All aboard the Omnibus

The government is making hard work of getting its childcare package through Parliament, having stuffed it into an Omnishambles Omnibus Bill that contains various “zombie measures” from the 2014 Federal Budget that the government refuses to let die.

Cartoon: the Omnibus childcare/welfare cuts Bill

Blackmailing the Senate to get onboard, with threats to NDIS funding, seems to have backfired.

Cartoon: the Australian Political Football League

(The Canberra Times, 11 and 16 February 2017 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)

Stick a fork in the myth of Moderate Mal, it’s done

Cartoon: PM blames failure of National Electricity Market on renewable energy

The government is trying to blame failures in the National Electricity Market on renewable energy. Ross Gittins sees the sleight of hand; Richard Denniss deploys a nice metaphor using prawns to completely demolish the stage.

Inside Parliament, ministers brandished a lump of coal; outside, Professor Clive Hamilton resigned from the Climate Change Authority. It is “crystal clear that the Government has no interest in sensible climate change policy”:

Letter: Clive Hamilton resigns from the Climate Change Authority

Cartoon: political climate change affecting the Liberal Party

(The Canberra Times, 11 and 7 January 2017 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)

Deflating expectations

Polling research by Essential finds public perceptions adjusting to the reality of Malcolm Turnbull PM, “a leader that opens up debates then closes them down; who calls for a contest of ideas then slams his opponents with scare campaigns when they engage; who lacks the will to take on his own party on the issues that had previously defined him”.

Cartoon: the Canberra Political Hot Air Balloon Spectacular

(The Canberra Times, 17 March 2016)

No unicorns

The Treasurer says Labor is selling the public “a unicorn” with it’s negative gearing savings (costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and modeled at the ANU). I was happy to hang up Joe’s ears when he left, but after Mr Morrison’s performance at the National Press Club, the unicorn comment was a gift too hard to pass up.

Cartoon: Treasurer calls Labor tax policy a unicorn

(The Canberra Times, 19 February 2016 | cartoon gallery)

New website

The first Scratch! Media website was built last century in Notepad (‘Teach Yourself HTML4 in 24 Hours!’). It’s probably time to update it.

Please bear with me while I kick it into shape between daily deadlines. This cartoon outfit is not unlike the government’s tax reform one:

Cartoon of the government's tax reform process

(The Canberra Times, 9 February 2016)

The old site can be found here. And you can find all my recent cartoons in my Canberra Times gallery.