Click here for a full list of what we can and cannot investigate
Click here for more information about making a complaint
Click here to lodge a complaint
Click here for our Service Delivery Charter

If you would prefer to lodge your complaint in person, click here for our phone and office contact details.

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The Ombudsman has the power to investigate decisions, actions and conduct of Victorian government departments and statutory bodies and  employees of local government (councils).

This includes reviewing the lawfulness, reasonableness and fairness of an agencies' actions or decisions. While there are some arms of government that lie outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction – for example, the judiciary – almost all levels of Victorian state and local government come within it.

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An allegation made under the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 is known as a "disclosure".  The PDA provides protection from detrimental action to any person affected by a protected disclosure whether it is a person who makes a disclosure, a witness, or a person who is the subject of an investigation. 


What happens after disclosure is lodged