
The Hidden Role of Rent


Fred Harrison summarises the various studies analysing the role of economic rents and why it is hidden from economic analysis. The interview is conducted by Andy Mazzone (Henry George School of Social Studies) as part of the Smart Talk series.

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Foreign investor tax slug spreads


Catherine Cashmore appeared on Channel 9 news last night to discuss the fact we are building the wrong type of stock to meet our growing community. The report compared the 80,000 apartments due to come onto the market over the next few years with the 80,000 vacant properties we identified in the Speculative Vacancies report. […]

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Property Lobby’s million dollar no-show


On Friday May the 13th the entire real estate industry launched into full attack-mode against those willing to reform negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount. The ALP and the Greens have both announced reforms targeting the subsidy to landed interests. That night Channel 10’s The Project sought to find a representative to discuss […]

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The Easy Economics of High Speed Rail


Last week I was invited to give a presentation at Melbourne University to the Beyond Zero Emissions discussion group on the ability of Land Value Capture to finance infrastructure. They also asked for an Econ 101 type introduction. In 2014, BZE released a report Zero Carbon Australia High Speed Rail. It is within this context […]

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If We’re Going to Pay Tax


“If we’re going to have to pay tax we should pay tax in the most efficient, the most reasonable and most equitable way.” So said Fairfax journalist Michael Pascoe on this week’s Renegade Economists radio show. Transcript Karl Fitzgerald: This week listeners we’re with Michael Pascoe, one of Australia’s most respected economic commentators, you see […]

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Saul Eslake, Negative Gearing and Policy Promise


Renegade Economists radio show #430 Read the show notes. Subscribe to the leading Georgist weekly podcast. Karl Fitzgerald: And welcome the Renegade Economist with your host, Karl Fitzgerald. And, my, oh, my, hasn’t it been in the news, negative gearing, there’s been a huge change in sentiment not only from both political parties, but from […]

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Influence public debate this way


Our fortnightly Evolving Economics enews. Subscribe here. Having trouble reading this newsletter? View it online. The enews of Prosper & Earthsharing Australia February 2016 SLF Festival this weekend Earthsharing Australia will be spreading the message of earth rights economics at the Sustainable Living Festival (SLF) again this year. The crowd is dominated by progressives who […]

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Rentiers and the Evolving Online Commons


The Renegade Economists radio show airs 5.30pm Wednesdays on 3CR and is podcast so that you can listen at your convenience. Plug in your mp3 player and listen as you commute. For those that like an email reminder, sign up to the Mixcloud page to have the show emailed weekly. Recent shows include a Rentiers […]

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Tax Inquiries or Comedians?


Subscribe to our fortnightly Evolving Economics Enews. Having trouble reading this newsletter? View it online. The enews of Prosper & Earthsharing Australia January  2016 NSW Privatisation of Land & Property Information Concern is mounting over New South Wales Premier Mike Baird’s desire to privatise the New South Wales Land and Property Information services. He is […]

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Friendly Jordies versus Property Speculators


Referencing our eighth Speculative Vacancies Report, Friendly Jordies breaks it down for the everyday person. When are politicians going to get more proactive on the incredible advantages property speculators enjoy? Resources: Zine – Shareholders of Planet Earth Roots Revolution (1985) Watch one of the top 100 films to change the world, Real Estate 4 Ransom […]

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