
Does Berejiklian want to play Monopoly? Does Perrottet?


Damien Perrottet, deputy to the new NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, is retreating from the former Baird government’s plan to sell a 35 year lease of the NSW land titles register. NSW’s conservative government is ahead in the polls – and Berejiklian appears determined to keep it that way, even if it means abandoning unpopular measures. […]

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Andrews government funds Futbul – not people in need


The Australian Football League has bought the Docklands Stadium freehold asset that cost $460m to build in 2000 from the Andrews ALP Victorian government for $200m – allegedly to assist “tenant clubs struggling under onerous deals to play at the roofed venue.” In nine years time they were set to get it for just $30 […]

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Land Use Corrupted by Economics and Religion


by Bryan Kavanagh reposted from ECONOMICS Economics is about how we produce and distribute our wealth. This is important because it’s about us: about our daily lives. But we’ve outsourced economics to economists who don’t understand the role of land within political economy. They’ve put themselves upon a pedestal as high priests of a […]

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Does your SMSF have a goat?


Those with a Self Managed Superannuation Fund who hold englobo land in Victoria will need a fresh accessory after the state budget: a goat to eat weeds. Treasurer Tim Pallas has kindly extended the englobo wheeze that deems unimproved land within urban growth boundaries to be primary production land and exempt from State Land Tax […]

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It is still land, even underwater.


The High Court of Australia has affirmed the right of a west Tasmanian council to levy rates on the seabed. It is still land, even underwater. Council saw the land under eight marine farming leases as ‘rateable land’, Tasmania’s Valuer General declined to value them as not ‘Crown lands that are liable to be rated […]

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Metricon wins land-tax case – everyone loses


The national pastime of withholding land from use and enforcing scarcity has been boosted in the NSW Supreme Court when developer Metricon won a land tax case against the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue. Metricon successfully argued grazing a few cows to keep the grass down on land it had bought for residential development made […]

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The good ol’ boys clean up


Fairfax’s Michael Pascoe writes today about Murray & Frijters’ study Clean Money in a Dirty System: Relationship Networks and Land Rezoning in Queensland which found politically connected developers gained $410 million through favourable rezoning decisions in Brisbane in the years 2007-2012. Cameron Murray and Paul Fijters of University of Queensland comprehensively scoured records and assembled […]

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China’s Economic Fundamentals Exposed


With 8.5% of the Shanghai Composite wiped off on Black Monday, the risky world of speculative capitalism is under the microscope. As Steve Keen reminds us, Chinese private debt was very low post 2008, but debt to GDP has since grown by 80%. A hefty 35% jump in private debt to GDP occurred in 2010, […]

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The freeway to full employment


LC_24 via Compfight Letter to the Editor Australian Financial Review June 18, 2015 ACCESS TO LAND FOR EVERYONE The member for Eden-Monaro, Dr Hendy, suggests it is “crazy” to change negative gearing or capital gains tax arrangements and  instead we should accept as a “fact of life” that more Australians will become renters, not homeowners (“Renting will […]

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Hudson: Labor Incentives in the Ancient Near East


Prof Michael Hudson on the Ancient Near East by Renegadeeconomists on Mixcloud 04/01/2015 An interview on the new Michael Hudson book – Labor in the Ancient World, the latest in the series on the Ancient Near East, co-edited with Piotr Steinkeller.  Karl: Welcome to the Renegade Economists with your host, Karl Fitzgerald. This week we’re stepping back […]

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