President Trump Under Siege By The Dark State

Netanyahu - The US And Israel Have A Grand MIssion Ahead
…To Confront Iran (That Means Another War For Israel)

Is The NSA The Real President Of The United States?

How The Spooks Played The Game, 'Kill Mike Flynn!'

Coup Underway To Weaken Or Oust Trump

Open War Declared As Deep State Goes Nuclear
...Says 'Trump Will Die In Jail'

Trump Must Knock Down The 3 Deep State Pillars

NYT Anti-Trump Jihad

McMullin - President Trump Is A 'Domestic Enemy'

Obama Expanded NSA Power Days Before Leaving Office

The Jewish White House - Top Adviser Stephen Miller

Kushner Is Mossad...& Israeli Intel On An Industrial Scale In US

Report - Soros Gave Jared Kushner $259 Million
Line Of Credit - Kushner Said Behind Trumps Grief

The Guy Trump Just Put In Charge Of
Economy Has Deep Ties To George Soros

Kirwan - Shredding The Soros-Clinton Purple Revolution

Chelsea Clinton Supports 6x Deported Violent Convicted Criminal Illegal Alien

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 6 - pdf
Wake Up! We're At WAR, Like It Or Not!

Guess WHO Is Selecting The Muslim Illegals Being Sent West

Stone-Throwing Muslims Bloody Christians In MI

US Pastors Pres - Jihadists Practice What Koran Teaches

Sweden Took 162,000 Muslims In 2016, 494 Got Jobs

Nutter de Blasio Paradrops Leaflets Over Schools - 'We
Won't Turn Our Back On Immigrant Brothers & Sisters'

Communist Courts - Living By Christian Faith Illegal
Does That Make Living By ISLAM Illegal, Too?

African Attacks On White Australians Increasing

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 5 - pdf


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Devvy Kidd

FREE Listen - 1-10-17 Jeff & Devvy MP3

Illegal Alien-Loving Rogue Sheriff - Indict & Arrest Her

California's Big Threat to Protect Illegal Aliens



Listen Free MP3
- Kirwan On Rense

Netanyahu - The Cheshire Cat Is Back

Kirwan - Shredding The Soros-Clinton Purple Revolution

Trump…The Citadel Of Broken Dreams

To Hell With "The First 100 Days"

3rd Term Moonbeam Kills Last Of Dad's CA Legacy


Jeff With Gilad Atzmon & Br Nathanael On The Greatest Threat To The World - FREE Listen

Why Michael Flynn Resigned

Trump Fights Israel's War On Iran - Vid

My Jewish Past (Vid)

'Mad Dog' Mattis Barks At Russia (Vid)

Trump Takes A Dip In The Jewish Swamp - Vid


Paul Craig Roberts

Roberts - Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia

Roberts - Has Establishment Opted For Nuclear War?

Roberts - Bannon Is 100% Right - Media Is Now The Opposition

Roberts - Lifting Sanctions Could Be Costly To Russia


Gilad Atzmon

Jeff & Gilad Atzmon - Bibi & The Deal - FREE Listen MP3

Atzmon - Exactly Who Is It That Is In Denial?

Atzmon - Rabbis Fake Solidarity Once Again

Atzmon - The More Juif Becomes Theresa
The More Antisemitic Becomes Britain


Down The Rabbit Hole

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 6 - pdf
Wake Up! We're At WAR, Like It Or Not!

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 5 - pdf

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 4 - pdf

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 3 - pdf

DtRH - The Review Of The Holy Koran Continues - Part 2 - pdf

DtRH - The Holy Koran - An Honest Review Of The Horror Continues - Part 1 - pdf

DtRH - Muslims Bringing Exotic, Deadly Diseases With Them - pdf

DtRH - Obsession With Annual Growth Rates - pdf

Preston James, PhD

American Political Cronyism

Abuse Of American Men And Castration Of Mind And Heart (Down On The Farm, Part III)

The Coming War On Pedophilia


Prof James Fetzer

Obama's Efforts To Obstruct Trump Transition

More On Michael Robinson Becoming Michelle Obama

Fetzer - US, Intl Experts To Alt Versions Of 9/11 Attacks


Patricia Doyle

Guess WHO Is Selecting The Muslim Illegals Being Sent West

African Attacks On White Australians Increasing

Drug Resistant Malaria In UK Brought In
By Blacks Going And Coming From Africa

Malaria Superbugs Threaten Global Malaria Control

Feds Warns Of Elevated Terror Threat From Mexico

Too Late For America Already?


Yoichi Shimatsu

Listen FREE MP3
Pizzagate Update

Yoichi Shimatsu's Stunning PizzaGate Series
Concludes With More Staggering Revelations - Pizzagate 10

Cloud Over Amazon WaPost And
Trumped-Up In Moscow - Pizza 9

Capriccio For A Sausage Fest By
Chef Alefantis - PizzaGate 8

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Pedophile Savile
Haunts NY Times - PizzaGate 7

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Strange Days In
The Snopes-DHS-ICE Underworld - PizzaGate 6

Shimatsu Exlclusive - For Anyone Who
Still Believes Snopes Is An Abuse Victim - PizzaGate 5

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway
Child Porn & Macedonia Fake News - PIzzaGate 4

Shimatsu Exlclusive - It Takes A Spillage...
Of Blood...To Awaken - PizzaGate 3

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Are The PizzaGate Pimps
For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? - Pizzagate 2

Shimatsu Exlclusive - PizzaGate Is A Giant
Step For Investigative Journalism - Pizzagate 1

Rothschild’s TNK-BP Intriguers
Drafted The Trump-Russia Report


Frosty Wooldridge

Listen FREE MP3

McCarran-Walter Act - Trump Stands
Solidly On Law To Ban Terrorists, Killers

Madonna's Thoughts On 'Blowing Up The WH


David Duke

Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links

FREE LISTEN - Jeff & David Duke 6.15.16

Baton Rouge…Black Lives Matter...& They Murder - Vid

The Dallas Massacre & The War On Whites - Vid


Robert Steele

Robert Steele - Donald Trump’s Next 7 Moves

Robert Steele - One-Page Memo To Trump
On Violent American Spring, What To Do

Former CIA Spy Has A Surprising Message For Trump

Donald Trump, The Accidental President - Under Siege!
A Soft Coup Rages Within A Closed, Rigged System

12 Ways The Two-Party Tyranny Rigs The US Electoral System Exclude Independents, Small Parties And 70% Of The Eligible Voters


George Webb

DynCorp Organ Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Pt 2

DynCorp Harvest…Killing Is Good Business, Pt 1

Gerald Celente

In The Age Of Stupid, Consequences Of Disaster

Celente - Warren Buffett 'Dead Wrong' On US Future!


Dean Henderson

Baker Family Tumbleweed

Harken Energy


Mike King - Tomato Bubble

Meet The Man Who REALLY Started World War II

'Proud' To Be An American? Really?


Charles Smith

Softwar - The ID Reapers...Stealing Your Life Is A Crime

Podesta & Ex-CIA Boss Mike Morel Meet 6 Days
Before Morell Testifies On Clinton Emails

Softwar Gift - The Feature Twitter Refused To Add


Jordan Maxwell

FREE Listen - 9-5-16... MP3 File

Congressman Admits US Is A CORPORATION!

America's Youth


Charlotte Iserbyt

DeVos And Education…We Let It Happen

You Just Lost Your Right To Vote On Education


Jon Rappoport

What Is Liberty? What Is A Mind?

To The People Of Europe Who Still Believe In Freedom


Stephen Lendman

Anti-Trump Campaign Claims First Victim

Russia No Comment On Flynn's Resignation

Federal Judge Rules Against Halting DAPL Construction

Kiev's Aggression On Donbass Continues

Trump Signals More Support For Useless NATO
And Its Backing Of The Illegal Ukraine Govt

Saudi Terror-Bombing In Yemen - Now Trump War
He Has Inherited All Of Bush, Cheney, Obama Wars



We Are In An Age Of Staged Events - Morris

Saintly People All Fight For The Oppressed - Morris


Breaking All The Rules - BATR

All The Fake News That's Fit To Print

Special Privileges For Feds

Patriotism And Civil Disobedience

Soros, Leftist Loons Want A Civil War


Kawther Salam

Russia Speaks On The Future Role Of Gas Energy Mix

The 2nd Iranian Trade Conference Exposed US Dirty Play

The Role of Advanced Medicine For The Care Of Refugees


Jay Weidner

Weidner - It's Been 3 am For Over A Year Now...

Rense & Weidner - Psychopathic Satanic Evil Everywhere - Vid

Smoking Out The Monster

Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD

March 15, 2013 Interview

Chiappalone - Could It Really, REALLY Be The End?

The Scene is Set

Suffering Is Inevitable... Enjoy It! Part 3


John Barbour

John Barbour's Speech, JFK Assassination Conference, November 19, 2016

John Barbour Open Letter To Bernie The Betrayer

Bush Splash


Frosty Wooldridge Adventures

Learning To Live Above Your Demons

A River Runs Through It


Matt Barber

The Myth Called 'Race'

Hillary’s Fall - Specs, Lies And Video


Dave Martin

How RFK Could Have Saved His Life, And His Country

Three Accurate Poetic Predictions?

JFK - From An Office Building With A High-Powered Rifle

Post Gives Away 'Sucker-Punch' Game


Professor Doom

(Your) Penn State Scandal Cost - $237 Million

New York To Offer Free College...Sort Of

Anti-Communists Not Allowed On Campus

Leftist Courses Targeted By Conservatives?


Dave Lindorff

Is Sanders’ End Game To Sell Out His 'Revolution’?

Dem Convention Delegates Story Nobody Mentions

The Problem Is That Clinton IS Qualified For Pres


Xaviant Haze

Robin Williams Death From Autoerotic Asphysixia?

The Secret History Of Laurel Canyon

Dr. Ed Ward, MD

Happy 13th Year And 514th Day Anniversary Of US Treasons - Too Many to Count All

Boston Bombing Treason - Four Important Articles

First Israeli Friendly Fire ‘Soldier Settlement’ Kill?


Ted Twietmeyer

Genetically Modified Dragon Fly With Backpack Is A Spy

Cartel Wars Coming To The US-Mexico Border?


Barbara Peterson

The Game Is Rigged - InfoGraphic


I.C.U.P. Inc. – Where Employees Are Paid To Work, Not Pee


 Joe Tells It Straight

JoeTalk - It's Time For A Posse

JoeTalk - JFK All Over Again

JoeTalk - Trump…Don't Play Their Game

JoeTalk - Stand Up


Betty Martini

How Aspartame Is Made

Diet Drinks Make You Fat & Trigger Digestive Problems

Eat, Drink, & Be Buried - Aspartame Is A Carcinogen

Open Petition - FTC - Obesity, Death From Aspartame


Jill Henderson

Fenugreek - The Forgotten Herb

A Bygone Bee Gum

Ozarks Green In December


Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Breast Cancer Is Caused By Pleomorphic Bacteria

Coccoid Forms Of Bacteria & The Cause Of Cancer


E.T. Williams - The Dr. Of Common Sense

ET Williams - Americans Must Prepare For War

Obama Apologizes For Hiroshima - What About Pearl?


Anthony Lawson - (Five Stars - Rense)

In Memory Of Anthony Lawson - Vid

Anthony Lawson's Last Video - Sexual Consent & Israel's Biggest Lie - Vid

Friends Of Israel Are Enemies Inside The Gates - Vid


Vital Data

State Dept Says #1

Declared Communist
Goals In US - Familiar?

The Eve Of Destruction

Images Of Heroic
American Activists

Spilling The Beans -
The Trouble With Soy

Jeffrey Smith - GM Food
Danger, Potential
- Vid

Clif High

Free Audio
2012...The End Of 
Life As We Know It?

Images And Data

Climate Change Catastrophe
Took 6 Months

Benjamin Freedman -
Facts Are Facts

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 1/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 2/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 3/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 4/4

Jesus Was NOT A Jew -
Benjamin Freedman

Confessions Of A
KGB Master Spy

How A Zionist-Communist Takeover Happens - Vid

The Dark Side
Of The Internet

Click Here

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Turkey - Stunning UFO
Video - The Best Ever?

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part I

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part II

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part III

Betty Martini
Toxic Aspartame

Click Here

Cell Phone Dangers

The Hidden Dangers Of
Cell Phone Radiation

Brain Tumors From Cell
Phones - More Evidence

UK Schools Outlawing
WiFi In The Classroom

Secret Report On Cell
Phone Dangers & Tetra

12 Basic Life-Saving
Cell Phone Use Precautions

Toxic China

Click Here

Eustace Mullins

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Royal Raymond Rife

Rife Documentary Trailer #1

Rife Documentary Trailer #2

Rife Documentary Trailer #3

Rife Therapy Treats Lyme Disease

Dutch TV Talks Rife


The Battle Of LA 1942

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Disclaimer And Fair Use

Bare Naked Islam

Refugee Resettlement Watch - Tracking The Invasion

Guess WHO Is Selecting The Muslim Illegals Being Sent West

US Pastors Pres - Jihadists Practice What Koran Teaches

Sweden Took 162,000 Muslims In 2016, 494 Got Jobs

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 5 - pdf

Why Should Muslims Feel Entitled To Move Here?

Germany's Horrific Muslim Rape Crisis - January 2017

Churchill Saw It Coming…Look & Read His Stunning Speech

State Dept Loaned Muslims Money To Travel Here!
Muslims Are All Defaulting On The Loans! (shocker)

When America Applied ‘Extreme Vetting’
To White Christian Refugees

Australians Segregating Against Muslims
To Protect Their Daughters

Iraqi Archbishop - Where Were Protesters
When ISIS Came to Kill Christians?

Yazidis To Anti-Trumpers - Where Were
You During Genocide Against Us?


Jeff Rense & Charles R. Smith - Chaos In DC


'Scorpion' Robot Mission Inside Fukushima Reactor Aborted

China's Fukushima Radiation Warning Scares Tourists

Fukushima 2017 - Our Sixth Year Of The Apocalypse


CIA Agent - Flynn Was Ousted After Obtaining DC Pedo List

SecState Tillerson FIRES Deep State '7th Floor' Traitors

A Civil War Is On Between The Deep State & Trump

DHS Insider Warns 'It's Spy Versus Spy'

The Deep State Targets Trump

Who Rules The United States?

Roberts - The Trump Presidency...RIP

Trump's ex-NSA Michael Flynn Meets His Match

Trump Going After Leakers

Donald Trump Orders DOJ Of Intel Leaks…Says
Flynn Was Just Doing His Job (then bring him BACK)


Ex-Gawker Group Launches TellOnTrump.Com With Ad
Campaign Targeting Potential Government Leakers

How It Will Work - Tell On

Robert Steele - One-Page Memo To Trump
On Violent American Spring, What To Do

What The Hell? Trump Labor Nominee
Supports Amnesty & Cheap Foreign Labor!

Gen Kellogg's Disastrous Role In The Iraq War, Occupation

Trump On Russia - Getting Along Is Great
...Sinking Their Ships Isn't

Robert Steele - Donald Trump’s Next 7 Moves

Pompeo Denies CIA Hides Intel From Trump

Trump Repeals Obama's Job-Killing Stream Rule

Chaffetz Seeks Charges vs Ex Hillary IT Aide Pagliano

Russia Denies Putin-Trump Relations Have Chilled


Insider Interview With DHS - PizzaGate, PedoGate, More

According to Fake News Pukes, President Trump
And NOT President Obama Divided America

CBS Anchor - The Press Ruined Its Own Reputation

Nearly 2 Million Illegal Hispanics Registered To Vote

King County WA Seeks $750,000 For Muslim Invaders

African-American Woman Slams Sanctuary Cities
Says 'Sanctuary Cities Are Racist'

WH Denies AP Report 100,000 Troops To Round Up Aliens

CNN President Praises Trump-Bashing Agenda

Jerry Kushner Complained About CNN Trump
Coverage In Meeting With Time Warner Execs

Assange Chides Trump’s Anti-Leak & Fakes News Stance

Facebook Live Streams Four Murders In One Day

On A (blessed) ‘Day Without Immigrants’ President Trump
Puts Thousands Of AMERICAN Coal Miners Back To Work

Br Nathanael - Trump Fights Israel's War On Iran - Vid


NYT Big Lies About Trump's Ties To Russia

Establishment Forms Bloc vs Trump Getting Along w/Putin

Trump Chaos, Deep Yiddish State, Putin Cools It - Morris

Mixed Trump Administration Message On Russia

Why Reports On 'Russian Fake-News' Are Fake

Moscow Denies Russian Media Told To Write Anti-Trump

Russian Intel Ship Approaches US Naval Base In Virginia

US Imperial Lawlessness

Putin - NATO Trying To Force Russia Into War

Moscow Warns NATO On Its Black Sea Buildup

NATO To Boost Naval Presence In Black Sea

NATO's Provocative Zionist Anti-Russia Buildup

NATO Deployment In Baltics Is 'Defensive' - Mattis (BS)


US Defense Industry Rubs Hands With Glee
As Mattis Demands NATO Allies Spend More

Kirwan - Netanyahu...The Cheshire Cat Is Back

US Senators Seek New Anti-Iran Sanctions

Israeli Tool Trump Accuses Iran Of Backing Terror

Iran - US, Israeli Leaders New Claims Are 'Worthless'

Trump Burning Iraq Bridges Over 'Take The Oil' Remarks

Tillerson Denies US Willing To Scrap Iran Deal

Israel To Proceed Building West Bank 'Settlements'

Record Number Of Pal Homes Destroyed By Jews In 2016

January Bloodiest Month Since June In Israel

Hezbollah Urges Israel To Dismantle Dimona Reactor

Russian Long-Range Bombers Launch New
X-101 Cruise Missile Strikes On ISIS In Raqqa

Br Nathanael - Why Michael Flynn Resigned


Will Kiev's War On Donbass Spread Elsewhere?

Globalization - First World (USA & Others)
Subsidize Chinese International Shipping Costs

At 'World Govt Summit' Top Globalists Drop Their Masks

In Davos, Globalists Hail Leadership of Communist Chinese Tyrant

US Communities Targeted For 'Blue Zone' Social Eng

CDC Cancels ‘Phony’ Climate Change Conference

Defense Contractor - Altering Atmosphere For Military Goals

USAF Said Developing Replacement For F-35 Turkey

Lockheed to Supply Poland Laser-Guided F-16 Bombs

General Dynamics To Build 2 Virginia-Class Nuke Subs

Senators Bill Hastens Missile Transfer To Counter Russia

Why Did CIA Hire Legendary Psychic Ingo Swann?


Oroville Dam Tested By Three Storms In One Week

Internal Secession & The Road To Ruin - Two Countries

Road To Hell Was Paved With College Safe Spaces

Media Silent As Mystery Illness Plagues Residents
One Year After Historic LA Gas Leak

Russia to Clear Entire Soviet-Era Debt By Year End

‘The Eurozone Isn’t Working’ - Greenspan

Greece - 'Not One More Euro' From Its Impoverished People

French Cops Get More Rights To Use Weapons In Self-Def

Poll Predicts Merkel Loss Of Chancellor Post To Rival Schulz

German Intel Clears Russia Of Election Interference


Netanyahu - The US And Israel Have A Grand MIssion Ahead
…To Confront Iran (That Means Another War For Israel)

Priebus Gives Most Important Job In White House To
DiStefano - To HIRE Over 500 KEY Admin Personnel

Press Can't Stand That Trump Isn't Afraid Of Them

CIA Boss Pompeo Says Nothing Being Hidden From Trump

Trump's Approval Rating Continues To Rise

Journalists Upset Trump Calls On Conservative Media

Trump Blasts Jewish Reporter For Set-Up, Same Old
'Anti-Semitism' Crap - Another Lowlife 'Journalist' Exposed

How Spooks Played The Game - 'Kill Mike Flynn'

Forget Flynn - Logan Act Could Ensnare Top Est Insiders


Illuminati, Human Trafficking & Satanic Ritual Death Exposed

Illuminati Scientists Plan To Alter And Control
Our MINDS - Distort Morals, Plant Memories

Rand Paul Walks Out On Paul Ryan Obamacare Mtng

Doubts Grow That GOP Can Repeal Obamacare

Biggest EU Banks Off On The Mother Of All Debt Binges

Why So Many Families Are
Feeling Extreme Financial Stress

FBI Raid Massive Pedo Ring At US Adoption Agency

FBI - Mass Arrests Made In Sex Trafficking Sting In Detroit

Chelsea Clinton Supports 6x Deported
Violent Convicted Criminal Illegal Alien

The Mystery Of Wikileaks' Cryptic 'Vault 7'
Do You Know What This Means?

Doom - (Your) Penn State Scandal Cost - $237 Million

USGS Records Small Earthquakes Near Oroville Dam


CA Schools Cut Meat, Cheese From School
Lunches Because Of Global Warming

Maryland May Teach Kids Boys Presumed
Guilty In Rape Accusation Cases

GOP Bill To Eliminate The EPA Is
Literally One Sentence Long

Trump & The Inevitable Financial Crisis

Prof Says Trump Election Is 'Terrorism'
Student Records It, Gets Suspended

State Medical Kidnapping, Forcing
Dangerous Treatments On Children

Modern Education And The System Of Deception

Ex EPA Sr Scientist Confirms Fluoride Lowers Kids IQ

The Arch Of The Temple Of Baal’ Has Debuted In Dubai

8 Things Congress Has Done While
Everyone Was Distracted By Trump

WI Univ Students Demand Free Tuition For Blacks

Top 4 Reasons CNN Gets Called 'Fake News'

It's Against German Law To Call Muslim Rapists 'Scum'


DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 6 - pdf
Wake Up! We're At WAR, Like It Or Not!

JoeTalk - It's Time For A Posse

Scientists Plan To Refreeze The Arctic

Obscure Fault SoCal More Dangerous Than Thought

Drones Will Fly People Around Dubai This Summer

Police Investigate UFO Sighting In Spain

Aliens Almost Certainly Existed - Churchill

Navy Says No UFO

New Vision For ET Disclosure

Spying On You Through Your Prescriptions?

Slightly Strange History Behind Fingernail Clipping

Student Investigated For Giving Homeless Free Haircuts

Eight Secrets Of The Taj Mahal


Harward Says NO To Trump - Rejects National Security Post

Is The NSA The Real President Of The United States?

How The Spooks Played The Game, 'Kill Mike Flynn!'

Verge Of Treason - US Spies Withhold Intel From Trump

'Info Civil War' Between US Intelligence, Trump Admin

Kucinich Backs Trump, Gives Dire Warning On Deep State

Trump - 'I Didn't Come Along And Divide This Country'

Trump Urges 'Failing' NYT, Other Media
To Apologize Over Leaking Classified Data

Trump Attacks ;Low-Life Leakers'

Machon - ‘Flynn Sacrificed To Stop Trump
From Resetting US Relations With Russia

Putin Orders Russian Media To 'Cut Back'
On Positive President Trump Coverage


Western Media Bias Becoming Blatantly Obvious

Republicans Ask DOJ To Probe Illegal Leaks On Flynn

Public Should Demand To See The Flynn Transcript

Trump May Name Ally To Do Review Of Intel Services

Report - Trump To Send More
US Combat Troops To Syria

SOCOM Commander - Govt In 'Unbelievable Turmoil'

29,000 Ink Petition Urging Trump To Expel Soros From US

Kushner Is Mossad...& Israeli Intel
On An Industrial Scale In US

Will Trump Succeed In Restoring America, Or Will
His Enemies Drag Him (And The Country) Down?

Dems & Neocon Warmongers In Unholy Alliance vs Trump

Lawmakers Intro Bill To Stop Trump Lifting Russia Sanctions

No Change in Pointless US Hostility Toward Russia

Trump - New Russian Missile Won't Harm US
Ability To Work With Moscow In Future

Pentagon Chief Rejects Military Co-op With Russia
(More Apparent Conflict Within Trump Administration)

Mattis Has Little Doubt Russia Interfered In Elections

Senator Admits US Hands Just As Dirty As Russia's


Explosive New Hacking Scandal Has Dem Fingerprints

USAF Orders Low Frequency Upgrades To B-2s

Lockheed Gets Two Trident Missile Contracts In A Week

ACLU Boss Quits After Daughters Find Men In Bathroom

Now ‘Gays’ Force Beliefs Onto Christian T-Shirt Maker

Oroville Dam Officials Should Have Listened To Warnings

Oroville Crisis Exposes The Vulnerability
Of Entire US National Dam System

NYT Uses Valentine's Day To Promote 'Holocaust'

Atzmon - Exactly Who Is It That Is In Denial?

Netanyahu Says Trump Is 'Greatest Supporter Of Israel

Trump Accuses Iran Of Seeking To Develop Nukes

Iran Slams US For 'Biased' Meddling In Its Affairs

Pals Support Trump’s Call For Israeli Settlements ‘Pullback’
(Trump Plays Political Theater…Nothing Will Slow 'Settlement's)


Adolf Hitler Impersonator Arrested In Austria

US Strikes, ISIS Sabotage On Key Syrian Dam

Guess WHO Is Selecting The Muslim
Illegals Being Sent West

'Let All Illegals Into Oscars Unvetted Or You're Bigots'

Stone-Throwing Muslims Bloody Christians In MI

US Pastors Pres - Jihadists Practice What Koran Teaches

Sweden Took 162,000 Muslims In 2016, 494 Got Jobs

Nutter de Blasio Paradrops Leaflets Over Schools - 'We
Won't Turn Our Back On Immigrant Brothers & Sisters'

Communist Courts - Living By Christian Faith Illegal
Does That Make Living By ISLAM Illegal, Too?

African Attacks On White Australians Increasing

Muslims Kill Christian Pastor in Central African Rep

No Charges For Suspected Muslim Hate-Crime Hoaxer

Beloit Student Faked Muslim Hate Crime For Attention

Putin - NATO Keeps Trying To Draw Russia Into War


Intl Terror Armies' Get Support From 'Certain Nations' - Putin

Russian Security Prevented 45 Terror Crimes In 2016 - Putin

Putin Orders Reinforcement Of Russia Far East, Arctic Borders

2nd Suspect In Kim Jong-nam Murder Nabbed In Malaysia

China May Bar Foreign Ships From Passing
Through Its Territorial Waters

US Eyes Large-Scale Navy Revamp Plan

Indian Navy Trains To Fight Chinese Subs In Major Dril

Farage Warns Euro Parliament - 'You're In
For An Even Bigger Shock In 2017'

Nationalist Wilders Becomes Frontrunner Of Dutch Election

Only 20% Of Europeans Want Muslim Immig To Continue

Hunger Games: Swedes Told To 'Stock Homes With Food

Deutsche Bank - No Link Between Trump Finances, Russia

Soros Bought Huge Goldman Sachs Stake After Trump Won


Globalists Strike Back - Major Push Toward Cashless Society

The Goal Of Socialists Is Socialism - Not Prosperity

College Demands Females Have Vaginal Ultrasounds

NV Senator Intros Bill Outlawing Microchipping Humans

High Path H7N9 In 2017 Taiwan Case

Mystery Of Woman Who Fell
To Death At 9/11 All Seeing Eye

Oculus, Ground Zero All-Seeing Eye
To 'Open' Each Year On 9/11

Global Effort To 'Repeal And Replace' United Nations

Efforts To Cause Global Warming, Ice
Melting Indication Is Scientifically Found

12 TSA Agents Indicted For Smuggling $100m Of Cocaine

JoeTalk - JFK All Over Again

Drug Resistant Malaria In UK Brought In
By Blacks Going And Coming From Africa


Teachers Resign After Secret Vid Shows Them
'Playing' The Sick, Crude 'MFK' Game

IRS Won't Reject Tax Returns That Don't
Answer Health Insurance Question

PayPal Freezes CDN Company's Acct Over Word 'Syrian'

St. Louis Passes Bill To Be Abortion Sanctuary City

After 40 Yrs, Heiress Gets Wish That Her
Villa Would Become A Winter White House

Getting Rich Off Left-Wing Activism

Planetary Lockdown, GeoEngineering & The Deep State

Mortgage Delinquencies Rise Most In 7 Years

Zealandia - Study Confirms Earth Has Hidden Continent

Woolly Mammoth On Verge Of Being Brought Back


Coup Underway To Weaken Or Oust Trump

Open War Declared As Deep State Goes Nuclear
...Says 'Trump Will Die In Jail'

Trump Must Knock Down The 3 Deep State Pillars

NYT Anti-Trump Jihad

McMullin - President Trump Is A 'Domestic Enemy'

Obama Expanded NSA Power Days Before Leaving Office

The Jewish White House - Top Adviser Stephen Miller

Report - Soros Gave Jared Kushner $259 Million
Line Of Credit - Kushner Said Behind Trumps Grief


The Guy Trump Just Put In Charge Of
Economy Has Deep Ties To George Soros

Kirwan - Shredding The Soros-Clinton Purple Revolution

Soros-Backed Group Urges EU To Nuke 'Populist' Poland

Trump Turns Truth On Its Head For Rogue State Of Israel

Fed, State Cops Execute Warrants On NH Rep Who
Owns 3 Pizza Shops Many Think Are Pedo Related

PizzaGate Arrests And Busts Said Occurring

Lavrov And Tillerson To Meet In Germany

Flynn - Minding Our Own Business vs Saving The World

Flynn's Head Rolls, Is Trump's Next?

The Imperial Presidency Of Donald Trump


Soros-Backed Group Urges EU To Nuke 'Populist' Poland

Trump - 'Fake News Media Is Going Crazy
With Conspiracy Theories Blind Hatred'

Washington Is Out to Get Steve Bannon

Moore Calls For Hillary To Be Installed, Trump Arrested

Obama’s Minions Aim To Humble Trump Presidency

Crews Work Late On Oroville Dam Emergency Spillway
Three Storms Due In 6 Days

Trump Leaks = NSA, Beacon Global Strategies?

NSA Whistleblower - The Agency Is Illegally
Recording Trump’s Phone Calls To Oust Him

Obama Gave NSA Special Powers To ‘Take Down Trump’

Trump Asks Bibi To 'Hold Off On Settlements A Bit'
Backs Off Endorsing 'Two-State' Solution

Trump Says Russia 'Stole' Crimea

Russia Tells Trump Crimea Won't
Be 'Given Back' To Ukraine

Unacceptable White House Demands On Russia

'It's Over Folks' - The Neocons & The Deep State
Have Neutered The Trump Presidency

Roberts - Has The American Establishment
Opted for Thermo-Nuclear War?

Conspiracy In DC To Destroy Trump's
Inner Circle And Then Trump Himself

NWO RINO Jew Bill Kristol Backs 'Deep State' Over Trump

Top Neocon, Kristol, Exposes True Undemocratic Self

NYT Commits TREASON In Fake
News Try To Overthrow US

NYT Intent On Wrecking Trump's Administration

Word-Manipulation Used To Destroy Trump's Econ Plan

Kellyanne Conway Bashing Actually Targets Trump

Govt Ethics Office Urges 'Discipline' Against Conway

Kirwan - Trump…The Citadel Of Broken Dreams

Trump Renews Fights w/Intel Agencies - 'Just Like Russia'

The US Military's Plan To Take Over America

NYT Fake News on Trump Campaign Aides
In Contact With Russian Intelligence

US Media Reports Of Trump Ties To Russian Intel 'Laughable'

Trump - 'Russian Connection Nonsense' Is
Attempt to Hide Clinton Campaign Mistakes


NYTimes Admits No Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Found

Trump Lost Loyal Supporter In Flynn Who
Sought Better Relations With Putin And Russia

Obama Admin Supporters Led Secret Anti-Flynn Effort

Loon Michael Moore Tells Trump 'Resign By Morning
Or Face Impeachment, You Russian Traitor'

Trump To Take Action Against Classified Leaks

Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI

Goodbye, Gen. Mike 'Fukushima' Flynn
Abe-TEPCO’s Agent in Washington

Flynn's Departure Ends - Trump Being Different - Morris

NYT Journalist Admits Calling The First Lady A ‘Hooker’

PA College Dems 'Invite' Students To Wear White Pins As
Reminder Of 'White Privilege'

Scientists Claim Left-Wing Violence Caused By Warming!

Despite Media Hysteria, No Rise In Deportations
From US to Mexico

Trump Continues US Imperial War On Venezuela

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Pt 5 - pdf

Why Should Muslims Feel Entitled To Move Here?


Germany's Horrific Muslim Rape Crisis - January 2017

Churchill Saw It Coming…Look & Read His Stunning Speech

State Dept Loaned Muslims Money To Travel Here!
Muslims Are All Defaulting On The Loans! (shocker)

When America Applied ‘Extreme Vetting’
To White Christian Refugees

Australians Segregating Against Muslims
To Protect Their Daughters

Iraqi Archbishop - Where Were Protesters
When ISIS Came to Kill Christians?

Yazidis To Anti-Trumpers - Where Were
You During Genocide Against Us?

The Jacksonian Era And The Trump Interlude

Trump Deploys 500 US Troops & Tanks To Romania

France Invaded Germany 3 Times Between 1914-1939


Pentagon Gets New Armored Vehicle For Major War

$202 Million For Upgrading Patriot Anti-Missile System

Pentagon Wants New 500 lb Guided Bombs For F-35A

USAF May Have Solution For F-35 Pilot Weight Problem

Israeli Companies Scored $1 Billion From F-35 Deals

Lockheed Gets $500m For New Trident Nuke Missiles

Spain To Send 6 Tanks & 350 Troops To Latvia For NATO

Canada - $309m To Upgrade 141 Light Armored Vehicles

US Apache Helicopters Now Can Control Drones In Flight

Poland Modernizing With Black Hawk Choppers

Oroville Dam Latest In Series Of CA Govt
Corruption And Environmental Failures


Trump Drops Two-State Solution Ahead Of Bibi's Visit

Germany Postpones Summit With Israel

Several EU Lawmakers Urge Action Against Israel

Woman Arrested In Killing Of Kim's Half Brother

First Daesh Tank Attack in Iraq Shows 'Vile Criminal Racket'

US Killing 5 Times More Syrian Civilians Than Russia

Iraqi Forces Grab 200 ISIS Fleeing Syria

Some 5,000 Chinese Militants Fight in Syria

NATO 'Spared No Expense' On Russia Carrier Escort

Mex Alert After Theft Of Container With Rad Materials

Ashton Kutcher Near Tears In Opening Testimony
At Senate Hearing On Human Trafficking

GMO Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure

Rats With Human Kidneys


Human-Mouse Hybrids Get Freakishly Large Brains

Humanized Milk Produced By GMO Goats

GMO Mice Given Human Anal Sphincters

10 Different Forms Of Human-Animal Hybrids

Pigs Now With Human Blood

Sheep With Human Livers

Cow Eggs With Human Cells

Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins

Era Of Human-Animal Hybrids Has Begun

Malaria Superbugs Threaten Global Malaria Control

Robert Kennedy & De Niro Expose Mercury In Vaccines

Porky's Dark Age - Ukraine Facing Massive Power Outages

2 Of 3 Germans Want Merkel Out


Is The European Union Becoming The 4th Reich?

Trump To Unveil 'Passive-Aggressive' Currency War w/China

What Will Trump Do About The Central-Bank Cartel?

Rogers On Death Of Cash And Total Govt Spending Control

Biggest EU Banks Embark On The Mother Of All Debt Binges

Slave Labor Nike, Runs Equality Ad During Grammys

Rolls-Royce Posts Historic £4.6 Billion Loss For 2016

Iran Has Found 30 Billion Barrels Of Oil

NASA To Launch Cloud-Forming Rocket Into Space

Musk Sees Human Colonies Beyond Mars

Mars 2020 - Final Three Landing Sites Revealed

Record Numbers Living In Sexless Marriages In Japan

China Registers 2 New Cases of H7N9 Bird Flu


Defibrillator Battery Failures! - 34 Shutdowns During Use

Gut Bacteria Claimed To Cause Alzheimer's

Indian Rangers Protect Rhinos By Shooting Poachers

Clay Pots Restore Life To Water

Great Political,Social Leaders Always Call Out Bankers

Definite Evidence, and Maybe even Proof, of Reincarnation

Big Yale Study Shows Vax Tied To Multiple Brain Disorders

Science Sheds Light Why Microwave Heating A Bad Idea

First-Time Hacker Shut Down 20% Of
Dark Web In Fight Against Child Porn

Emergency Wound Care

Young Lottery Winner - $1.6m Prize Ruined Her Life

Earth’s Inner Core Remains Solid Despite Extreme Heat

We Don’t Know Much About Meds For Moms

Fake 'Holocaust' Narrative Invoked At Jewish
Organized 'Refugee' Rallies Across America

Aiding, Abetting, Harboring, Encouraging Illegals A Felony

Muslims Murdered 80 Million
Indians - Took Children As Slaves

Islamic Slaughter Of India - Bloodiest In World History - Vid

Trump Security Behavior At Mar-a-Lago Questioned


Conway - Trump Takes Info Leaks Very Seriously

Did CIA Just Stage Micro-Coup Against Trump Admin?

Was Pence In The Dark About Flynn?

Defiant Flynn Shares Thoughts Just Before Resignation

Dems On Flynn - 'This Is Just The Beginning'

Hannity - DC Swamp Is Rising To Take Trump Down

Secret Service Director Clancy Leaving Agency

US Spies Keep Intel From WH - They Know Russia Listens

MSM Panic As WH Questioners Become More Diverse

All The Fake News That's Fit To Print

Germany - US Combat Copters
Arrive For NATO Deployment

PressTV-White House Headed For Early Staff Shakeup?

Gee, Remember When Obama Literally
Whispered Into Russia's Ear?


Bush Family Colluded With Hillary In Try To Stop Trump

Robert Kennedy On The Vaccine Autism Coverup

Trump Crashes Mar-A-Lago Wedding With Shinzo Abe

Violent Protestor Who Blocked DeVos Is NPR Contributor

Tucker Has Berkeley Protest Leader Explain Fascism

J P Morgan And Commodity Manipulation

J.K. Rowling Goes Silent After Getting Challenged
To Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

FB Scrubs Vid Of 'Comedian' Calling For Trump's Death

CNN - Beyoncé Grammy Loss To Adele Due To 'Racism'!

Russian Scientists Find Haul Of Meteorite Material In Iran

Roberts - Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia


Germany Freaks As Greece May Ditch EU For Dollar

Declassified - How America Planned To Invade Italy

The US Military’s Plan To Take Over America

Where US Kept Its Actual Treasure Before Ft Knox

Vid Shows Sales Team Forced To Simulate Sex Acts

Weed Prices Dropping

Big Snowstorms Are Quite Bad For Men’s Hearts

The Crippling Fear Of Everlasting Life

Why Happy Music Makes You Do Bad Things

Oceans Are Churning Towards A Fishless Future

88 New Satellites Will Watch Entire Earth 24/7

My Name Is Cassidy (15) And I Was Raped


CIA Broke The Law To Take Out Its Critic General Flynn

Shocker - Trump Expects Russia To 'Return Crimea'
To Corrupt Ukraine - This Will Never Happen

Trump WH Wants 'Action' Against N Korea For Missile Tests

Leaks About Flynn - Trump Hunts Spies In His Admin

Russian Officials Defend Flynn - Say Trump Admin
Seems Now To Be Infected With Russophobia

Was Flynn's Sacking Hillary's Revenge?

Trump Responds To Flynn Resignation
'The Real Story Here Are The Illegal Leaks'

Hillary Says Pizzagate In Smirk Tweet To Flynn

Michael Flynn’s Resignation - A US Establishment Coup

Wiki - Flynn's Loss Caused By 'Destabilization'


Anti-Trump War Claims First Victim

Corporate US Setting Up 'War Rooms'
To Prep For Potential Trump Tweets

NATO Accuses Russia Of Fake News,
While Hysterically Warning Of WWIII

US Studying Russian Nuclear Capability

US Spots Russian intel Ship Off East Coast

Russia 'Secretly' Deploys Banned Cruise
Missile In 'Latest Challenge To Trump'

Troops In Western Russia In Snap Combat Check

FBI Uses 48 Questions To Estimate Terrorism Risk

Michael Phelps Used Meds Banned for Horses

US Rabbis Want Potential Envoy To Israel Rejected


Israeli Govt May Use Polygraphs In Debates Leaks

The Horrific US Slaughter-Bombing Of Dresden

US Using DU On ISIS - Spreading Radioactivity In Syria

Russian MoD Slams HRW's 'Amateurish'
Claims Syrian Army Used Chemical Weapons

Human Rights Watch Fake News on Syria

Schlichter Shoves Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals'
Right Back In 'The Left's Ugly Face'

Michael Phelps Used Meds Banned for Horses

Fed Judge Rules Against Halting DAPL Work

Creating ADHD Is The New Education

Kim Jong Un's Half-Brother Assassinated In Malaysia

SPD Likely To Beat Merkel CDU In German Elections

Is The European Union Becoming The 4th Reich?

Br Nathanael - If Putin's A Killer, America's A Butcher


India 4th Country To Have HomeMade Eye In The Sky

India Pollution-Linked Death Rate Rivals China

Brazil Deploys 9,000 Soldiers To Fight Rio Crime

Greece To Hire Rothschild As Debt Adviser (huh?)

A New Jacksonian Era? Part 1

'Euro May Already Be Lost' - 'No Way To Avert Break-Up'

Credit Suisse - Another 6,500 Layoffs After 2016 Loss

Toshiba Warns Solvency In Jeopardy After
Massive Nuclear Unit Writedown - CEO Quits

Toshiba Keeps UK In Limbo Over $1 Billion Nuke Deal

Putin Period Described As Best In Russia's Last 100 Yrs

50% Of Russians Feel Unaffected By West Sanctions

1,000s Of Medical Studies Found To Be Worthless


Leaks About Flynn - Trump Hunts Spies, Moles In His Admin

Oroville Dam - 200,000 May Not Return Home For 2 Weeks

Israeli Pres - Annex West Bank, Give Pals Citizenship

Trump Taps Gen Joseph Kellogg As Flynn Replacement

Could Reince (Brutus Prebius) Be On His Way Out?

American Political Cronyism

Think The TPP Is Gone? Wrong - It's About
To Get Replaced With Something Much Worse

WaPost Fact Checker Defends Muslim Terrorists


Roberts - Globalization Of Environmental Degradation

Putin & Trump Will Meet At G20 In July

CIA Publicly Honors Massive Terrorist State

‘Blackwater Air’ Is Back & Flying For US Special Forces

Californians Open Homes To Oroville Dam Evacuees

Google's New AI Learned To Be 'Highly Aggressive'

The Coming Class Wars

Goldman - Global Growth Has Run Its Course

Carbon Taxes, Cow Gas And Central Planning

GOP Bill Would Gut EPA...We Can Only Hope

NSC Staffers Purge Social Media Of Anti-Trump Posts


NSA Contractor Accused of Stealing Data Far
More Sensitive Than the Snowden Docs

The Mystery Of WikiLeaks' Cryptic 'Vault 7' ?

Indicator Of Imminent Potential Financial Crisis

'Overpaid' CEOs A Risk For Investors

BoA Has Opened 3 Employee-Free Branches

How Algorithms (Secretly) Run The World

GeneWEAVE - Introducing Smarticles

Jerry Sandusky’s So Arrested On Child Sex Charges

JoeTalk - Something's Coming

UFO Sightings Video February 2017

French Election And Greece Panic Markets


Austria Gets Its First Bitcoin Digital Currency ‘Bank'

Schools In US Finally Pushing Back Start Times

Peppertree Disarms Most Dangerous Bacteria

Why Is The Passenger Seat Called 'Shotgun'?

Primitive Plants Survive 2 Years In Space

World Press Photo Contest 2017 - Winners

Health Dangers Of Fracking

How I Deal With Liberals

What Is Osteoarthritis

There Are Over 200 Bodies On Mt Everest

History & Science Behind Your Terrible Breath


Trump Taps Gen Joseph Kellogg As Flynn Replacement

Trump's National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, Resigns

Danger Increases At Oroville Dam…Days Of Rain Due

Tons Of Rocks Used To Try To Bolster Failing Spillway

Biggest Fear At Oroville Dam…
A 30' Wall Of Water Roaring Downstream

Oroville Crisis - Floodplains In Neighboring 3 Counties

Senate Confirms Two More Trump Jewish Cabinet
Picks - Munchkin For Treasury, Shulkin For VA

KCRA Live Coverage Of Oroville Dam & Evacuations

Officials Frantically Try To Make Repairs In
Emergency Spillway - Live Updates

Oroville Dam Evacuations Extended To Sutter County

Update On Oroville Dam & Hole In Emergency Spillway

188,000 Under Evac Orders Over Failing Spillways
At Oroville Dam In Northern CA


Trump, Bannon Said Considering Firing Flynn
Over Russian Phone Calls Scandal

‘We See Eye-To-Eye’ - Bibi On Way To Meet Trump

Trump's Mixed Messages On Moving US
Embassy From TelAviv To Jerusalem

Iran - Trump’s Number One Evil State To Be

Trump Sends US Military Helicopters To Germany
As Part Of NATO-US Anti-Russian Buildup

Ships From 4 NATO Countries In Black Sea Drills

Is Trump Another War President?

Grassley, Key Senate Ally, Hits Out At Trump

Tension And Controversy In Trump's Inner Circle

Why Donald Trump Needs Next Recession
To Start As Quickly As Possible


Campaign To Impeach Trump Continues

Trump Backs Japan Over E China Sea Islands
China 'Seriously Concerned And Opposed'

N Korea's Latest Missile Traveled Farthest Yet

N Korea - Missile Test Success, China Rejects US Criticism

N Korea Boasts Of ‘Successful’ Missile Launch

North Korea - America's Punching Bag

‘Everything Within 400 Yards Was Incinerated’ Says
Dresden Survivor Of American WW2 Genocide

My Memories From The Fake News Business

Trump & CNN Fight Over POTUS Comments..Again

Maduro Kicks CNN Out Of Venezuela
Accuses It Of Spreading Fake News

WaPost Admits Shutting Down 'Fake News'
Will Move Us Closer To A Modern-Day 1984

Kiev's Aggression On Donbass Continues

Softwar - The ID Reapers...Stealing Your Life Is A Crime


Kiev Used WMDs On Donbass Civilians

Shameless Jews Fight Over 'Holocaust' Restituion

Proof That Right Wingers Are Better Looking

Hong Kong Reels Over Disappearance China Billionaire

Moscow Brands Russian Cyberattacks On UK ‘Fake News’

No Evidence Of Russian Cyber Attacks Against UK

Sex Assault, Violence, Rape 'Too Common'
At France’s Dunkirk Refugee Camp

Steinmeier Elected President Of Germany

UK Govt Plan To Jail Journalists As 'Spies'

US Carrier Bush Pounding Daesh From Mediterranean

Russian MoD Drone Vid Of Gorgeous
Roman Theater In Palmyra blown Up By ISIS

UN Offers Israel's Livni Under-Secretary Gen Post

Israeli Ministers Vote To Silence Mosques


Infamous KKK Imperial Wizard Found Dead

Judge Forces Town To Return $3 Million
To Residents Fined By Traffic Cams

US-Born NASA Employee Detained At Airport

Engdahl - Will Superweeds Choke GMO
To A Timely Death In America?

Doom - New York To Offer Free College...Sort Of

Have We Forgotten How To Look Up?

Strange Things Going On In The Antarctic - Videos

Ark Of Gabriel Discovered…And
What They Don't Want You To Know

Ark Of Gabriel - Journey To The Antarctic

Arch Angel Gabriel - Alien Hybrids

Mysterious 'Ark Of Gabriel' & Russia's Interest In Antarctica

Experiencing Spiritual Flatlining?

Iceland’s Witchcraft Museum


Eating Toward Immortality

How Brewing Beer Changed A Lifeform For Good

Martian Volcano Unlike Anything On Earth

Ride Along With A Rover In The Mars Yard

UFO NASA Files -The Unexplained

Alleged ET-Human Hybrid & Latest FOIA Requests

UFO Kills Electronics, Creates Fog?

Tom DeLonge To Launch Investigative UFO Series

'UFO Capital Of The World'

Space Calendar 2017 - Launches, Sky Events & More

The De-Sexing Of Man And Woman


Six Cosmic Catastrophes That Could End Earth Life

Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump
Protesters Just Miles From White House?

An Alleged Muslim Spy Ring - Is This
Why Rex Tillerson Cleaned House?

Trump Turns NeoCon - No Longer Pro-Russia & Peace?
Now Pro-NATO, Sends US Troops, Tanks To Russia Border

NWO Enforcer - NATO Threatens WW III

GOP Delay Of Trump Agenda Confirmed In Real Time

Why Couldn’t Rat Ryan Be One Of The Good Guys?

Lavrov - Kiev Troops In Donbass Can't Be Hidden

Trump Admin An Israeli Zionist Tool Via Haley?
No More 'US Should Avoid Foreign Entanglements'?

Kirwan - To Hell With The First '100 Days'

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz On Pedophile
Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Jet


Lord Rothschild - 'My Family Created Israel' (true)

Psycho-Zio-EU - Jean-Marie Le Pen Charged
Over Alleged 'Anti-Semitic' Pun

Trump Blowing Smoke On Possible
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal

Racist Liberman Wants Arab Citizens Out Of Israel

Lieberman - All Palestinians Should Leave Israel

NFL Players Heed Pro-Pal Call To Boycott Israel Trip

Trump Now Says US Embassy In Tel Aviv Isn't Moving

US, Japan Howl Over N Korea's Newest Missile Test

CIA Reveals US Intel Used Psychics To Spy On Iran

The US Against Iran - A War Of Apples vs Oranges

US Military Special Forces Deployed
To 70% Of The Entire World In 2016

Sergey Lavrov Straight Talk

Trump Adviser Says 'Enormous Evidence' Of Vote Fraud


Chaffetz Accuses Paid Protesters Of Being
'Shipped In' For Chaos At Republican Townhalls

Republicans Facing More Synthetic Protests Around US

Beware Of Trojan Horses In Women's Protests

Newspaper Accidentally Replaces Trump
With Alec Baldwin Photo, Laughter Ensues

Steele - Memo To The President - Warning Of A Violent
American Spring, 8 Actions To Make America Great Again

Nuclear Insanity

Black Lives Matter Leader Says White People
Are ‘Sub-Human’ And Suffer From ‘Genetic Defects’

Huff Post Author Attacks Racist BLM Co-Founder

Trump On New Immigration Policy
‘You’ll See Something Next Week’

Trump Adviser - Might Be New EO To Deal w/Illegals

Maps Show Muslim Horror Crimes In Germany In 2016

Slavery & Rape Just Fine According To
Georgetown Islamic Studies Professor

Blacks Taught Islam Is Their 'Original' Religion


DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 4 - pdf

72 Muslim Terrorists Came From 'Trump Seven'

Muslim Savages Rape 15 Christian Women
In Uganda ‘Revenge Attack’ For Conversions

North African Muslims Allegedly Rape
Milan, Italy Schoolgirl On Commuter Train

Merkel's 'Free Trade' - Import Muslim Hordes
For Free Then Pay Them Millions To Leave

ISIS Can Buy UK Passports On The Deep Web

Muslim Man Marries, 8 Yr Old And
Then Does Something Even Worse

Muslim In Germany 'Beheads Girlfriend In
In Ritual Killing' In Berlin Apartment

Hundreds Arrested In Immigration Raids Across US

ICE Rounds Up 44 Criminal Aliens In Texas Capital

Mexicans To Fight Trump By Jamming US Courts


'We Are Here To Fight' - Mex Illegals Said
To Prefer Being Arrested To Deportation

Videos - Violent Anti-Trump Protesters In Austin
Wave Latino Flags As They Block Traffic

Mexicans In US Sending Home More Money Than Ever

Anchor-Baby Teens Join Their Deported Felon Mom

Bill To Split ‘Nutty’ 9th Circuit Court Gains Momentum

Ninth Circuit Court Now Demands
It Be Protected From Itself…

More Sanctuary Cities To Cave Under Trump Threats

Time To Boycott Sears And Kmart

Milo OBLITERATES Student Who Called
Him A 'White Supremacist'

Rogers - Worst Economic Problems Of A Lifetime
Coming - A Lot Of People Will Disappear

The Coming Class Wars

Huff Post Author Attacks Racist BLM Co-Founder


The Assad interview CNN Will Never Show You

Erdogan - Turkish Army Will Move On To Raqqa

15,000 Rally in France Demanding Release
Of PKK Leader Held By Ankara

Pedo Peter Gerard Scully's Partner, Liezyl
Margallo, Charged Over Web Stream Torture

USTA Sorry For Playing WW2 German Anthem

Veterans Again Stand For Standing Rock

Army Vets Human Shield Around DAPL Protesters

Judge Orders Feds To ID Agent In Bundy Case

Education - Taught The Soviet Russian
Skinnerian-Pavlovian Dog Training Way

British MP Blasts Obama As 'Unsuccessful'...'Catastrophic'

West MSM Losing Audience - People Look To Alt News


BBC, The Times & The Independent Attack Sputnik
...What They're Not Telling You

More 'Fake News' From PBS

Another Season Of John Oliver - Shameless Shill

The Economist Does It Again

Economic Unions - Easy To Enter Costly To Exit

5.2 Quake Hits New Zealand's South Island

China - First Case Of H7N9 Human Infection Of 2017

Even Crash Test Dummies Are Now Made Obese

Passengers Flee UAL Flight After Pilot
Goes Off On Bizarre Trump, Clinton Rant

Turning Dragonflies Into Drones


More Whales Strand In New Zealand - Over 650

Internet & Your Brain Are More Alike Than You Think

Why Are Boys 5x More Likely To Develop Autism?

Robo-Bees Could Aid Insects With Pollination Duties

Austin Cops Taser Man For Dancing At Bus Stop

How To Tell If It's A Cold Or The Flu

NASA Plans To Drill Europa In Search Of Life

The Toxic Hellhole That Is Venus

The Tangled History Of Big Bang Science

Record-Breaking Oz Summer Heatwave Continues

Experiencing Spiritual Flatlining?

Iceland’s Witchcraft Museum


Awesome Drone Footage Of Destroyed Oroville Spillway

California's Drought Is Over…For Now

Trump Condemns N Korea Missile Launch But
Continues Putting US Troops Along Russian Border

72 Convicted Of Terrorism From 'Trump 7' Countries

Trump To Escalate Failed, Phony War On Drugs
But He Won't Leave The Opium In Afghanistan...


Top Flynn Deputy Denied Highest Clearance

Fourth Muslim Group Rejects Fed Grant To Fight Extremism

Raging Lunatic Communist Merkel Wants
To Bring 12 MILLION Muslms To Germany

US Halts Vetting Of Oz Rejected Muslims

Britain CAN Quit EU Without Brexit Agreement

Obama Stayed In DC To Assist Soros Destroying Trump

Just In Case You Forgot, Obama's Father
Was Communist Frank Marshall Davis…Look

Convicted Black Sex Offender Charged In
The Murder Of White OSU Co-Ed

6 Geniuses Who Believed In Jewish Conspiracies

Russia Has Declared War On Porn

Roundup Residues In Foods Tied To Liver Disease


Trump Signals More Support For Useless NATO
And Its Backing Of The Illegal Ukraine Govt

Neocons Use Ukraine To Reverse Trump Plan
To Thaw Relations With Putin & Prevent War

Trump Growing Frustrated With Running WH, Say Aides
Many Are Afraid Of Zionist Son-in-Law Advisor Kushner

Trump, Putin & The Fear Of Operation Barbarossa II

Trump Golfs It Up With Abe - Press Kept Away

INCREDIBLE - Trump's CIA Boss, Pompeo, Gives
Saudis A Medal For 'Combatting Terrorism' !

Trump - New Muslim Travel Ban Coming

Trump To Ink 'Brand New' Muslim Temp Travel Ban

Trump’s Border Wall Now Estimated to Cost $21.6 Billion

100s Of Undocumented Aliens Arrested In US

Mex Citizen Gets 8 Years For Illegally Voting In TX

Election Official Asks Trump For Proof Of Vote Fraud

Trump Quashes Rumors Of Elliott Abrams For #2 At State


Trump's FCC Chairman Threatens Free, Open Internet

Trump's FDA OK's Hiking Drug Price By 7,000% !

Another Incredibly Dumb Nikki Haley Statement At UN

Americans Reject Media War On Trump
After Years Of Slobbering Pro-Obama Bias

LaBeouf's Anti-Trump Museum Exhibit Shut Down

Anti-Trump Liberal Calvin Klein Gets Vulgar

Bashing Trump An Effort To Equate Populism & Fascism

Trump Regime Created By War In The Deep State?

US Investigators Allegedly Corroborate
Some Statements From Trump Dossier

Senators Seek Data On Any Goldman
Sachs Links With Trump Economic Policy

Merkel Offers Cash For Muslims To Leave

The EU Country That Cracked Down On Muslims


FBI Terror Task Force Probes Dakota Pipeline Protesters

'Evidence I Never Worked For Russia’ - Snowden

Trump Says Iran's Nuclear Deal Is
Inconceivable And Disastrous For Israel

Trump - 'I Don't Want To
Condemn Israel Over Settlements'

Jews Organize ‘National Day’ To Protest Trump

Egypt Sought Israel Support In Giving Islands To Saudis

Iran May Let Russia Use its Airspace
To Support Operations in Syria

Iran Military Reveals New Missiles, Rockets

US Flags Set On Fire During Rally In Tehran

Assad Rejects Trump Plan For 'Safe Zones' In Syria

Assad Dubious Of ANY US Help Fighting Terrorism

Syrian Army Reaches Oil Deposits,
Kicks ISIS Out Of Homs Desert


Pentagon Not Providing US MANPADS To
'Any Group in Syria' After Obama's Waiver

Trump - US In Military Buildup Of Forces In Iraq

Daesh Trying To Open New Front In Afghanistan
Using Turkey As Gateway

Donbass Investigators Prove Kiev Secret
Services Were Involved In Givi's Murder

Russia's Lawmaker Not Ruling Out
Accidents During Ukrainian Missile Drills

Porky Says No Alternative To Minsk Agreements

West Violates Its Own Rules In Balkans i

EU Far Right Parties Surge In Latest Polls

Merkel Forced To Deny Plans For
European Nuclear Superpower

Majority Of Europeans Want Trump-Style
Clampdown On Muslim Immigration

News Copter Vid Over Emergency Spillway Flowing

Oroville Dam Operators Forced
To Use Emergency Spillway


Lake Oroville Overflows Into Emergency Hillside
Spillway, Regular Spillway Disintegrates Further

US Gamma Radiation Report For Weeks 3 And 4

Global GeoEngineering Alert News Update - 2-11-17

Le Pen Win Will Cause 'Massive Sovereign Default' (BS)

Austria Gets First Bitcoin Digital Currency 'Bank'

Europe Accelerates Move To Eliminate Paper Money

Northrop Wins Contract for In-Space
Maintenance On Missile Defense System

US Navy To Shut Down Two Carrier Air Wings?

Japan To Play Larger Military Role In US Alliance

Tepco’s Toughest Robot Fried By Fukushima Rad

Astonishing Radiation Destroys Fukushima Robot

Floating Garbage Island Nears Thailand's Tourism


News Copter Vid Over Emergency Spillway Flowing

Oroville Dam Operators Forced To Use Emergency Spillway

Lake Oroville Overflows Into Emergency Hillside
Spillway, Regular Spillway Disintegrates Further

Sacrificing Spillway To Try To Avoid Overflow
At The 770 Foot Tall Oroville Dam

Hushed Possibilities - ‘Uncharted Territory’ As
Lake Oroville Rises Toward The Damaged Dam

Trump Moves Still More US Tanks, Heavy Armor
Toward Russia, Ukraine Border - 'Peace President'?

Trump To Issue Brand New Immigration Order
...Won't Appeal To Supreme Court

Mex Warns Citizens In US To Prepare After
Deportations Of Convicted Felon Aliens Begins

DynCorp Organ Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Pt 2

How Microsoft Avoided Billions In Taxes

JoeTalk - Trump…Don't Play Their Game


All Trump Has To Do Is Follow EXISTING US Law
Regarding The Muslims And Countless Other Illegals

The Law ALREADY Gives Trump The RIGHT To Ban
Entry Of ANY Alien For As Long As
He Wants - What's Stopping Him?

McCarran-Walter Act - Trump Stands
Solidly On Law To Ban Terrorists, Killers

Some Cities Abandon Sanctuary
Pledge - Cave To Trump Force

Trump Firm On Immigration…AND Our Civil Liberties


What Is Liberty? What Is A Mind?

Napolitano On 9th Circuit Decision - 'Dishonest'

WarHawk Trump Sends US Army Aviation Brigade To
Europe To Help NATO's Eastern Flank On Russia Border

Ten US Rotation Forces Tanks Arrive in Lithuania

US Marine Corps Eager To Grow F-35 Fleet

US Army Troops March Through Latvian Town
Dazzle Border Guards With Arms & Equipment - Vid

Meet The Jews In Donald Trump’s Administration

Trump Now Agrees To Uphold US One China Policy

‘Trump Confronting Rabid Russophobia
Being Found In 'DNA' Of Republican Party

John McCain's Claims Of Russian Support
For Taliban In Afghanistan False


Saudi Terror-Bombing In Yemen - Now Trump War
He Has Inherited All Of Bush, Cheney, Obama Wars

McCain 'Emboldens Enemy' By Raising
Questions About US Raid In Yemen - Trump

Madman Breedlove - US Should Supply (EVIL) Kiev
Govt Ukraine With Lethal 'Defensive' (BS) Weapons

Moscow Denies Delivering Tanks To Donbass

Russian Foreign Policy Should Focus On
Combating Terrorism, Extremism - Putin

Lavrov - NATO Actions At Russian Border Are Destabilizing

Snap Drills Prove High Effectiveness Of Russian Defenses

'Wars Are Not Diminishing' - Putin's
Remarkable 2007 Munich Speech

DC, SK Believe N Korea May Have At Least 60 Nukes

India Rejects Pak Claim It's Building Secret Nuclear City

America Has Too Many Military Bases

US Cost Of War Against ISIS Reaches $11 Billion


USAF Launches Minuteman ICBM From Vandenberg

Norwegian Army to Receive New Air Defense System

Estonia, Finland To Buy Second-Hand S Korean
Howitzers In Defense Against 'Evil' Russia

Entire UK Attack Submarine Fleet Non-Operational

UK Scrambles Jets Over Russian Bombers Routine Flight

Trump Inks 3 EOs Targeting Drug Cartels, Crimes vs Cops

What's Behind The CIA Director's Visit To Turkey

Madsen - From NWO To Hazy Global Disorder

Shamir - The Futile Efforts Of Donald Trump

Trump Wrong - Saudi Arabia, Not Iran, World's Top Terrorists

Norway Ex Amb Warns Of Saudi-Sponsored Extreme Islam

DtRH - A Continued Look Into The Koran - Part 3 - pdf


LA Moves To Protect Muslims If Trump Creates Registry
...Never Mind Many Muslims Just Waiting For Orders To Kill

Rape And Adultery In Islam

PBS's Woodruff Wrongly Claims No Terror
Attacks From The 7 Restricted Countries

NGO Fleet Busing Muslim Rapists Into EU Tied
To George Soros And Hillary Clinton Donors

Sex Assault Street Maps Popular In Muslim Countries

Paris Suicide Bomb Plot -16 Yr Old Girl Among 4 Held

Muslim Brotherhood Plotting Death In Nigeria

Iranians Commemorate Their Historic Revolution

Trafficked By Her Own Family, 10 Yr Old Girl
Pedophilia Survivor Talks Tells HORROR Story

3rd Term Moonbeam Kills Last Of Dad's CA Legacy


'Poor Fact-Checking, Flat-Out Fabrication'
Leads To Daily Mail Ban By Wikipedia

Krauthammer Tells Screwball O'Reilly Putin Will Kill Him

Trump vs Corporate Media: Who Takes Down Whom?

CNN's Idiot Cuomo Equates ‘N Word’ With Using
The Term ‘Fake News’ On (Fake) Journalists

Failed Clinton Mgr Whines, Blames Putin In Crybaby Piece

News Pooper Scooper - When Fake News Is Just Dog Doo

Doom - Anti-Communists Not Allowed On Campus

Holocaust Study - Medical Cartel Is Destroying America

How RFK Could Have Saved His Life, And His Country

Target Ends Priority Projects In Tranny Policy Backlash

Michigan Stops Paying Flint Water Credits

Over 300 Whales Die Off New Zealand


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Rense TV

Over 7 Million Views To Date

Jeff & Charles R. Smith - Chaos In DC

Jeff & Gerald Celente - Has Trump Duped
America? Shocking Developments

Jeff & David Icke - Mass Media Mind Control

Jeff & Jim Fetzer - Is Trump Being Pushed Toward War?

Jeff & Jon Rappoport - The Final Crossroads

Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts - Brilliant Explanation Of What Trump…And We…Are Now Facing

Jeff & Prof James Fetzer - The War On President Trump

Jeff & Joel Skousen - War With China?

Jeff & Robert Steele - Shocking Enemies Inside & Out Of The Trump Presidency

Jeff & Charlie Smith - A US-China Head-On Collision Coming?


Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Yoichi Shimatsu &
Dana Durnford
Fukushima Update
Free MP3 - Listen

Updates - NO BUGS, NO BIRDS As We've Warned
Extinction Is Here - Please Contribute Observations

Watch Animated Map Of Gigantic 3-11 Japan Quake

Fukushima Radiation Plume, Nears West Coast - Graphs & Vid

Fukushima Radiation Blasted US In March 2011 - Model

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor

'Scorpion' Robot Mission Inside Fukushima Reactor Aborted

China's Fukushima Radiation Warning Scares Tourists

Fukushima 2017 - Our Sixth Year Of The Apocalypse

Fukushima Melted Fuel May Poison Earth
With Radiation For 1000s Of Years

Massive Radiation Destroys Fukushima Robot

Gosh - One MSM Outlet Talks About Fukushima
'Unimaginable' Levels Of Radiation Pouring Out

Northern Hemisphere In Great Danger As Fukushima
Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

New Fukushima Radiation Level Dwarfs Highest At Chernobyl

Fukushima Catastrophe Worsening - Leakage Increases 24/7

The Untold Dangers Of Fukushima Exposed - Vid

TEPCO - Fukushima Radiation 'Astronomical' - Big Hole In R2

'Unimaginable' Radiation Leaking At Fukushima Reactor

Fukushima Radiation Extinction Event Ignored By MSM

Fukushima - Record High Fatal Rad Levels, Hole In Reactor

Massive Ocean Die-Off From AK To Mex - Radiation
Destroys The Food Chains - Pacific Ocean Near Dead

As We Warned - MASS Die-Off Of Sea Life From CA
To AK - Animals Starving To Death, Food Chain Collapsed
No Hope To Stop It - Most Radiation Isn't Even Here Yet

We Told You - Fukushima Rad In Most West Coast Fish
Scientist Says Plume Has Spread From From AK To CA
Radiation Now In US Food Chain - 'Terrifying Discovery'

1/3 World’s Oceans Already Damaged And
Contaminated With Fukushima Radiation

Radioactive Death Spreading In Closed Hanford Nuke Plant

Fukushima - Steelhead Collapse, Humpback No Show

Obama Fired Key Scientist On The Deadly
Cumulative Affects Of Low Dose Rad Exposure

See Air And Ocean Currents Kill The Pacific

Carmel CA Tide Pools 'Deader Than Dead'

San Diego - Pt Loma Dead, Dying Tide Pools...
As We've Told You, The Pacific Is Virtually Dead

CA Tide Pools - Fukushima Radiation Has Killed
Them - The Feds Have Lied To You For 5.5 Years

Fukushima - ALL Pacific Fishing To Be Shut Down
Greatest Environment Disaster In History


Fukushima Radiation On America

* Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center

* National Nuclear Emergency Map
Updated 24/7 In Real Time

* Obama OKs DEADLY Hikes In 'Safe' Radiation Exposure

* Obama Raises 'Safe' Rad In Drinking Water 27,000x Higher

* Huge Radiation Readings In CA And NM Disappear

* Enormous W Coast CPMs Vanish After Site Back Online - Vid

* Japan Earthquakes 2011 Visualization Map - Vid

* W Coast Covered In Massive 3/11 Radiation - Vid

* Coverup Of West Coast Radiation From Fukushima

* Fukushima Radiation Plume, Nears West Coast - Graphs & Vid

* WATCH - What Cesium 137 Will Really Do To You - Vid

* Chart Of Radiation Dose Levels In Millisieverts

* Jeff & Dr. Russell Blaylock - Supplements
To Fight Radiation Exposure
- Vid

* Live National Radiation Network Map

* Radiation Dose Chart

* The Radiation Database User Guide - Vid

Your Radiation This Week # 87 and #88


  Zika And Viral Updates

Dr. Henry Niman's
Exclusive Reports With Jeff
MP3 - Listen FREE

Feb 16- MP3

Dr. Henry Niman's Swine Flu World Tracking MAP

Updated H7N9 Pandemic Map From Dr Henry Niman

High Path H7N9 In 2017 Taiwan Case

NYC Veterinarian Gets H&N2 From Sick Cats

H7N2 Spread To Chester Co. PA Shelter Cats



William Tompkins

Book - Selected By Extraterrestrials


UFO-ET Disclosure
Astonishing Technology

From William Mills Tompkins

A Rense World Exclusive
Never Before Seen Ultra Secret Documents And
Stunning Revelations From Giant Aerospace And
Defense Contractor - Douglas Aircraft Corporation -
...From The Early 1950s


Jeff & William Tompkins - Cosmic Top Secret
Propulsion Documents Leaked

Copyright 2016 Jeff Rense - All Rights Reserved
Links Encouraged

William Tompkins - The UFO Disclosure Continues

Hour 1...Hour 2

William Tompkins - Our Next Amazing
Conversation Of UFO & ET Disclosure

Hour 1...Hour 2...Hour 3

William Tompkins - NEW UFO-ET
Advanced Secret Documents Revealed

Hour 1...Hour 2...Hour 3




Of Course PizzaGate Is A Fake News Story

Yoichi Shimatsu's Stunning PizzaGate Series
Concludes With More Staggering Revelations - Pizzagate 10

Cloud Over Amazon WaPost And
Trumped-Up In Moscow - Pizza 9

Capriccio For A Sausage Fest By
Chef Alefantis - PizzaGate 8

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Pedophile Savile
Haunts NY Times - PizzaGate 7

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Strange Days In
The Snopes-DHS-ICE Underworld - PizzaGate 6

Shimatsu Exlclusive - For Anyone Who
Still Believes Snopes Is An Abuse Victim - PizzaGate 5

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway
Child Porn & Macedonia Fake News - PIzzaGate 4

Shimatsu Exlclusive - It Takes A Spillage...
Of Blood...To Awaken - PizzaGate 3

Shimatsu Exlclusive - Are The PizzaGate Pimps
For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? - Pizzagate 2

Shimatsu Exlclusive - PizzaGate Is A Giant
Step For Investigative Journalism - Pizzagate 1

PizzaGate Not Going Away - CBS Airs Great
Overview Asking Important Questions - Vid

WaPost Just Blew The Lid Off PizzaGate

Ben Swann CBS News Covers PizzaGate

Deplorables Out Organizer Of Inauguration Disruption
Plot Leader As Potential #PizzaGate Pedo

$25,000 Offered To Debunk Pizzagate



Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower
Gangstalking And Deadly
Electronic Targeted Victim

11-16-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 1

11-17-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 2

11-21-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 3

Hour 1 ....Hour 2

Remote Viewing The
Death Of Adolf Hitler

Join Us For Time Travel Back To WW2 Germany And Then Forward To The Final Moments Of The Life Of Adolf Hitler With Remote Viewer Dick Allgire And Historians Jim Marrs and Harry Cooper. A Classic Program!

5-13-16...Hour 1
5-13-16...Hour 2

Joseph Skipper's Incredible Mars Research

Mars Anomaly Home Page - Undeniable Artifacts & Life

Mars Anomaly Research Index - From Water To Structures

Enormous, Perfect Hole On Mars - Who Made It?

Stunning, Historic JFK PROGRAMS


JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 1
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 2
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

Remote Viewing JFK - Whodunnit?
Jim Marrs
- World's #1 Scholar On JFK Assassination
Dick Allgire - One Of World's Premiere Remote Viewers

12-9-15.. Hour 1 MP3
2-9-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1 ... Photos 2

1-4-15.. Hour 1 MP3
1-4-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1...Photos 2

Jim Marrs, Courtney Brown & Remote Viewer Daz Smith - Revealing More Answers To The JFK Murder

12-29-15..Hour 1 MP3
12-29-15..Hour 2 MP3

RFK Assassination

David John Oates, Jim Marrs
& Jeannette Teagle
Reverse Speech SolvesThe RFK Murder

Hour 1,,,,,Hour 2

Michael Salla

Amazing FOIA Data Backing Up The Bill Tompkins Revelations

12-16-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

FOIA Files

Flash Frozen Civilization Found In The Antarctic?

On Tompkins & The Navy League
ET Special Projects In Medford OR 1985-1999

6-26-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

Navy League ET Special Projects From 1985-1999

 Clark McClelland
The Stargate Chronicles

Rense UFO-ET-Black Ops Disclosure!

12-30-16 ..NASA Science Officer Clark McClelland - Truth About NASA

10-20-16 .. Clark McClelland Is Back!

2-1-16 .. WW2 German Flying Saucer Technology

10-7-15 .. The Grim Truth About US Space Program

10-17-15 .. The Truth About NASA

6-23-15 .. More Inside Dope On NASA

4-23-15 .. True Origins Of NASA Space Program

12-29-14 ..ETs Are Watching Us

7-21-14 ..More Truth About NASA

5-8-14 ..NASA Secrets

10-30-13 ..The Truth About  Americans In Space

9-20-13 ..ET & The Apollo Program

8-9-13 ..ET & The Shuttle Program

3-4-13 ..The Kecksburg Object

3-29-12 ..ETs Are Here

11-29-12 ..Astronaut UFO Encounters

Die Glocke
9-14-15 ..
Harry Cooper & Clark McClelland - WW2 German UFO …'The Bell' -MP3

Die Glocke/Kecksberg - Pics

Get A Piece Of Apollo 15 GOLD FOIL That
Went To The Moon And Back! - Click Here!

Order Clark's Stunning e-Book The Stargate Chronicles Here!

Contact Clark at

To The Sheeple Of Our Now Destroyed Nation

Clark McClelland - Celestialism

Jeff & Clark McClelland - ET And The Apollo Program - Vid

The Cape Kennedy-Kecksburg
UFO Connection
- Part 1 - pdf

The Cape Kennedy-Kecksburg UFO Connection - Part 2 - pdf

NASA Dir Dr. Kurt Debus, Dr Werner von Braun And JFK

Herbert Dorsey

Book - Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

Rense UFO-ET-Black Ops Disclosure!

6-23-16 ..Astonishing Technology & German Flying Saucers ..Pics

6-6-16 ..Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

5-25-16 ..Our Secret Space Fleet

5-24-16 ..The World Is Not As We're Told

One Millennial Speaks
Kindness Costs Nothing

A 'Moronnial' Fesses Up

David Duke Videos

Duke And Trump - The Supreme Court Does Matter

Baton Rouge…Black Lives Matter...& They Murder - Vid

The Dallas Massacre & The War On Whites - Vid

Donald Trump Ted Cruz Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs - Vid

Ted Nugent vs The ADL - Who's Behind Gun Control? - Vid

Watch - David Duke Destroys The Liar, Fraud Ted Cruz - Vid

Zionist Terror In Gaza - Free Palestine & The World - Vid

The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion - Vid

Israeli Media Reveals Secret Behind Communism - Vid

Jeff Rense & Dr. David Duke - Worldwide Zionist Stranglehold - Vid

How The Media Incites Violence & Racism - Vid

The Trouble With Sandy Hook

NEW Free Listen 8.4.14 - Wolfgang Halbig

NEW Free Listen - Wolfgang Halbig & James Fetzer MP3 - Sandy Hook - Latest Shocking Developments - Click HERE

Free Listen - Hear Jeff With Wolfang Halbig - Sandy Hook Hoax - MP3 - Click HERE

Hero Patriot Wolfgang Halbig - I Am 70 Years Old
And Now Labeled A 'Domestic Classified Terrorist'

Where Are These Sandy Hook Children?

The Sandy Hook Massacre…Uh, I Mean Drill

Would You Allow Your Children To Attend Sandy Hook? Update

Halbig On The Latest Lies Out Of Sandy Hook

Would You Put Your Child In Room 12 At Sandy Hook?


Stunning Journalism - Awesome History

John Barbour's Last Word On 'The Garrison Tapes'
Don't Miss This Incredible Video!

David Haynie and Jim Wyrick

Ghost Voices !

Hitler In Argentina
Harry Cooper

Sharkhunter Books

Listen FREE
Jeff with Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

Sharkhunters Hot Mail!

PHOTOS *for program above*

Hitler In Argentina - Buy The Book Here!

Reviews Of Cooper's 'Hitler In Argentina' Show Truth Wins

Jeff & Harry - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

Harry Cooper's History-Shaking New Book - Hitler In Argentina


Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Jewish Genocide Of Armenian Christians - Mp3

Walter Bowart

Operation Mind Control - Walter Bowart - pdf

Report From Iron Mountain - pdf

The Invisible Third World War - pdf

Incontrovertible Evidence!

Solid 3D Proof That Apollo Photos Were Faked

Robert Felix

'Climate Change' BS Exposed - Latest Global COOLING
News Updated Around The Clock

Slovenia Buried Under Ice - Forests Destroyed - Pics

Glenn Greenwald

How Internet NSA Agents Manipulate, Deceive, Destroy Reputations

The Great American Adventure

The Secrets Of America - pdf

EMF Dangers

EMF Effects On Your Cells And Tissues

DARPA & Google Plan Total Control

Top DARPA Projects That Should Creep You Out - Vid

Kirwan - For Your Eyes Only!

Ex DARPA Boss Talks About Beast Tech - Vid

Ex DARPA Chief Dugan, Now At Google, On The Future

The Ultimate Sociopath?

Jeff & Mia Pope - Shocking Obama Revelations, Pt 1 - Vid

Jeff & Mia Pope - Shocking Obama Revelations, Pt 2 - Vid

Obama Exposed By High School Friend

Pastor Manning - Mia Pope Outs Obama As Gay - Vid

How You're Being Mind Controlled
And Don't Know It

Illuminati Mind Control & The Report From Iron Mountain

MK Ultra - Handlers, Propagandists, Professional Liars - Vid

Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood & Mind Control - Vid

Mind Control Through TV And The Media - Vid

The Stark Reality Of Precision Scientific Individual & Mass Mind Control

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

MK-Ultra And The Laurel Canyon Hippies

Hippies And Mind Control - Vid

Mind Control - An Exact Science
FREE Listen MP3

Dr. Colin Ross - Mind Control, How Easy, How Deadly

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 1

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 2

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 3

Ventura - Artificially Created Multiple Personality Killers - Vid

Mind Control - A Piece Of Cake - Vid

Trauma Based Culture - Vid

Stop Eating Meat And Dairy

McDonalds Kids Watch Slaughterhouse Videos - Vid


2013 Stonehenge - Photos

UFO - Man Gets More Than Rocks In Stonehenge Photo

Think You Know Cars?

The Ultimate Car Trivia Test! - Pics

The Mysterious Charles Dellchau

Incredible Drawings & Descriptions Of 1850s Flying Machines


Listen MP3
Jan Smith/Cliff Mickelson - Shocking New Morgellons Photos - mp3

Morgellons Nanotechnology Exposed

Jan Smith's Morgellons - CDC Says It's 'Delusional Parasitosis'

Elizabeth’s Morgellons Samples

Destructive Wiki Editing Keeps Morg Sufferers In Dark

Jeff And Cliff Mickelson - CDC Liars Say Morgellons Doesn't Exist - mp3

Stunning - BLINKING, ILLUMINATED Morgellons Particle Pulled From Chin - Vid

Official CDC Denial - Morgellons Does Not Exist


When Radio Was King

Here Is A Major Collection Of All The Great Old Time Radio Shows - LISTEN!

Aspartame Deaths & Suffering Must Stop
FREE Listen MP3

Dr. Betty Martini & Jeff Rense - The War On Aspartame

How Aspartame Is Made

India Health Min Asked To Reverse Aspartame
Approval To Protect 1.25 Billion Indians

Aspartame Diet Drinks PREVENT Weight Loss

Victory Over Aspartame In California - Prop 65

Requiring A Carcinogenic Label On Aspartame


Dane Wigington
FREE Listen MP3

Jeff & Dane Wiggington - GeoEng...It's Too Late - Free Listen

GeoEngineering...A Fancy Word For Murder! - Vid

GeoEngineering Targets Drought Condition In CA

Jeff & Dane Wigington - Chemtrails...Heavier, Deadlier - Vid

MASSIVE Increase Of Ultra-Violate Light Pounding The Earth - mp3

GeoEngineering Insanity - It's Far Worse Than You Think - mp3

Jeff And Dane Wigington & Stunning Chemtrail Video - Vid

Professor Doom & 'Education'

(Your) Penn State Scandal Cost - $237 Million

New York To Offer Free College...Sort Of

Anti-Communists Not Allowed On Campus

Leftist Courses Targeted By Conservatives?

Learning To Be Offended By Microaggression

Kansas U Gets The Finger

Singing 'California Girls' = Sex Harassment

U of Penn - Shakespeare OUT, Lesbian Author IN

Eastern Michigan U - Mandatory Black Studies

Colleges Attack "Toxic" Masculinity


Must Viewing

Jeffrey Smith's 'Genetic Roulette' Full Documentary - Vid

Battle Of LA

Footage Of UFO Being Fired On In 'Battle Of LA' - Vid

1942 Battle Of LA - Biggest Mass UFO Sighting In History


Ingo Swann Passes
Into Great Beyond

FREE Listen MP3s
March 1999 with Jeff Rense & Ingo

Hour 1 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 2 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 3 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Ingo Swann, Father Of Remote Viewing (1933-2013)

Humans In An Inhuman War

Bf-109 Ace Franz Stigler And B-17 Pilot Charlie Brown Meet - Vid

Feline Adventures

Videos And Photos Of Cats At 'Work' And Play - Vid

Kitty Cams Show Secret Life Of Cats

Required Reading

How To Respond To An Anti Conspiracy Theorist!


The Best 5 Minute Documentary On 911 Ever - Vid

Was 9/11 An Inside Job, Or A MOSSAD Job?

9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) Pt 1 - Vid

9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) Pt 2 - Vid

Charlotte Iserbyt

The Secret History Of Public Education - Vid


More Corn Ethanol...More Harm To Consumers, Environment

E10 Ethanol Gas Destroys Engines...Proof - Vid

E15 Ethanol Gas Even More Destructive Than E10 - Vid

A Provocative Documentary

The James Holmes Conspiracy - Vid

Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins - How The Rothschilds Created Israel

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Power Of The Rothschild Bankers

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Drugs, War & Manipulation - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - WW2...Orchestrated Slaughter - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 21, 2003) - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 31, 2003) - Vid

National Socialism + Zionism = NAZI - Vid

The Cult Is Everywhere

Ritual Child Sex Abuse, Pedo Conspiracy Of Silence - Vid

Andrew Gause

FREE Listen - Vivid Portrait Of Post-Sandy Chaos, Suffering In NJ

GM Yellow Corn Equals
Tumors, Cancers & Death

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

Justice Kagan Rules For Monsanto In Farmer GMO Case

Nestle Folds To SA Consumer Pressure Over GMOs


The Term 'Organic' Rapidly
Becoming Useless

The Great Organic Deceivers 

Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Cantwell - Rigged Science And Manmade AIDS

Dr. Alan Cantwell - Why Doctors Ignore Bacterial Cause Of Cancer

'Watchful Waiting' Just As Effective A Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Toxins In Skin Bacteria Help Lymphoma Cells Spread

Bacteria As A Primary Cause Of Breast Cancer

The Incredible & Unrecognized Germ Of Cancer

Breast Cancer Is Caused By Pleomorphic Bacteria

Coccoid Forms Of Bacteria & The Cause Of Cancer

World Man-Made AIDS Day - December 1

Ignored Bacteria And The Cause Of Lymphoma Cancer

Bacteria Cause Cancer...The Microscopic Evidence - Photos

Heroines All

Women At Work In The 1940s - Rare Color Photos

Creepy, Weird Otherworldly
Sounds...Vanished Again

Eerie Strange Sky Sounds Are Back Again

Sky 'Trumpets' In The Netherlands

Strange Sounds Over Tangiers, Morocco

Eerie Sounds Over Casablanca

Creepy Sounds Over Bristol, England

Those Otherworldly, Bizarre Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

A Chronology Of The Eerie, Strange Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

Eerie Sky Sounds Validated By Russian Scientists

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid



The Platters

LV Court Restores The Platters Name To Rightful Owner

The Platters - The Great Pretender 1956 - Vid

The Platters - Twilight Time 1958 - Vid

The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 1955 - Vid

The Platters - Only You 1956 - Vid

Hollywood's Golden Days

A Drive Through Beverly Hills In The Early 1930s

Wonderful Vintage Hollywood Photos... pdf

Great Vintage Hollywood Photos

Fabulous Hollywood Stars And Their Classic Cars

The Original Hollywood Sign Read Hollywoodland - Pic

Round About Hollywood 1931, Color - Vid

Wonderful Color Photos Of 50s & 60s LA/SoCal - Pics


American Graffitti In LA

Background To Cruising Van Nuys Blvd In The 1970s

Rick Mack - Cruising Van Nuys Blvd In The 1970s - Pics

A Dream Lost

1940s Small Town America...Cafes, Stores, Shops - Color Photos

Portrait Of 1950s American Suburbia, Pt 1 - Vid

Portrait Of 1950s American Suburbia, Pt 2 - Vid

The Death Of Clean US Mass Transit

How GM Destroyed Clean US Mass Transit, Pt 1 - Vid

How GM Destroyed Clean US Mass Transit, Pt 2 - Vid

What You See Isn't What You Get

The Fraud Of Digitized 'Beauty' - The Big Lie - Vid

Things You MUST Have

Poor Man's Guide To Survival Gear

UN Agenda 21 Evil

Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda For The NWO - Vid

Agenda 21 - The Plan For A Global Fascist Dictatorship

Agenda 21 - Your Life Is In Their Hands - Vid

Agenda 21 Takeover In Klamath Basin

Agenda 21 Has Rural America In The Crosshairs

Agenda 21 - The Steady-State Illusion



The Arc Blasted Earth

Big Blue Jet Above The Electric Earth

Baffling Mars Plumes Are Electric


Mysterious John Lenard Walson

John Walson Is Back - Another Mystery Video, Bizarre - Vid

Walson Visits The Moon Through His Telescope - Vid

Walson Finds New Lunar Anomalies...Strange - Vid

Walson's Work Apparently Verified - Vid

MARS - The Mysterious

Unequivocal Proof Of Buildings On Mars

Must See - Life On Mars…Water, Trees, Cities

This Is Mars - 2015

Stunning - The Best Mars Discoveries, Part 2

They've Hidden Entire Mars Cities From Us

Clearly A Intelligently-Designed Relic On Mars

Reaching Mars In A Few Days? Yes! Says NASA

Oh, My - Hidden By NASA - Stunning Structures On Mars

NASA Coverups On Mars Continue - Clear Structures

1,000s Of Obvious Buildings On Mars -What Do You Think?

Explosive Mushroom Cloud On Mars By Indian Orbiter

Encore - Obvious Valve Found By Curiosity On Mars - Vid

Leaked Mars Photos Loaded With Signs Of Life - Vid

Trees On Mars Coverup - Vid

Amazing Photos On Mars 2014 - Vid

Train Wheels, Axle On Mars - Vid

Tomb, Cross, Platform, Relics Found On Mars - Vid

Looks Like NASA Hid Entire Cities On Mars - Vid

Rense & Joseph Skipper - Proof Of LIfe On Mars

Mars' Greatest Mystery

LIFE On Mars - Forests, Lakes, Rivers In Stunning Photos - Pics

Jeff And David Oates FREE Listen Click Here

Fascinating Mars Structures, Cities, Plant Life?

Mars Structure Found - The Real Reason For The US Vendetta Against Gary McKinnon?

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

MSNBC Picks Up The Mars Structure Video

Stunning Mars Anomalies 

Mars Life, Water, Vegetation, Anomalies

World's Best

The Ten Most Influential People In The Alternative Media

The American Dream Is Dead
(graphic language)

Carlin - War Culture And The Sham Of Democracy

George Carlin On The Rothschilds - Vid

The Genius George Of Carlin - Vid

George Carlin On NASA Plans For Mars - Vid

George Carlin On Civil Liberties In America - Vid

George Carlin - It's Over - Vid

Robert Hastings

10 UFOs Cavort Above US Nuke Missile Base

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Roswell Eyewitness
FREE Listen - Jeff With Jesse Marcel, Jr

Peter Davenport , Noe Torres & E.J. Wilson - Roswell 2010! - Very Special Guest - Col Jesse Marcel, Jr - MP3

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Veteran, Patriot & Roswell Witness Passes On

Memories Of Jesse Marcel By Kevin Randle

Phoenix Lights Witness Remembers Jesse Marcel, Jr - Fortson

Remembering Jesse Marcel, Jr - Balthaser

Mainstream Media Homage To Jesse Marcel's Passing

Dr. Roger Leir
Astonishing UFO Over Turkey

Roger's Personal Photo Video Analysis Showing ETs

Non-Humans, ETs, Shown Inside Turkey UFO

All Known Videos Of The Turkey UFO

Spectacular Turkey UFO - Information Site


Police Investigate UFO Sighting In Spain

Aliens Almost Certainly Existed - Churchill

Navy Says No UFO

New Vision For ET Disclosure

UFO Experiencer Billy Meier Cult Exposed By Ex-wife

Groundbreaking Chilean Navy UFO Footage

Silent Triangle UFO Spotted Over California Town

Forty UFO Sightings Debunked By Air Force

UFO Research Against Skeptics

Top Secret Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit
Report (IPU) On The Two Roswell Crashes To
MAJIC Signed By Directors Of CIA & NSA
- pdf

Look - JFK Orders A Complete Report On
All UFO Data Made Just Before His Murder

Moon & ISS UFO Videos & Mitchell 'UFOs Are Real'

UFO Reported Near British Nuclear Weapons Facility

(Some) UFO History

UFOs Over RAF Welford

Plane In Evasive Maneuvers To Dodge UFO

UFO Sighting Causes Commotion In Peru

UFOs Reported Over Saigon – 1948

Signature of Past Life on Mars?

Bomber Pilot Encounters UFO, Loses Power - April 1945

UFO Radar Intel Summary IR 29-52 - Korean War 1951-52

Mysterious Roving Light Puzzles Roswell 1932

Malfunctioning Nuke Missile, Fear Launch 1984

Is That An Alien Signal?

‘UFO’ Filmed Over Vienna; Frightened Onlookers Call Police

Hunt For ET Joined By China’s FAST Radio Telescope

UN Interest In UFOs In WikiLeaks Documents

UFO Cluster Over La Meridian Hotel, Charlotte NC

Wiki - Podesta Emails That Involve Ed Mitchell And ET

UN Interest In UFOs Revealed In WikiLeaks Documents

UFOs Over La Meridian Hotel In Charlotte NC

UFO Lights Over North Carolina


New Earth Health Solutions
Oxy C • Allicin C • Rife • Ozone Generator
Click HERE

Health Matters

Air Pollution May Cause 20% Of Dementia

Fast Food Wrappers Have Cancer Causing Chemicals

Walnuts May Delay, Reduce, Prevent Alzheimers

The Inner World Of Alzheimer’s

Scientists Find That Australian Berry Cures Cancer

Aluminum DOES Cause Alzheimer's - New Confirmation

Ayahuasca Fights Alzheimer’s & Down Syndrome

The Total Failure Of Chemotherapy

Emails Show Govt Corruption In Approving Aspartame

Iowa Girl Facing Death From Gardasil Killer Vax

Why Would ANYONE Get A Flu Shot?

New Flu Vax Contains Gulf War Illness Adjuvant!

Germs, Diseases, Bacteria Living On Your Phones

Aspartame - The Deadly Poison

Diet Coke WON’T Stop Diabetes - It Can CAUSE IT

Antibiotics In Fast Food – 25 Top Chains

Record Rates Of STDs Hit America – CDC

How To Thrive On Two Hours of Sleep

15 Disturbing Consequences of Sugar

Medical Marijuana Decreases Big Pharma Opioid Use

‘Memory Hacker’ Explains How To Plant False Memories

Eight Non-Residents Zika Infected In Florida


Vegan Recipes

Vegan Hummus

Raw Recipe - Avocado Tropical Salsa...Addictive! - Vid

Easy Vegan Quinoa Recipes

Dick Allgire

Allgire - The Best Veggie Soup In Honolulu

Allgire In Honolulu - What Tongue Chinatown?

Haven't Felt This Good Since Bangkok - Allgire

Time-Cross August Remote Viewing Results

News Analysis - Clinton's Collapse Is Conspiracy Theory

July Remote Viewing Of AUGUST - US City Blasted?



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George Carlin - 'I Gave Up On My Species' - Vid

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At Home With Hitler

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Magazine Spread


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Remote Views Mars

The Man Who
Talks To Animals

Coral Castle

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The Deadliest Medium Ever
How TV Ruined Your Life - Vid

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Nano-Chemical Poisoning
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Aerosol Crimes & Coverup


Depleted Uranium

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Depleted Uranium
Videos - Important

Bush's DU Nightmare



A US Soldier Remembers Eisenhower's Monstrous Genocide

Satanic Eisenhower's Starvation Order And Genocide

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The Museum
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