Progress Magazine


Progress has been our flagship for over 100 years maintaining an independent voice in the fight for true economic freedom.

Each edition contains leading stories from around the world on the importance of harnessing economic rent. Editor David Collyer continues the evolution of Progress as a highly analytical tool for those seeking greater education in Georgist economics.

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Sample a Previous Article from Progress Magazine

The Short Stories section is always full of goodies. The back cover showpieces an important Georgist figure from our grand history like Sir Stamford Raffles (PDF, 315KB).


We have carefully maintained a library of the magazine’s history for members to come and enjoy in the comforts of our Punch Lane office. Articles like ‘Economics – High Rents Good, but High Wages a Scandal’ (Progress April 1st, 1907) hit you between the eyes with the speed they delve into the source of many problems.

We also have a vast array of journals from around the world. It is remarkable to sit back and enjoy the writings of the ‘Strolling Reporter’ and his investigations into economic segregation in Harlem (1942). With just a quick flick you can soon be back in 1893, reading about “The Modern Juggernaut” or standing in Carnegie Hall, New York with our on the spot reporter at the first political convention for Women’s Suffrage (Chicago’s ‘The Public’, Nov 5, 1909)