Awarding Australia’s international prize for peace

1c789c8e-539f-41f7-a800-4e979a79ebc5“Conversations in Peace” – be inspired by the world’s leading voices on peace, justice and nonviolence

This volume includes the groundbreaking Lectures of the first 14 recipients of the Sydney Peace Prize (1998-2011), including Nobel Laureates Muhammad Yunus and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former leader of Amnesty International Irene Khan, the Indian novelist Arundhati Roy, environmental scientist Dr. Vandana Shiva, indigenous leader Patrick Dodson, and the inimitable academic activist Professor Noam Chomsky.

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Peace with Justice

We advocate for peace with justice - recognising that to achieve true and lasting peace, we must, beyond ending war and violent conflict, address deep injustices and structural inequality.

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Why a “Sydney Peace Prize”?

By awarding an international prize for peace, Sydney recognises leading peace makers, celebrates their inspiring achievements and learns about peace, justice and nonviolence.

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Noam Chomsky on Donald Trump’s administration: how we got here, and why he is concerned

2011 Sydney Peace Prize recipient Professor Noam Chomsky has been incredibly vocal about the dangers posed by a Trump presidency, well before the primaries and certainly after the inauguration. The below two interviews illustrate Chomsky’s view on how the United States’ unique form of democracy gave rise to Trump, and why he has serious concerns about President […]

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A Moment to Change the World: The Sydney Peace Prize Story

Human rights are for everyone, equally, universally, and forever. Unfortunately in today’s world, many people are denied a life in dignity. The challenges to peace and justice are daunting, but now is not the time to falter. 2017 will mark the awarding of the 20th Sydney Peace Prize. In celebration of this milestone, the Sydney […]

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Naomi Klein on Donald Trump’s administration: What’s really going on, and how we can resist

Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine and Trump’s Disaster Capitalism 2016 Sydney Peace Prize recipient Naomi Klein has written a two powerful pieces analysing the flurry of executive orders which have been trucked through by President Trump since his inauguration last month. Klein urges us to see beyond the policies to the administration’s motivation: to create […]

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Mary Robinson: “Strong moral leadership is needed to combat populist tide”

“If we are to have any hope of making any constructive progress in 2017, all responsible politicians, civil society and business leaders must stand firm and reassert our basic, common values of dignity for all.” Writing in the Financial Times as the World Economic Forum 2017 opens in Davos, 2002 Sydney Peace Prize recipient Mary […]

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