Best Wedding Cars in Adelaide SA


Wedding Car Directory

  • 1
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Kate Blush

    Overall rating 99/100
    Be your best for a special occasion with Mobile Make Up By Kate. Kate assures you with high quality products that will bring out the glow within you. The quality of result is important for her.
    Adelaide, SA
  • 2
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Chauffeured 30's Classics

    Overall rating 94/100
    Giving you a safe journey to your most awaited wedding day is one of the major concerns of Chauffeured 30's Classics. They provide romantic and classic wedding cars to bring you to your once in a lifetime wedding day.
    Adelaide, SA
  • 3
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Arthur Murray Dance Centre

    Overall rating 91/100
    Your dream wedding dance is only a few steps away. Fun & flirty or sexy & steamy or cool & calm there is a style to suit everyone & we..
    Adelaide, SA
  • 4
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Chauffeur Ontime

    Overall rating 83/100
    Adelaide, SA
  • 5
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Rolls Royce Classic Gold

    Overall rating 83/100
    Expect only the best wedding car hire services from Rolls Royce Classic Gold! You'll surely love their offers. What's best is that they can give you recommendations on which car would best fit your wedding.
    Adelaide, SA
  • 6
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Q Car Australia

    Overall rating 83/100
    Adelaide, SA
  • 7
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Superior Party Limousines Pty Ltd

    Overall rating 83/100
    Adelaide, SA
  • 8
    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Platinum Car Hire

    Overall rating 83/100
    Adelaide, SA
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    Wedding Car Hire in Adelaide

    Pure Envy Limousines

    Overall rating 83/100
    At PURE ENVY limousines we make each journey as unique as our clients which has earned us the title of being Adelaides Most Exclusive ..
    Adelaide, SA

Latest reviews

  • My wedding day could never be erased from my memories because of how they really made it special. It was classy, fun and most of all memorable, and I think they were the only people who could have done it. They were very considerate of my needs back then and I wouldn't know wha..

    Left for Hf Wedding & Hire Cars
  • I had never thought of using Solarium's services until I met Lora whom I found a real perfectionist. Now, I had been using Allure Tan for a while now, and am totally happy. The product is totally awesome! It does not leave any streak free, it lasts much longer than other tans..

    Left for Allure Tan

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Past Weding Car Hire jobs

  • Wedding Car Hire Job from Chloe

    Bunya, QLD

    What style of vehicles are you looking for?

    Vintage cars

    When is the wedding?

    5 October 2015

    How many passengers do you expect?

    5 - 6

    How many vehicles do you need?


    Where is the pick up location?

    ferny hills, brisbane

    Where is the drop off location?

    New Farm Park

    What time is the pick up?


    How long do you require the cars?

    2 - 4 hours


    There will be multiple stops. Pickup at Ferny Hills and drop off at New Farm park for ceremony. Then go from New Farm park to Kangaroo Point for photos and then final drop off point is Foxy Bean Ca...

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