
Derek Mortimer & Shirley Graves-MortimerWe are a Melbourne based boutique law firm with expertise in not-for-profit and charity law and are uniquely placed to provide our high level skills direct to you.

Our clients receive dedicated legal services with the firm’s principal, Derek Mortimer, personally handling all matters.

Our clients appreciate our technically excellent, cost effective and timely advice, relevant to their needs.

Our clients include persons wishing to establish charities and not for profit organisations, organisation members and board members, private and public ancillary fund trustees, public museums, welfare funds, religious institutions, and professional associations.

Our areas of practice include:

  • not for profit and charity internal dispute mediation and governance 
  • establishment and operation of charitable trusts, associations, companies and non-distributing co-operatives
  • ACNC registrations, tax concessions and tax deductibility
  • restructures, mergers and winding up.

Derek is recognised as a leader in developing mediation processes to effectively address internal disputes within not for profit and charity type organisations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation