Prosper Australia Research Institute

The Prosper Australia Research Institute (PARI) was granted tax deductible status in late 2014. Its’ purpose is to raise funds for research and promotion into the rising inequalities accompanying the complexity of the Australian tax system. Such analysis will investigate the economic inefficiencies caused by a tax system penalising productive work whilst encouraging rent seeking and tax evasion.

Your support will help build our education and campaigning to reduce Australia’s 125 taxes to a leaner, fairer and more sustainable system. With only ten taxes raising 90% of all government revenue, we must find a way to shift the burden off the productive sector, whilst giving our kids hope for the future.

Read our reports

Policy submissions, commentary

PARI is administered by the Prosper Australia executive. Research grants are provided by PARI’s independent Research Committee, consisting of Emiritus Professor Frank Stilwell (Uni Sydney), Leo Foley, Derek Mortimer, Patrick Sunter and Karl Fitzgerald.

For further enquiry, contact Karl Fitzgerald via 03 9328 5792 or email.

The Prosper Australia Research Institute raises finance for research into economic rents. We need your support to counter the influence of rent-seekers dominating public policy. All donations above $2 are tax deductible.

Donate today!

Alternately, send one off or monthly donations via:
Bendigo Bank
Prosper Australia Research Institute
Account: 150444115

Donations of $2 and over made to PARI are fully tax deductible. Please email your name and details for a receipt from PARI after payment.

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