Progress Magazine

Gaetano Filangieri – Royal Exposé


  Part of the Geoists in History series, a biographical take on influential economic thinkers, taken from our 112 year old Progress Magazine. “I propose to introduce the reform gradually and with the greatest care. A tax particularly burdensome should be first taken off, its net amount accurately calculated, and an equivalent laid upon the land. […]

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Andrew Carnegie – economic reformer?


Part of the Geoists in History series, taken from our 112 year old Progress Magazine. Andrew Carnegie     (1835 – 1919) “The most comfortable, but also the most unproductive way for a capitalist to increase his fortune, is to put all monies in sites and await that point in time when a society, hungering for […]

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The Natural Source of Public Revenue


By Clare Tindall. This is an excerpt of a piece that was originally presented almost 50 years ago, at a Georgist Youth Night in 1967. It was published in the October 1967 edition of Progress Magazine. It is at such a time as this, when we are filling out our taxation forms, and when sales […]

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Using Georgist Insights to Make Sense of the World


During a recent e-news I pointed out how Georgist understandings help make sense of the world. I asked e-news readers (sign up in the right hand navigation bar, home page) to describe how they use knowledge of economic rents to decipher their world. The winner received a book – The Stewardship Economy. Paul Meleng was […]

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Progess Edition 1103


Download Progress Sept – Nov 2011 (PDF 4.5MB) Letter from the Editor This edition of Progress carries the theme “Framing the message of Henry George in the 21st century”. Thank you to everyone who contributed articles, I’m pleased with the quality and diversity of the work received. You will find a broad and intelligent analysis […]

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Home Buyer’s Strike and the Housing Bubble Bursts


This is an article written for our Progress magazine. Grab a free trial subscriber’ship today. Download the Home Buyer’s Strike special edition. On March 15, Prosper announced to the media that first home buyers were on strike and refusing to commit at current inflated prices. This campaign was created as a warning to naive buyers […]

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Inequality in Western Europe


photo credit: papaija2008 Why the social-liberal model has failed.
 Niels Charlier of the Georgist Education Association of Western Australia. As published in the Progress Winter edition, 2010. Get your free copy here Over the past few decades, the wealth gap in Western Europe has been widening. Several studies have shown this [1]. In other words, […]

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The Counter-Enlightenment


Michael Hudson The Counter-Enlightenment, its Economic Program – and the Classical Alternative Based on a talk given to Prosper Australia on Friday October 16th, 2009. First published in Progress Magazine – Autumn 2010. Download Progress #1096 here. The last few years have seen Social Democratic and Labour parties fall into disarray throughout the world. Retreating […]

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Raising Revenue from Mineral Deposits


photo credit: ToOliver2 Dr Gavin Putland Taken from the Dec – Jan edition of Progress.

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New Look Progress Magazine


The new look Progress Magazine, 105 years young, is hitting mailboxes around the country. Get a trial subscription to keep abreast of the frontiers of privatisation and the blowback we are applying. The September edition includes a Hudson special, with leading intellect Dan Sullivan providing insights on the core issues re privilege on land, resources […]

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