The Department

We provide high quality advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Portfolio Ministers and Assistant Ministers to achieve a coordinated and innovative approach to the development and implementation of Government policies. We coordinate and develop policy across the Government in economic, domestic and international issues, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs and public service stewardship.

We do this by:

  • Providing well-founded advice to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Portfolio Ministers and Assistant Ministers on national and global challenges and matters at the forefront of Government.
  • Coordinating policy across Government with a focus on practical changes to improve the lives of all Australians and effective implementation.
  • Fostering a high performing public sector, working with the Australian Public Service Commission.
  • Consulting across Government, the private sector, the not-for-profit sector and the community.

Our strategic priorities

We provide clear and persuasive advice to the Government on how it might best tackle the significant issues facing Australia. Our priorities include:

  • Supporting the Prime Minister in his role as head of the Australian Government and the Cabinet and supporting our Portfolio Ministers.
  • Providing advice on how to make Australia more prosperous, successful and improving its security on a global scale.
  • Enhancing the ability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to improve their lives.
  • The Department is also working with the Australian Public Service Commission, and all Australian Government agencies, to build a more inclusive and diverse public service. To drive this important work, the Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet chairs the Secretaries’ Equality and Diversity Council.

Our structure

As well as the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor and the Office of the Counter Terrorism Coordinator, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet operates in four main groups:

  • Domestic Policy Group
  • Indigenous Affairs Group
  • National Security and International Policy Group
  • Governance Group

Organisation chart

Our portfolio

Our portfolio comprises one department of state, and a number of statutory agencies and Commonwealth companies and authorities under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act).

Statutory agencies

  • Aboriginal Land Commissioner
  • Australian National Audit Office
  • Australian Public Service Commission
  • Digital Transformation Agency
  • Executive Director of Township Leasing
  • Office of National Assessments
  • Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
  • Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
  • Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General
  • Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

Commonwealth companies and authorities

  • Aboriginal Hostels Limited
  • Indigenous Business Australia
  • Indigenous Land Corporation
  • National Australia Day Council Limited
  • Anindilyakwa Land Council
  • Central Land Council
  • Northern Land Council
  • Tiwi Land Council
  • Outback Stores Pty Ltd
  • Torres Strait Regional Authority
  • Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council

Corporate publications

View our Annual Reports, Portfolio Budget Statements, and Corporate Plan.