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Evening all.
As the pig said to the robber.
What's the worst crime you've ever witnessed?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:06, Reply)
This forum! Hahahahaha

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:23, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:34, Reply)
I once saw a bloke get a pint glass smashed in his face.
And I saw a guy get stabbed. Oh, and loads of drugs.

I think I might become a dragon kin.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:35, Reply)
My dad stabbed me, but I didn't report it so it wasn't a crime

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:38, Reply)
Oh, in that case, only the pint glass was a crime.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:46, Reply)
You were probably asking for it.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:02, Reply)
I expect so , spare the knife spoil the child

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:04, Reply)
it's far too worse than to say it

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:40, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:47, Reply)
It was the best of times, it was the worst are we led it off the road

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:10, Reply)
Saw a guy get his ear slashed by some little scrote for no reason at all.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:46, Reply)
Some guy with a dodgy wig get voted POTUS

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:32, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:45, Reply)
Those converse you bought

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:46, Reply)
I've always disliked that brand

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:50, Reply)
I'm rather enjoying reading Homage to Catalonia.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 19:53, Reply)
I turn a blind eye to crime

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:00, Reply)
The problem with crime is that it only affects the lower classes. Plenty of people get obscenely wealthy by committing crimes for which no laws have been passed.
"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:06, Reply)
There are next to no real upper class left , just being a barrister and sending your kids to harrow doesn't count

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:12, Reply)
I used to work for an actual proper lord with a man or house.
He had more in common with the workers than the types who you mentioned, and the types his adult children essentially became.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:15, Reply)
Proper upper class people , we are running out , it's all about fame and money now, they were the first to sign up for ww1 before

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:20, Reply)
Jade Goody technically upper class y/n

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:45, Reply)
When alive, I mean

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:46, Reply)
I must've missed the bit where she signed up for the great War.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:47, Reply)
Big Brother would have been infinitely more entertaining with addition of mustard gas challenges

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:53, Reply)
I ain't going down without a fight

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:12, Reply)
That's why your blow jobs are worth it

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:15, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 20:17, Reply)
sausageadmin seems to have slowed down a bit
Perhaps it'll pick up again at the weekend. What are YOU hoping will pick up at the weekend? Who are you hoping to pick up at the weekend?

Do you think Doctor Who should be played by an elderly jamaican lesbian? #RockHardBrexit
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:16, Reply)
weather should pick up a bit next week
it's -2 at the moment, should reach a perky -23 at night by Monday
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:18, Reply)
So it looks like every time a second hand unit appears, the company that makes them snaps them up.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:20, Reply)
Jesus, they're doing a remake of Secret of Nihm
I think that was the first film I saw at the pictures
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:46, Reply)
I think mine might have been Condorman

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:53, Reply)

an + documentaries

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:57, Reply)
ah, 'public information films' would've been better

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:58, Reply)
Would it, though?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:03, Reply)
I truly believe it would
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:07, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:11, Reply)
you've got to get up pretty early in the morning etc

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:17, Reply)
Think mine was either
Labyrinth or Basil The Great Mouse Detective

Both of which terrified me
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:00, Reply)
I'm picking up my new car. And also picking up a man from Sweden at the airport.
Also I'll pick up some beers. I'll probably pick up one of my dogs at one point because she's getting a bit old and struggles on the long walks. I might pick up a pizza to eat Saturday night. I'll probably pick up loads if stuff really. Can we narrow the question a little?

Also, I watched 2 episodes of Capaldi as Who and now I hope he never gets another job.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:20, Reply)

ew car. And also picking up a man from Sweden at the airport.
Also I'll pick up some beers. I'll probably pick up one of my dogs at one point because she's getting a bit old and struggles on the long walks. I might pick up a pizza to eat Saturday night. I'll probably pick up loads if stuff really. Can we narrow the question a little?

Also, I watched 2 episodes of Capaldi as Who and now I hope he never gets another job.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:23, Reply)
have you got a Web cam in my workshop?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:24, Reply)
thing is, with every single digit fitting in your nostrils there's no way God didn't intend for us to pick our noses

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:32, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:32, Reply)
was it your favourite picking finger?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:34, Reply)
it was certainly in the top ten....oh hahahaha

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:38, Reply)
what a nice, clean joke
it doesn't have to be all 'eff this' and 'guffs that'
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:44, Reply)
And if you don't believe in God, you could argue that if it was detrimental then natural selection would've taken care of it.
I've got a nasty scab in my nose at the mo.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:03, Reply)
I think Dr Who should be replaced with a pair of tits

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:20, Reply)
2 pairs.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:21, Reply)
and they should rename the show dr tits

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:40, Reply)
you're getting some quite usefull responses here

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:52, Reply)
10 degrees in the 'pool
i'm hoping my cash flow will pick up at the weekend, i need wine.
i think Doctor Who should be played by some gorgeous, muscly man who accidentally has his shirt ripped off in every episode
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:21, Reply)
I've had a scouse man phone me three times asking if Dave's there
Each time I've told him that he has the wrong number, but he keeps persevering. If only more british people had his can-do spirit.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:30, Reply)
saw the new doctor today, she said 'so, when did you move up here?'
i asked her what she meant. 'well, you're not from here, are you?'
i told her i was born and raised less than half a mile away and she looked amazed. she said i sound like a southerner! :D
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:35, Reply)
Do you not have the local twang?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:37, Reply)
i get called 'the posh one' by the local scallies. i also would never dream of setting foot outside the house in pyjamas, unless i'd forgotten to put the rubbish out and the truck was there and i had to rush
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:44, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:04, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:18, Reply)
I'd like to see more veggie sausages on sausageadmin

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:21, Reply)
Where's my tape?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:24, Reply)
it's being delivered by horse and cart, so it may take a few days

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:30, Reply)
Now I think of it
I don't have a single machine in my possession capable of playing cassettes.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:31, Reply)
it's time to retire that 8-track and move into the modern world grandad

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:33, Reply)
Release it on wax cylinder and we'll talk turkey

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:37, Reply)
bit racist

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:40, Reply)
talking of turkey
i went to deli too today and had the 'aldo'. it was fucking delicious
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:45, Reply)
Every time I go there, the fucker's closed!
Who closes on Saturday lunch time??
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:47, Reply)
it's only when they see you coming
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:54, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:56, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:11, Reply)
well, i asked whether we could get focaccia bread if we came in early enough and he said they haven't done any in a while as they're dealing with the aftermath of the wife's dad's death and aren't coming in early enough to make it
so maybe they were at the funeral, you insensitive bastard
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:08, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:13, Reply)
truthfully though, i've no idea

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:22, Reply)
he should still feel guilty

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:23, Reply)
I do, don't worry about that
I feel guilty pretty much all of the time.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:32, Reply)
poor guilty

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:39, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:43, Reply)

r ilt
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:06, Reply)
They are called bananas, hth

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:25, Reply)
nice quads

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:21, Reply)
ah, good point
Perhaps someone should email the administrator of the page.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:28, Reply)
those felt ones probably count as veggie

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:43, Reply)
Yeah, but how many fuzzies had to die to make them?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:51, Reply)
Felt is made from the skin of a shrew

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:51, Reply)
+ fore

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:53, Reply)

shr J
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:03, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:09, Reply)
how shrew-d

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:12, Reply)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:15, Reply)
I'll have to go pick my kids up I suppose, they only live round the corner ffs

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:23, Reply)
Probably going to have to pick up my Amazon order if it arrives this week while I'm at work.
Going to a bar on Sat for only the second time since becoming single again so it would be good to pick up teh laydeez innit.

Doctor Who should clearly be played by an elderly Jamaican lesbian, or maybe a genderqueer amputee Communist brony. Anything liable to make it just that little bit interesting.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:34, Reply)
If the Doctor was played by Rusty Lee, I'd watch it every fucking week

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:38, Reply)

ty lee sel kane
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:46, Reply)
oh my

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:47, Reply)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:11, Reply)

sty Lee mpole of the Bailey.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:52, Reply)
I think they should get jar jar binks to play dr who

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:35, Reply)
I think they should cancel Dr Who and just repeat only fools and horses

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:41, Reply)
i fucking hate that show
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:45, Reply)
Nobody likes it
they either think that they like it, or feel like they should.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:31, Reply)
then they're obviously cunts

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:32, Reply)
I liked the one where Del fell through a tear in the fabric of time and space

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:46, Reply)
and Trigger made a face at two points in space simultaneously

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:46, Reply)
hahaha you plonker!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:50, Reply)
I think Miriam Margolyes
she should go back in time by punching a mare in the twat
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:17, Reply)
The old grey mare ain't what she used to be.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:25, Reply)
The pieces.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:24, Reply)
There's a link on the BBC news home page:
'Elsewhere on the BBC

That's dinner sorted'
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:25, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:32, Reply)
at last

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:33, Reply)
I've been looking for some good ham recipes following a little stroke of luck I had the supermarket recently

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:35, Reply)
fill the kettle, then slice the ham while it's boiling
Make up a cup noodle, leave to steep for 5 minutes or so. Then pour the pot noodle over the ham. Voila! A simple, asian-inspired lunch!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:43, Reply)
that's right, cup noodle
why did I say cup noodle?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:44, Reply)
Here's another classic:
Light your primus stove (this will bring an added bonus of a little warmth to the room - handy when the leccy's cut off), heat up some water, add some free McDonalds ketchup, thin slices of ham, and boil for three minutes, or the time it takes to finish your meths and tweet T3h Donald. Bingo! Lunch = sorted.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:52, Reply)
I worked with some old dear who was one of those celiac's that you have now.
Apparently that basically means you have to eat boiled ham and chips every night.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:04, Reply)
Is celiac a new word for Irish?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:07, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:10, Reply)
I thought so
Better update my 'Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman' classic gag selection - and fast!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:13, Reply)
I worked with a couple of women who swore by Atkins
and if anyone ever dared say "that doesn't sound very healthy" they always responded with "OH, READ THE BOOK HAVE YOU?? NO?? WELL YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THEN."

One of them would frequently snack on cold sausages, cut lenghtways, with primula piped along the gap.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:09, Reply)
FATkins, *I* call it!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:12, Reply)
haha oh man, where were YOU 10 years ago!!!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:18, Reply)
Fucking hell.
This whole notion that healthy eating is some sort of cryptic hard to grasp science is a load of counterproductive shit. Unless you're an athlete it usually boils down to 'more veg, fewer crisps'
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:22, Reply)
Man tries to crack "my wife doesn't listen to me" joke then dies of embarrassment when he realises he got the joke wrong
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 16:39, Reply)
Dr Whom

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:14, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:15, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:19, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 17:33, Reply)
Lexi belle

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 18:07, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:50, Reply)
top get

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:51, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:52, Reply)
makes a change for you
I thought you were more of a bottom-getter
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:58, Reply)
touch my bum

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:45, Reply)
that's not life m8

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:52, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:51, Reply)
fuck yeah!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:52, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:56, Reply)
Ooh posh

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:57, Reply)
^ likes bresques.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:11, Reply)
bit rude

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:58, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:57, Reply)
a little

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:01, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:58, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:01, Reply)
Apparently red bull enquired to buy charlton, cunt wants 70 million, although I don't fancy being the Charlton redbulls at the redbulls stadium

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:01, Reply)
they bought Leipzig
those mother fuckers are 2nd in the bundesliga
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:03, Reply)
they've got the money, it's just the rebranding that would bother me

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:08, Reply)
yeah that is pretty shit
I think all the sports clubs they have bought incorporate their logo on the badge
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:10, Reply)
we aint worth 70 anyway, he's only saying that because he reckons he's lent the club 50 and bought for 18, so he deserves to make a profit, yeah right you belgian wanker

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:14, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:03, Reply)
because I love you

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:04, Reply)
everyone loves me, people just can't help butlove a narcissist (at least, that's what I think)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:21, Reply)
Lol buttlove

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:22, Reply)
your perverted mind has ruined the beautiful relationship between a man and his butler

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:26, Reply)
*monacle drops out*

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:09, Reply)
stop shoving it up there, then

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:27, Reply)
uh huh

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:04, Reply)
huh uh

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:04, Reply)
Oh, I see

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:21, Reply)
U no dat

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:26, Reply)
Also. You're white

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:27, Reply)
Bottom get

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:34, Reply)
wake up, wake up, it's the first of the month

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 14:42, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 15:07, Reply)
I'm back now
but I've realised this thread is a bit Frank-esque, wanky wanky wank etc.

What are you bit -esque?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:15, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:15, Reply)
you do remind me of a giant beetle

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:24, Reply)
The Trial was better IMHO
So was In der Strafkolonie, Kafka was a bit of a mad un
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:30, Reply)
tall mccartney

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:28, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:32, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:33, Reply)
I'll burn your church m8

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:36, Reply)
Too late m8
It's nothing but ashes, and Euronymous was inside
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:40, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:34, Reply)
You're a bit like 4 swedes?
Sort of weight? Or talent?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:19, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:33, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:38, Reply)
not sure

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:38, Reply)
i reckon you've got time to have a think about it

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:41, Reply)
Oh shit
I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Right, I'm withdrawing my choice.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:43, Reply)
I'm deciding to just call you TwoHats again
happy wednesday!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:46, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:47, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:50, Reply)
I can't think of anything

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:49, Reply)
see you're quick to judge rob, but it's not as easy to consistently come up with top quality internet lols as he makes it look

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:52, Reply)
ah, but I don't have a blue tick verifying me as a cult internet twitter celeb

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:56, Reply)
one day, $$, one day
dream big
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:57, Reply)
Is that what the tick means?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:19, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:24, Reply)
What a cunt

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:27, Reply)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:39, Reply)
lol u nob

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:42, Reply)
i do my best

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:11, Reply)
well I think this deserves recognition in the form of a short-lived spot on the popular page

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:44, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:44, Reply)
I can't believe you created an entire blog and did image searches and everything just for this.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:56, Reply)
and yet, here we are

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:58, Reply)
yep. took about 10 minutes
would have done it sooner but i'm at work, innit
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:11, Reply)
fucking hell
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:58, Reply)
we're laughing
but he's winning the hearts and minds of the general public
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:02, Reply)
Leave trump alone :'(

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:04, Reply)
Classic rob

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:28, Reply)
Jolly good!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:07, Reply)
i'll add some more later

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:12, Reply)
For today at least, you are my hero.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:13, Reply)
This is art

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:19, Reply)
haha guffs
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:24, Reply)
Have you tweeted it to Rob yet?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:29, Reply)
he knows where we are

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:38, Reply)
He doesn't even pop in and say hello anymore

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:41, Reply)
he will when the next newsletter is ready

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:50, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:44, Reply)
Nicolae Ceauș

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:49, Reply)
easy for you to say

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:50, Reply)
I'd gun you down anytime

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:50, Reply)
you can be my wife and deputy any day

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:54, Reply)
fucks sake
manolith can you get in touch with one of the proper mods and get this issue sorted once and for all?
I think it may be losing the site traffic
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:50, Reply)
I expect b3ta is particularly popular in Romania
possible Moldova too
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:54, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:39, Reply)
But how else are we going to post the lyrics to the Numa Numa song?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:42, Reply)
lobster b

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:00, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:05, Reply)
I think I need a change of job.
Anyone got any vacancies they need filled?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:08, Reply)

vacanc cavit
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:11, Reply)
Chicken dentist assistant

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:14, Reply)
Much as I love Two Hats,
I'm not sure that I'd want to work for him.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:16, Reply)
Oh, I'm a terrible employer

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:33, Reply)
that's not true
you give excellent birthday blowjobs
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:36, Reply)
i still think it would be better if only the person whose birthday it is got one, not everybody

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:43, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:48, Reply)
But then what kind of a birthday would that be for me??

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:52, Reply)
no way
informatics is the future. You remain where you are and suck it up.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:24, Reply)
Actually, the job's alright, I just want to get paid the same to do less work from an office nearer to where I live. Is that too much to ask?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:28, Reply)
ai will take it away soon

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:33, Reply)
The pain?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:36, Reply)
you're comfortably numb

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:49, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:14, Reply)
look at him go!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:35, Reply)
I'm basquesque

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:18, Reply)

basquesque a twat
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:53, Reply)
You sorted my radio out yet?
I'm sorely tempted by that 200 quid MST box. Saves the fucking around. Although they don't seem to exist second hand which is weird.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:19, Reply)
haven't looked, I was busy
but yeah, any accessory like that is likely to be flogged on the specific forum for that car; dunno if there's an XC90 UK group that you can ask.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:27, Reply)
RIP Ken Morrison

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:57, Reply)
Sir ken #justsaying

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:05, Reply)
kenny to his mates

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:20, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:14, Reply)
Happy National Freedom Day to our American forum members!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:58, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 12:58, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:12, Reply)

e i
i e
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:17, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:20, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:27, Reply)
Grandmaster Flash cuts so on

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:40, Reply)

This thread is now closed.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:38, Reply)
In b4 404

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 13:42, Reply)
Second breakfast morning thread
I'm wearing the Tesco Value Grrrmachine t-shirt this morning.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:22, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:23, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:25, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:40, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:45, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:23, Reply)
Uninteruptable Morning Thread active
*please insert 50p*
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:27, Reply)
*inserts slice of Christmas ham*

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:29, Reply)
now there's a funny smell coming from the meter.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:37, Reply)

ere's a funny smell coming from the meter at's lunch sorted
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:40, Reply)
He seems quite worried about Axl Rose's sausage purchase
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:14, Reply)
what a retard

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:17, Reply)
Excuse me..."retard with no self-awareness", thank you very much
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:18, Reply)

self-awareness leccy
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:57, Reply)
there is not one bit of comedy in that whole thing, what a bunch of wankers

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:22, Reply)
Generally speaking, jokes are supposed to include an element of humour
I don't really see what's so strange about buying 7 sausages.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:23, Reply)
hahahaha 7 sausages!!!
classic rob!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:26, Reply)
He very much has his finger on the pulse of comedy
on the pul up the ar
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:27, Reply)
I buy sausages in packs of twelve,
but will sometimes cook an uneven number of them for a meal.
Someone should set up an "uneven number of sausages" tumblr, and blow Rob's mind.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:26, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:28, Reply)
No doubt he's confused by the notion of cooking for more than one person.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:24, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:25, Reply)
3 sausages for Axl, 3 for Mrs Axl
one for Axl dog.

Mystery solved
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:27, Reply)
Or even 3 for Axl, and two each for Axl Jr and Axlina
lovely couple of kids
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:28, Reply)
they both hate you

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:35, Reply)
well there's no accounting for taste

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:41, Reply)
How many sausages does Kunt fry, do you think?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:36, Reply)
what's the WACKIEST number of sausages? Probably a THOUSAND OR SUMMAT
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:42, Reply)
he would call them wangers

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:44, Reply)
lol who knows what he's going to do next
he's mad!!!
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:01, Reply)
376 for him, 1 for Mrs Manuel,
623 for the kids and The Gang to share (with any leftovers sent to Axl Rose).
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:45, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:55, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:35, Reply)
wake up on the wrong side of the bed or under it, Grumpy Pig?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:36, Reply)
Nope, I'm in a great mood.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:41, Reply)
I wish I could somehow change my settings to strikey-g and all that, it just won't change back :(

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:43, Reply)
What do you mean?
A strikey-g is easy

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:47, Reply)
there used to be a thing in the settings but i guesss its fcked. or do i just juse code?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:49, Reply)
yeah, code
teh uplaod codez
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:50, Reply)
I never saw a settings thing. I just the <s>

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:53, Reply)
im so stupid it doesn't work

/mod edit:
stupid uninformed
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:57, Reply)
omg the first time a mod edited (not deleted) a message of mine
doesn't work. can I just get some gaz? I also don't remember how to blankspace post :(
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:26, Reply)
You need a b3ta gold account for that

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:33, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:38, Reply)
my bad
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:07, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:39, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:34, Reply)
Guten Morgen Herr Yeti!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:35, Reply)
Wie geht's, Alter?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:38, Reply)
I'm only slowly arriving middle-aged, so I've still got some funk
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:40, Reply)
My traps are sulking after Monday's gym-fest, but my gait is light and groovy.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:46, Reply)
gai, lol

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:50, Reply)
ze lol

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:53, Reply)
the stripes suit you
alright yeti, everyone
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:38, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:41, Reply)
not the herro b3ta needs, but the one it deserves

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:43, Reply)
Portuguese Man-O-Lith

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:46, Reply)
tudo bem?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:50, Reply)
tudo bom.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:53, Reply)
Tudor bum

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:58, Reply)
Moito bum
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:21, Reply)
Did you see those pictures of people coming down to the royal rumble on little go karts?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:47, Reply)
i did, it was pretty funny
i wondered why they kept showing people appearing at the top of the ramp and then cutting back to the ring.
it was a fucking long way though
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:49, Reply)
Yeah, very long.
I didn't think much of the rumble to be honest.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:54, Reply)
i thought it was alright apart from the end, but then it's been years since i've agreed with the choice of rumble winner

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:07, Reply)
I didn't watch all of it, but the ending was not for me

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:35, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:41, Reply)
morgasm rich?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:44, Reply)
not exactly m8

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:32, Reply)
Say Ooh! Urgh! Daily Sturgh!

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:47, Reply)
Gina G never quite recovered from her stroke

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:13, Reply)
cor I'd have a stroke over gina g
eh lads? eh? eh?
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:20, Reply)
hashtag lady boarders m8

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:21, Reply)
Even if you would hashtag, she probably wouldn't.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:22, Reply)
wait I thought I was the lady boarder?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:26, Reply)
Well that's quite apt as I have had a 2nd breakfast

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:00, Reply)
^ Hobbit

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:06, Reply)
haha, lore

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:35, Reply)
The evil android?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:38, Reply)
I fought the lore and the lore won

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:42, Reply)
My t-shirt is red and has podka dots on:)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:04, Reply)
Oh yeah? Well, my hovercraft is full of eels.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:06, Reply)
^knock off dusty rhodes

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:07, Reply)
ooooh. O.o
I'll have to check this statement for truth.

Brace yourself.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:10, Reply)
nice contents
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:11, Reply)
You like what you see?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:17, Reply)
no, not now

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:18, Reply)
I feel a bit sick

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:19, Reply)
check em

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:21, Reply)
it's nothing without the zeros get as well

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:27, Reply)
don't bully me online, please

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:32, Reply)
Late for work thanks to horrendous traffic, plus I'm leaving early to take to boy to the quack.
Think I'm pushing the idea of flexible working past its limit.

On the plus side, my Amazon delivery looks to be arriving early, despite me opting for "no rush" delivery, and I'll have probably built up enough credit for another free film rental.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:21, Reply)
Czesc MoMu.
My current Amazon delivery is throwing me off a little. When I ordered in mid-Jan it said the expected delivery date was between 31 Jan and the end of the first week of Feb, but they then told me it shipped about ten days ago. Haven't got it yet, so I'm beginning to think they shipped it from the Moon or something.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:33, Reply)
I've noticed that most of my recent orders go out from the warehouse down the road, but then make their way to me via Luton or Hemel.
I should just offer to pick them up from the local warehouse.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:48, Reply)
I met a pretty lass from Luton when I was a student

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:37, Reply)
Probably wasn't me.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:39, Reply)
alright dick's

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:31, Reply)
and dickettes

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:32, Reply)
check ur binary gender privilege pls

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:34, Reply)
I think I'm a 01110000 01101111 01110100 01100001 01110100 01101111

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:41, Reply)
01101100 01101111 01101100

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:45, Reply)
That's Mr. Dicks to you.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:36, Reply)
Dick Medical school drop out, eh?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:49, Reply)
He could be a surgeon.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:03, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:42, Reply)
Two Hats and Yeti, sitting in a tree
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:48, Reply)
After eating the hotel fry up yesterday, I reasoned I'd be better off skipping it and having an extra 10 minutes in bed.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 9:35, Reply)
woah, deloltion

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:21, Reply)
Well, I'm not going to repeat my fried bread tip.
Nor the thing about beans.
Sorry, internet.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:33, Reply)
they don't deserve you, Ems

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:39, Reply)
I don't think I even saw the thing about beans.
Sad tiemz.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 11:13, Reply)
Shameless anti-fry up deloltion.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:21, Reply)
It's ok, I've already reported this to Rob
he feels very strongly about fried sausages.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:22, Reply)
So I see.
He'll probably get back to you once he's solved the mystery of Axl Rose's missing slice of fried bread.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:24, Reply)

bread toast
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:26, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 10:24, Reply)
today's morning thread is time-limited to 0815 GMT. After that time, you are on your own.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 6:54, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:03, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:04, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:06, Reply)
TURD, more like!
any poster after this fails to get on the podium and must consider themselves one of life's many losers.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:14, Reply)
Yeah, the people not posting here this early are definitely the losers.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:22, Reply)
"Ich bin ein Verlierer"
(loser) as opposed to "Ich bin ein Berliner"
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:41, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:52, Reply)
My everything

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:57, Reply)
I witnessed you breaking your own rule
I think that means they changed something
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:25, Reply)
It's deep I know
Just deal with it ok
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:25, Reply)
what are you wittering on about?

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:34, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:56, Reply)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 7:52, Reply)

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:01, Reply)
Well, that's it from GRRRMACHINE this morning.

(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:15, Reply)
yer, I'm done, someone else can take over
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:16, Reply)
08:15 on the *dot*
(, Wed 1 Feb 2017, 8:16, Reply)
Hi everyon'e
I've noticed that Donald Fart has toned down the ol' tan since taking office.

What have *you* noticed?

I'm looking forward to my free dinner tonight. Ever been given something by a business to say sorry for a fuckup?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:34, Reply)
Got upgraded to a private suite and pool in Bali because the hotel I'd booked couldn't put me up on the first night , two weeks of free 5 star living , even had my own guide

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:37, Reply)
fucking hell that's not bad eh
Makes my dinner for two look a bit lame
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:41, Reply)
It was my honeymoon , so I still had to put up with a crying women saying I'd booked it wrong

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:44, Reply)
A bad omen

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:47, Reply)
Oh you've met her then...Oh hahahahaha

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:52, Reply)

A bad o you'd be better of with
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:53, Reply)
Id be a millionaire if I was bent

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 20:12, Reply)
yeah but try not to just think of the money mongy, try to think of all the other benefits

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:59, Reply)
I mean for example this evening I have learned from the popular page that only homosexuals are allowed to drink proper coffee

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:05, Reply)
Just got back from Trainspotting 2
Loved it. Great soundtrack too.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 18:33, Reply)
I just made a 7 minute walk to a nice looking pub near my hotel. Google maps neglected to tell me half the roof is now missing.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 18:45, Reply)
Might let you smoke indoors

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 18:56, Reply)
I bet it's popular with stargazers

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:05, Reply)
I once took a bag of crisps back to Sainsbury's, to take advantage of their "love me or your money back" guarantee.
I didn't enjoy the crisps, so they gave me my money back.

Sorry, mongy, but it looks like I'm the high roller in this thread.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:10, Reply)
I can beat that. Once I was about to buy four cheese topped rolls but the cashier noticed the bag had split and sent someone off to fetch more but they only had six packs left so they have me them for the same price.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:18, Reply)
My wife ordered 3 small pizzas from Tesco, but they only had 2,
so they sent those, plus a pack of 4, so we got 6 pizzas for the price of 3.
This week, we got 12 rolls for the price of 8.

I'll enjoy this "crappiest brag contest", up until someone points out that they put everything through the self-service tills as onions, and I lose my shit over the fact that this is actual theft.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:23, Reply)
Strictly speaking, I think it's fraud.
It's incredibly gyppo either way, and I think I have more respect for someone brazen enough to attempt to steal something properly.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:30, Reply)
I'm the one bringing it up, and I've already made a fool of myself.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:35, Reply)
If it makes you feel better I've bought stolen steaks from a smackhead who'd clearly nicked them.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:37, Reply)
I hope you handled them caerphilly

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:29, Reply)
I remember when this board was wall-to-wall this kind of quality cheese pun, WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED EH?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:10, Reply)
You certainly did better long term

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:53, Reply)
I've never seen you and Trump in a room together.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:24, Reply)
I've definitely been in the same room as a trump.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 19:41, Reply)
I once got some vouchers because my deliveroo food was 25 minutes late.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 21:06, Reply)
i once opened a can of cherry 7up and it smelt of guffs so i complained to britvic or whoever
and they sent me fuck all
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 21:45, Reply)
Got 6 Ferrero Rocher collections for free
I really spoiled my ambassador that day
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 21:47, Reply)
You or manolith told me about free buds, both hero's

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:07, Reply)
oh yeah, i forgot about that

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:48, Reply)
I worked as a manager in a hotel in my youth and it was standard practice to comp bottles of wine etc for people unhappy with something
I soon realised that I could sign off bottles of wine for myself and my staff under the guise of a non-existent complaint.

Sorry monster munch, this is more of a theft story, but they didn't pay very well.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 21:59, Reply)
I'm reporting this to the police

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:01, Reply)
The Hilton would only be 39.99 week nights if it wasn't for this in-house crime

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:09, Reply)
Poor Conrad could've been a rich man if it hadn't been for low level managers living the high life

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:24, Reply)
if you stuck with it
you could have been on the board by now
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:26, Reply)
Not interested I'm making a shitload hustling at pool

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:32, Reply)
He served his time and yours, bit like jesus

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:46, Reply)
You pikey cunt.
Still, maybe you were just taking advantage of a lax system? Yeah, maybe I can rationalise it that way.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:14, Reply)
Any theft only has negative financial consequences

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:35, Reply)
This why we need to focus on overthrowing the bourgeoise

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:01, Reply)
Up the workers!
Particularly those that are nicking stuff.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:31, Reply)
You a round.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:42, Reply)

I once pointed out an issue with a food product, the company offered me a couple of free packets of the product in question, I said thanks but please send it direct to the local foodbank, thereby making myself a massively tedious virtue signaler, true story
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:59, Reply)
They didn't

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:03, Reply)

yes I've always wondered that, but that's for them isn't it, I gave them the address, and I like to think that as they were going to send the goods to me, they might as well have sent them to the foodbank
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:06, Reply)
Could have dropped them round yourself, that way you wouldn't spend the rest of your days wondering

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:07, Reply)

it's OK I can tolerate the uncertainty mostly
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:09, Reply)
Fine for some, well adjusted people, me it'd be sleepless nights

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:10, Reply)
speaking of which
evening all
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 23:16, Reply)
That thread was the bentest thread we've had in quite some time
What's the opposite of bent?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:30, Reply)
Straight, I'd have thought.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:32, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:45, Reply)
Me, m8
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:32, Reply)
Surely you're "curvy"?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:34, Reply)
Surely you're SHUT UP

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:35, Reply)
alright stormzy, you fucking backing dancer

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:38, Reply)
um, alright

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:54, Reply)
he's a 'rapping man'
who is in the news today
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:01, Reply)
what's the scamp been up to?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:03, Reply)
put up a load of cryptic billboards, it seems

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:08, Reply)
i just read, debut album coming it seems, i'll be buying that brah

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:10, Reply)
lol, "bra"!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:12, Reply)
I see

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:17, Reply)
I cannot begin to comprehend the appeal of "UK Garage".

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:00, Reply)
that's because you are an old fart

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:04, Reply)
I fear this may be correct.
How do you stay so in tune with "da yoot", mongy?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:09, Reply)
It annoys my kids that I'm hip

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:13, Reply)
Annoying one's own children is a laudable endeavour.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:16, Reply)
I thought that was the main point of having them?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:43, Reply)
I've hopefully bred an army of bumwipers,
to see me through my dotage.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:58, Reply)
I'm aiming for being wealthy enough to hire someone for that
Or a world where arse wiping robots are the norm by the time I reach old age
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:18, Reply)
In a perfect world, I'd be able to have a really tremendous shit
and leave no mess whatsoever. Then I'd never have to wipe again. Think of the money one would save on toilet tissue.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:38, Reply)
Play your karma right,
maybe you'll get reincarnated as a dog?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:40, Reply)
Just get one of them there techno toilets
with the windscreen wash and hot air gubbins.

A quick search shows that you can get one for less than �700
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:40, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:37, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:55, Reply)
an extra curvy piece of driftwood

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:44, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:16, Reply)
It was direct from the desk of The Last Threadbender alright.
Dr. Strange was a lot less bent than I was expecting it to be, without actually being the opposite of bent as such, but it's the best I've got off the top of my head.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:36, Reply)
I watched an episode of Dirk Gently yesterday
DICK BENTLY, more like
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:38, Reply)
I've read a couple of the Dirk Gently novels.
They're quixotically good.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:44, Reply)
I read Teatime Of The Soul.
It was crap, as was the TV version with Stephen Mangan.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:49, Reply)
I haven't seen that, so I'm just going to say "Stephen Your Nan, more like" and leave it at that.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:56, Reply)
lol, "your nan"!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:01, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:04, Reply)
Bruce Lee.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:44, Reply)
I call him bent lee

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:00, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:44, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:46, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:45, Reply)
Dude hung around with 12 other blokes, worse sandals and threw dinner parties
I bet he did jazz hands at the end of the sermon on the mount, the fucking bender
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:47, Reply)
I bet he foot wanked all of those blokes as well

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:50, Reply)
they just put it in his hole(s)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:19, Reply)

at is
wa i
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:47, Reply)
Hi Richard. You might like this.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:16, Reply)
I've seen that before actually

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:10, Reply)
chelsea want craig gordon? mental
the guy was out of work for two years
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:49, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:49, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:50, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:51, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:51, Reply)
it's okay now
I don't care about it anymore
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:56, Reply)
I've calmed down too

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:02, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:09, Reply)
only as 3rd keeper aint it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:02, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:11, Reply)
the opposite of bent is obviously your nan

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:49, Reply)
Bent are an electronica act from Nottingham in England, consisting of Neil "Nail" Tolliday and Simon Mills. They gained critical acclaim from their debut album Programmed to Love in 2000.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:56, Reply)
Nottingham is in the county of Nottinghamshire, Van Halen fans

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:03, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:10, Reply)
Programmed to Love is a fucking beautiful album.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:57, Reply)
^ bent

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:05, Reply)
well it's certainly not this thread

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:30, Reply)
You can say that again

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:31, Reply)
the site won't let me :(

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:35, Reply)
If there's one thing this site will never tolerate
it's repetition
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:36, Reply)
or deviation

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:38, Reply)
you deviator

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:39, Reply)
or you get a bang on the head like this
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:39, Reply)
or like this
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:40, Reply)
still no reply?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:42, Reply)
If it's not related to art, british kings or lower league football teams, he's not interested.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:52, Reply)
tweet him a picture of your bumhole

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:01, Reply)
whack THAT!
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:01, Reply)
If there's one thing this site will never tolerate
it's repetition
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:38, Reply)
bum it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:33, Reply)
like bop it
but ruder
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:36, Reply)
fist it
pull it
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:39, Reply)
you'd like that wouldn't you

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:37, Reply)
Bop It - Sexy Edition

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:37, Reply)
They're playing that Boy Meets Girl song outside my room.
Sounds like they're singing:

Waiting for a star to fall
And carry your heart into my arse
That's where you belong
In my arse baby, yeah
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:38, Reply)
who is?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:40, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:40, Reply)
oh them again

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:44, Reply)
i dunno
probably not this though
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:43, Reply)
You two made a nice couple
It's a shame how it worked out
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:51, Reply)
All I got was a picture of a cat in a spaceship and something about technical difficulties.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:56, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:26, Reply)
^ bit yag m8
hashtag just sayin
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:30, Reply)
everything is a bit gay
with the possible exception of using stinging nettles to wipe your arse
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:33, Reply)
When you're on the heath
accidents happen.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:42, Reply)
beware the moon
and stick to the roads
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 16:43, Reply)

This thread is now closed.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:27, Reply)
can anyonw find a picture of trump in a swimsuit
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 17:33, Reply)
Hullo everyone, it is I, 80s pop sensation Flebbie Gibson
Haha, fooled you, it was me (Richard) all along!

Are you a fucking mug? I bet you're a right fucking mug. Right now, here in this post, I am mugging you right off. You fucking mug.

Keyword: cup
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:58, Reply)
PS I strongly suspect that you are also a fucking muppet.
Hashtag just sayin.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:59, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:00, Reply)
The new Muppet series is a bit
of a gritty reboot.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:04, Reply)
I'll delete mine then.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:59, Reply)
It's the gentlemanly thing to do.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:00, Reply)
Mine was going to be better than that.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:24, Reply)
no way m8

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:40, Reply)
Yes way.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:47, Reply)
Cup - "C U P"
Err, stop watching me pee, Richard!
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:00, Reply)
Pisswatching is living well, m8

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:00, Reply)
Piss like no one's watching, that's my motto
Piss and the world pisses with you; shit, and you shit alone
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:02, Reply)

you shit alone mcbeef gets his wings
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:07, Reply)
choccy wings more like

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:08, Reply)
I bet you think I've got mug written on my fuckin forehead, don't you
Keyword: Eggy
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:02, Reply)
it says gum

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:04, Reply)
take my advice; never do your own tattoos

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:05, Reply)
you're the mug of muggingham palace in mugford you mugging mug mugger!
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:04, Reply)
lol you're mental mental chicken oriental m8

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:04, Reply)
ah so

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:05, Reply)
Bit racist

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:06, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:40, Reply)
Precious little in this new thread makes any sense to me at all but there you have it.
Alright, the lovely Flebbie McGee.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:06, Reply)
I work with someone named Debby McGee
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:09, Reply)
I bet she loves jocular references to Paul Daniels.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:10, Reply)
In truth, we've never met
and being american, I suspect she hasn't the foggiest who Paul Daniels is.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:24, Reply)
That takes all the fun out of it.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:34, Reply)
Oh, I know

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:37, Reply)
Not a lot, presumably

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:11, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:27, Reply)

work with tried to saw in half
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:18, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:24, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:40, Reply)
Bought my parents some Best Grandparents mugs this weekend
but in Polish. Try saying that with your fat Kent tongues, you useless relics of a bygone era.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:16, Reply)
Your dad put his fat Kent tongue in your mum's bumhole.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:22, Reply)
And she liked it.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:23, Reply)
The taste of her cherry preparation H

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:23, Reply)
I have a mug
with "What part of Eyjafjallaj�kull don't you understand?" on it. It was reassuringly expensive. Like everything is fucking Iceland.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:25, Reply)
Prawn rings are cheap

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:26, Reply)
^Katona apologist

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:27, Reply)
I went a couple of years ago and didn't find it that bad

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:42, Reply)
Use my arsehole as a Kent.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:36, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:37, Reply)
stick it up your gravesend m8

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:40, Reply)
Mugs are for the common folk
*lifts dainty porcelain teacup to pursed lips, little finger stuck out, and takes delicate sip of darjeeling*
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:24, Reply)

Then guffs like a cavalry horse
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:25, Reply)
"Cor! Bit more choke and that would've started!"

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:28, Reply)
I tried pumping the throttle
but I think I've flooded it now
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:51, Reply)
I don't know why y'all trying to front, when you know that I'll smoke you up like a blunt

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:25, Reply)
Stick my tip between your lips and suck?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:31, Reply)
^genuine like Gucci, raw like sushi

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:42, Reply)
how rude!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:27, Reply)
He's a nasty woman.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:31, Reply)

There was a crooked Richard, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all guffed together in a little crooked house.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:33, Reply)
^ bent

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:40, Reply)
What the fuck are you on about?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:51, Reply)
"nasty woman" > "crooked Hillary" > "crooked Richard"

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:54, Reply)
Shut up

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:11, Reply)

Shut Lock him
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:20, Reply)
Phil Collins original title for the song
but Philip Bailey persuaded him to go with She's An Easy Lover. I think Phil was more on the money.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:53, Reply)
I have a mug, and on the bottom it says "I'm a twat"
So when you drink out of it, people read it and think you're a twat. It's very very lol
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:49, Reply)
You don't need to lift the mug.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:54, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:55, Reply)
So I'm a that and a wanker? TWANKER! portmanteau lols

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:12, Reply)
if the mug fits ...

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:14, Reply)
^ rejected prop from The Usual Suspects

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:05, Reply)

Usual Susp Devil's Rej
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:06, Reply)
More like Flebbie Mcgee, you fackin PRICK
Get fucked.

Not really.
Wuv yoo
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:10, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:15, Reply)
I ent scrolling through all that shit, before hastily typing a response.
hth xx
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:22, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:24, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 14:26, Reply)
Someone bought me and the other half a groupon spa treatment voucher
I don't like massages, I don't like saunas and steam rooms and that kind of "pampering" really pisses me off. But it clearly cost a lot of money so we're having to grit our teeth and try and book a session, may even have to take a day annual leave to go.

What shitty annoying present have you had that you don't want and has actually caused you real problems?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:27, Reply)
Don't think he'll like being called "The Other", m8
and what good is half a voucher?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:29, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:29, Reply)
It's like Tomb Raider
You have to put your half together with the other half then you get a facial
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)

your half together with the other half then you get a facial the butler in the freezer
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:33, Reply)
i did spend longer than was necessary trying to manoeuvre ms croft into a position where i could better see her polygonal jubblies, it's true

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:41, Reply)
The most fun I had with that game was drowning her in her own pool.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:08, Reply)
settle down, psycho

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:15, Reply)
Wot, no strikey-g?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:20, Reply)
you're not worth it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:22, Reply)
This may just be the meanest you've ever been to me, manolith.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:24, Reply)
thanks, i appreciate the feedback

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:31, Reply)
I'll ask Rob if I can sit in on your appraisal.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:33, Reply)

appraisal lap
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:34, Reply)
I'd settle for a cushion stuffed with freshly shorn wookie hair.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:36, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:46, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:50, Reply)

sit in your appraisal get a Christmas ham for 50p
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:35, Reply)
Learning that skill would sort lunch.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:37, Reply)
Legend says he's still in there now

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:34, Reply)
good lord

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)
oh come on

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:33, Reply)
waste of fucking time. Don't send them and if you receive them, bin 'em.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)
better to burn 'em, that way there's less chance any more will grow

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:33, Reply)
I'll salt the earth so nothing can grow

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:36, Reply)
Now I like recieving flowers
Bent? Perhaps. But they brighten the place up for a little while. My auntie sent me a bouquet when my dad died, which was a very nice gesture.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:34, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:38, Reply)
my secret shame!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:14, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:41, Reply)
You can send me courgette flowers any day.
Batter those bad boys and fry them; farking lovely.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:35, Reply)
Dandelions are good for this, too.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:39, Reply)
That's good to know.
They're a lot easier to find than courgettes outside the supermarket.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:42, Reply)
Spent an afternoon foraging, on one of our camping trips.
Garlic mustard is abundant and tasty, and nettles are surprisingly good (had them as a tea and a pesto). Our guide had brought a couple of pigeons for us to cook, but they were full of maggots.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:59, Reply)
I ate at a restaurant in the Vosges once
whose menu was constructed entirely around nettles. Starter, main course and pudding all had nettles as the main ingredient. Pretty good, all told.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:12, Reply)
I was a bit gutted to find out that they were such good eating,
as I'd drowned the massive crop in my back garden with glyphosate, mere weeks earlier.
They are a bugger to harvest, though.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:17, Reply)
My missus dislikes receiving flowers,
as having to find a vase, then trim, arrange and water them is less a thoughtful gift, and more an imposition on her time.

I still buy them for her, occasionally, on the understanding that I'll be the one to deal with them, and she just gets to enjoy them.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:38, Reply)
A friend once bought me an ornament with a poem about friendship on it
And ok, it was a very sweet gesture, but it's not the sort of thing I would ever have in my house, and being such good friends, you would've thought she'd know this. Also, it was about a tenner, which is too much to spend on something so shit. She would've been better off getting me a four pack and keeping the change for herself.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)

em about friendship o
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:59, Reply)
Now you see, that I would've liked

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:15, Reply)
well that's next christmas sorted then

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:22, Reply)
You know me
I always prefer something home made
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:24, Reply)
Spoilt for choice:
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:25, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:30, Reply)
who knew that poo could be so expensive?
I'm sitting on a gold mine here
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:32, Reply)
^ is a dinosaur

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:34, Reply)
I am a little older than Two Hats, it's true

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:54, Reply)
Alright, "Encino Man"

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:07, Reply)
alright bu-uddy

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:16, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:35, Reply)
sell it, as a grown up if i don't want to do something i politely say no thanks i'm not doing that

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)
You're clearly just a pretend gay if you don't like saunas.
I was gifted a box of African ingredients and condiments by a couple of friends, complete with recipe, thus making me feel kind of obliged to engage in exotic and technically demanding cookery and invite them round for dinner to be subjected to my beginner's efforts. I've been quietly ignoring the issue so far and I think it's working.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:34, Reply)
after all, 'sauna' is an anagram of 'a anus'

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:47, Reply)
I wouldn't mind a anus treatment

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:50, Reply)
Oh, I do like "saunas"
but not for the health-spa aspects, IYKWIM
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:00, Reply)
Facials and colonic irrigation, he'.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:06, Reply)
Oh man, imagine the stink of you sprayed a bumful of colonic water into the coals.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:37, Reply)
Nope, not going to imagine that.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:04, Reply)
Would it sizzle?
Or sort of bubble and squelch?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:37, Reply)
My mother has a habit of buying the kids a ton of cheap tat for birthdays/Christmas,
but we're gradually getting her out of that habit.
Had my first ever spa visit, last year - bloody lovely.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:35, Reply)
You never know, you may enjoy it!
Have a float about in the pool and sit on a sunbed or something.
Get a mud bath?

I dunno.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:01, Reply)
Im not really one for cards...
Waste of trees.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:02, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:02, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:08, Reply)
that was just for you, really

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:15, Reply)
Also, aint there some sort of site that you can sell vouchers now?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:03, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:03, Reply)

"I sell many Amazon vouchers. I'm a professional gamer and current UK #1 PES player, and I win a lot of vouchers. I'd recommend this service to anyone looking at selling their vouchers."
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:07, Reply)

player dispenser
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:13, Reply)
Premier Equine Spunk?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:14, Reply)
Do they have a birthday before the voucher expires?
If so re-gift it to them. Better yet re-gift the expired vouchers.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:08, Reply)
I like a spa day. I'll go in your place.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:09, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:16, Reply)
I'll go in your placeghetti, if you're not careful.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:21, Reply)
I don't think it'd FITtuccine

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:24, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:28, Reply)
TagliaTell me about it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:55, Reply)
I LOVE a spaghetti day!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:01, Reply)
+g +y
day. I'll go in your place. to do me up the bum bum
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:31, Reply)
This look like it's written in C++.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:58, Reply)
I only ever get presents that I like

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:29, Reply)
because the only person who buys you anything is you?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:43, Reply)
shut up
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:54, Reply)
hey now
let's keep this friendly.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:57, Reply)
HE started it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:57, Reply)
i think you both need a timeout and a nap

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:04, Reply)
i'd love a nap, actually

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:09, Reply)

a nap, to watch love
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:11, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:43, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:13, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:25, Reply)
The gift of love.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:21, Reply)
Meaning Aids.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:22, Reply)
I'm running out of storage space thanks to the kind but utterly useless presents some elderly family friends keep sending me.
Recent gifts include a set of original concorde crockery and large numbers of ugly and dangerous baby toys.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:30, Reply)
The crockery might have some resale value,
the rest you should probably bin.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 12:33, Reply)
Is this partly your fault for having such ugly and dangerous babies?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 13:03, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 6:53, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:15, Reply)
alright Rich
say something positive
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:18, Reply)
I've got nothing

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:53, Reply)
might as well just kill yourself

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:55, Reply)
You're right

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:56, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:04, Reply)
Hello here Mr wankhouse

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:46, Reply)
With Fap Shart and the twins?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:50, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 7:51, Reply)
Time to fire up the French press again.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:13, Reply)
what makes it French?
Can't you just call it a coffee press?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:14, Reply)
Dunno why they call it that, to be honest.
Someone decided at some point in time that the French press was the one with the plunger and the Italian pot was the one that came in two screw-together halves and went on the hob.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:16, Reply)
Fuck all that mate, get a proper coffee maker.
What's with all the bent manual push plungers, do you have a mangle, too? Get out of the stone age m8
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:19, Reply)
This is one of the areas in which I quite like being old-skool.
No faffing about with tamping and steam pressure and all that. My Italian pot makes something not dissimilar to espresso (much less foam, granted, but still) and my morning ritual involves a half-litre mug of coffeem, and making that kind of quantity in a machine is impractical and bad for teh heart.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:26, Reply)
Good Lord, not an espresso machine.
Do you also go in for hair oil, sexism and cowardice? A coffee machine, man.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:31, Reply)
I just dump coffee grounds in a mug and add hot water
If you're dicking around with some sort of machine, you might as well shove a Chippendale's cock up your arse to start the day, you bender.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:35, Reply)
I hope it's freeze dried, otherwise you might as well put on a pair of panties and start singing show tunes.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:37, Reply)
I'm not gonna bite vladimir's style

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:38, Reply)
imagine my joy on finding this whilst perusing all the exciting japes on the popular page :-D
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 22:35, Reply)
You'll have to enlighten me, here.
The only coffe machines I know that aren't espresso machines take capsules.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:37, Reply)
Hot water, a few cups of ground coffee on top of a filter, press the "go" button.
It's the only acceptable way to make coffee of any sort. If it in any way steams milk, you'd just as well put on a cardigan, grow your beard and get really into *insert name of obscure artist's discography released prior to achieving mediocrity*
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:40, Reply)
Oh yeah, one of those jobbies.
I don't want a paper filter, though - it removes some of those lovely bitter and caffeine-laden oils.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:43, Reply)
A percolator (filter coffee, as the cafés sell it).
Or, make "prk prk" noises while your boiling the kettle for your nescafe.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:46, Reply)
I'd honestly rather have a cup of black filter coffee
than anything else. Unless Starbucks has one of those seasonal jobbies with the shitload of flavoured syrup. I'm on those like crabs on a skank.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:48, Reply)
Denis Leary's going to beat you up now.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:51, Reply)
what's wrong with a nice pot of tea, you ghastly foreigner?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:51, Reply)
You don't get good tea in most cafés - they take water from a boiler, rather than boiling it fresh.
Bad coffee is almost always preferable to bad tea.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:08, Reply)
Café filter coffee often isn't all that different to their Americano, and usually a good few pennies cheaper, so it does me.
My filter machine lives on a high shelf, and it's usually easier to get the moka pot on, at home (french press is easier still, but they keep on getting smashed). The pot makes nicer coffee, too.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:52, Reply)
No it doesn't, don't be silly.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:54, Reply)
It is a high shelf.
Maybe not if you're a Harlem Globetrotter.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:11, Reply)
One of those crappy percolator things?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:39, Reply)
By "crappy", I'm assuming you mean "manly in a way only 20 quid spent at Curry's can achieve".

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:41, Reply)
I meant crappy as after they've been keeping coffee warm for half an hour
it tastes like rubber
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:44, Reply)
You mean you don't like your coffee to taste like burnt tyres?
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:45, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:46, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:56, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:57, Reply)
It's the circle of life

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:01, Reply)
I thought the Italian one was Turkish
Immma believe it's called a French press because it offers very little resistance when subjected to a superior force.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:19, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:21, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:24, Reply)
I believe the Italian one (mokka pot) is quite different to Turkish,
as Turkish coffee is reduced down to a fairly thick consistency. Could be wrong, though, as I've never had Turkish coffee.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:27, Reply)
Turkish and Greek coffee are pretty thick and pasty.
You get a good teaspoon's worth of grounds in the bottom of the cup as a matter of course. They also tend to look at you strangely if you don't sweeten the bejeezus out of it, which is not my thing either.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:28, Reply)
You have the right of it
Turkish coffee is heated in a small pot and comes out as a really thick shot.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:33, Reply)
I've never really wanted to be able to chew coffee.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:49, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:35, Reply)
Yeah, whatevs.
Mine comes from M&S; and makes lovely coffee.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:47, Reply)
'French Press' is what septics call it because they can't spell cafetière.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:19, Reply)
Alright, George W. Bush.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:42, Reply)
Freedom press

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:04, Reply)
I was told recently that the only way to drink coffee is air pressed with no milk.
Apparently putting milk in coffee marks me out as a wanker.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:21, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:24, Reply)
that's not the only thing marking you out so don't sweat it

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:26, Reply)
monster morning.
Spent my birthday money, then bought the boy some spares for his rc copter - on their way from Hong Kong, so they ought to get here in time for Easter.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:28, Reply)
I find buying Chinese stuff hit and miss these days
Half my stuff never turned up, and of the half that did, half of those were the wrong thing.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:36, Reply)
I've been okay, thus far.
Still, fingers crossed.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:48, Reply)
Happy Independence Day people of Nauru!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:31, Reply)
Oh man, they're my favourite independent Pacific islanders!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:33, Reply)
and mine

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:36, Reply)
I'm celebrating with two ninths of a cup of coffee.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:34, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:37, Reply)
I'll never recognise Nauru

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:36, Reply)
and they'll never recognise you

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:37, Reply)
I've walked past Nauru so many time
and only a few paces later gone "oh fuck, that was Nauru, is it too late to shout hello back, that would be rude, now I'm definitely too far away, did Nauru recognise me?"
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:58, Reply)
This is the best day.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:38, Reply)
It truly is

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:39, Reply)
I know someone who's been there.
I've only been "comparatively close" to Nauru :(
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:56, Reply)
peace to all my mad real Nauru niggaz in the pen

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:02, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:36, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:37, Reply)
good muggles, mupps

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:57, Reply)
Life is unfair
Kill yourself or get over it
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:43, Reply)
I'm over it m8, so over it, don't mean nothing to me any more

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:06, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:15, Reply)
January brings the snow
makes our feet and fingers glow
February brings the rain
thaws the frozen lake again
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:51, Reply)
check out T S Eliot here

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:55, Reply)
good old trans sexual Eliot

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:03, Reply)
Soon be March, lambs and hares,
men in ladies underwears
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 8:59, Reply)
Then April's showers, joy and flowers
Nights of bumming with Dane Bowers
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:04, Reply)
And then, hey! The month of may!
Jesus christ how fucking gay
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:05, Reply)
Sat askance over the seasons' wheel, gyrating
Buffeted by breeze, soft the hare's first fluffs,
As a mummy bound in wool, the toddy macerating
Its steam woven breathily through the evening's guffs.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:11, Reply)
February is like the coldest month m8, what you wrote blates aint true

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:07, Reply)
you can't argue with tradition m8

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:12, Reply)
you can't argue with the Met Office "m8"

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:35, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:04, Reply)
check out broadsword over here with his "alright"

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:07, Reply)
giving it the fucking large one

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:09, Reply)
I bet you do, you dirty old bollocks

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:13, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:20, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:33, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:23, Reply)
2Hazz, in the hizz!
Or whatever the prevailing slang is at the present time.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:27, Reply)
I'm pretty sure it's something like that
good morning Ems
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:28, Reply)
welcome Sir Two of Hats

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:34, Reply)
*tips visor*

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:35, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:36, Reply)
*drops handkerchief*

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:38, Reply)

*clop clop*
*clop clop*
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:45, Reply)
funny tummy?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:48, Reply)
gadzooks, 'tis the Duke of Godby

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 9:36, Reply)
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:03, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:08, Reply)
I had a polyp like that once.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:17, Reply)

polyp girlfriend
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:19, Reply)
Do you think I should post my opinion in coffee chat?

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:20, Reply)
go for it
I've got your back
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:21, Reply)
I've just posted an anecdote instead. I don't think I can handle the pressure of being judged by my peers.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:22, Reply)
I mostly drink douwe egberts instant, because I like it
I occasionally make a stove top one, but not often. There.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:23, Reply)
i get whatever premium instant is on special in the coop

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:25, Reply)
There we are
subject closed
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:27, Reply)
always get that Nescafe Azera from there

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:32, Reply)

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:22, Reply)
If it differs from mine, it's over
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:22, Reply)
Flat white with a shot of vanilla and chocolate sprinkles. Cold. Through a straw.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:22, Reply)
milk, no sugar, hot, chuck it in my gob
Time is money. NEXT.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:25, Reply)
You seem to have confused coffee with milkshake m8.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:27, Reply)
take it up with costa

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:29, Reply)
people in the comments section are angry
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:24, Reply)
definitely a story worthy of going to the newspaper with. This happened to my sister, who accidentally ordered a single apple, rather than a bag. Needless to say, she did not feel compelled to approach the media.
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:28, Reply)
the staff clearly have no common sense, who orders one apple, clearly she wanted a crate

(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 10:30, Reply)
So is anyone having anything really nice for dinner?
or is it just beans on toast like me?
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:18, Reply)
I'm making asian chicken broth, kind of like pho, with gyoza to start
All being well it should be really nice.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:21, Reply)
Bet it smells nice too!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:44, Reply)
alright, Mortimer

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 21:58, Reply)

mak go
+to an
cken ld
kind of like pho
a to start
it he
be really nice finally score
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:01, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:23, Reply)
*stares in awe*

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:36, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:42, Reply)
Exemplary strikey g work there, Tea

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:45, Reply)
Pwopah lol

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 23:02, Reply)
Gutted I couldn't find some way of using '(p)ho', but there you go.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 23:15, Reply)

Spunk on tits
(, Tue 31 Jan 2017, 0:54, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:23, Reply)
Tennants Super?

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:44, Reply)
Pints of numbers innit

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:53, Reply)
I can't see my managing a dry week again this week
The venue where our wedding party is fucked up on Thursday and didn't show up for a meeting, and to say sorry they've booked us a complimentary meal, so I plan to milk the fuck out of that tomorrow.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:48, Reply)
gently suggest that champagne would be a nice way to say sorry

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:49, Reply)
I always have a least four double cognacs with my cheese course
It's a little rule I have
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:50, Reply)
and obviously, each course should come with the correct wines to compliment it

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:52, Reply)
well duh

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:54, Reply)
Food alright? Try the wine

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 18:28, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:50, Reply)
Imma bankrupt dem bitches

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:50, Reply)
I'm sure that wont be reflected on the bill for your nuptials

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:55, Reply)
Prices already agreed, woo

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:44, Reply)
Is arson going ??

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:56, Reply)
Shit no
Lovely chap, but not family friendly
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:39, Reply)
do a smelly poo there

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:58, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:43, Reply)
The hotel I'm at does unlimited breakfast. I'm going full Partridge on it i reckon.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:17, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:46, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:47, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:01, Reply)
^knows too much^

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:13, Reply)
rice vermicelli noodles
with mushrooms, onions, peppers and bamboo shoots in hoi sin sauce
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:24, Reply)
sounds delicious actually

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:45, Reply)
had chicken for lunch
so need to have a veggie evening meal or i will suffer for it.
i always have stuff like this in, it's really tasty and takes a few minutes to cook
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:48, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:27, Reply)
pot noodle and a wank

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:35, Reply)
Hot date eh ,nice

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:36, Reply)
I don't like to step outside with a loaded gun

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:38, Reply)
Tesco pizza because I can't afford a divorce

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:41, Reply)
It's V expensive

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:44, Reply)
Yeah might save up for a bit and then treat myself in my 40s

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 18:19, Reply)
Get her to leave is the best option

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 18:37, Reply)
Tesco value margharita?

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:46, Reply)
Tesco frozen meat 'feast'

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 18:18, Reply)
do a runner
go be a GP in Oz
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:56, Reply)
Do you not have to pay child support if you flee the country?

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:00, Reply)
You do, and to quote the current grrrmachine figures it's a zillion

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:08, Reply)
it's double that now

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:24, Reply)
It's why I get him to do my insurance evaluations

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:30, Reply)
He did a good job providing attendance figures for the Trump inauguration, 45 billion apparently

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:50, Reply)
not if they can't find you
some squaddie did it to a bird my brother knows
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:23, Reply)
My mate kelly s ex used to back charge what their kids ate on his weekends , my mate gypo and I have just fallen out over such shit , oh I bought him 90 quid nikes, I'm knocking that off, twat

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:33, Reply)
Sounds well jew

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:45, Reply)
Oh her ex is, surprised at gypo tho, but that's a V long dull story in full

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:57, Reply)
Keyword: gyppo

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:52, Reply)
For full bleakness you need to serve it on a plate fashioned by cutting the box on and turning it inside out.
I've totally never done this on Mondays when I'm still hungover, oh no.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:56, Reply)
Thanks for asking planearm, I may have some foooOOod, washed down with a drink.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:44, Reply)
Just had a bloody lovely lasagna, if I do say so myself

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:45, Reply)
Did it cheer you up Garfield..Oh hahahahaha

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:56, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:56, Reply)
Hahaha well it is Monday after all

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 18:00, Reply)
This is a reference to the cartoon cat Garfield, I get this!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:46, Reply)
chilli innit

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:46, Reply)
Bet you had a whole garlic bread french stick to yourself!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:47, Reply)
Not cooked it yet, Im still at work.
No garlic bread with chilli though...
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:54, Reply)
Tofu guffs imminent
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:06, Reply)
Had some chicken breasts that needed cooking so I'm doing a madras
Although a preliminary beans on toast wouldn't go amiss
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:12, Reply)
Lol breasts

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:39, Reply)
Ahh the old 'I need to eat something to give me the energy to cook my tea. How well I know thee.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:57, Reply)
Everyone in this hotel bar appears to be a brummie or a scot
As a brummie who lives in Scotland this has left me with mixed feelings.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:20, Reply)
The missus did me some big fat burgers, with fried onions and such like.
Proper lovely, and now I've broken my prohibition on school night drinking, by getting in to the bottle of single malt that my in-laws have bestowed upon me.
Good times.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 22:41, Reply)
Can I get on the popular page please?

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:17, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:18, Reply)
oh go on m8, please

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:22, Reply)
I'll click.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:27, Reply)
Thanks m8!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:40, Reply)
thanks magic donkey!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:57, Reply)
sure, I've clicked all your posts

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:01, Reply)
Oh man, I just clicked that I liked your flaccid winkle. Thanks a bunch for sending me gay :(

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:03, Reply)
np m8

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 19:47, Reply)
hey I didn't realise you could get on the popular page just by asking
what didn't you realise you could do just by asking?
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:17, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:17, Reply)
ok, but please wipe properly first

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:25, Reply)
don't try to change me, baby
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:27, Reply)
hey owTstaH
where are these babies for?
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:56, Reply)
Wherever they are needed, Woodkovsky

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:58, Reply)
two hats up the bum

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:18, Reply)
the bartman

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:19, Reply)
high quality uncensored Japanese porn

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:19, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:20, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
suit yourself

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
that's a mouth full!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
and how!

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
I didn't realise we were allowed to start threads this shit

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:20, Reply)
ok, I'm reporting this

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
he's gone too far this time

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:24, Reply)
I can do way worse.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:28, Reply)
ok, I'm reporting this too

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:29, Reply)
I prefer Taylor Swift to Taylor and crow

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:37, Reply)
well I know whose arse I'd rather eat off of
I'll just leave it at that
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:42, Reply)
I think I'd rather use a plate.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:43, Reply)
each to his own

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:43, Reply)
Mind you, eating spag bol off of an arse would be tricky
not to mention soup
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:43, Reply)
you'd still try though

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:46, Reply)
you're damn right I would

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:50, Reply)
i saw a video where they filled a girls gappaing anus with milk and cheerios and ate from her bumhole, i'll see if i can find it to give you a hand

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:48, Reply)
Yeah, I've seen that
very informative
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:50, Reply)
perhaps have the soup a bit cool, you'll be fine as will your boyfriends bum

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:51, Reply)
This is why gazpacho was invented

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:57, Reply)
i won't gaz pacho, cunt knows nothing

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:58, Reply)
Fuckin' grass to boot
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:03, Reply)
I am at once revolted, and horrified.
Bet it cuts down on the washing up, though.
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:03, Reply)
Please go easy on the misogynistic "i would" type posts.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:46, Reply)
why can't they just take the compliment, eh?

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:50, Reply)
they fucking love it

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:15, Reply)
cept the lesbinims
they hate it
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:37, Reply)

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:43, Reply)
spunky eyes

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:21, Reply)
I feel the magic between you and I

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:34, Reply)
Your mum

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:23, Reply)
Take the last Rolo.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 15:35, Reply)
bot bot

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:31, Reply)
Finding the way to San Jose
and Amarillo. I had to do it song though...
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:46, Reply)
I had to do it song are we led it off the road

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:47, Reply)
there was a vital preposition missing in my post
(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:56, Reply)
you monster

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 16:57, Reply)
get people to fuck off

(, Mon 30 Jan 2017, 17:08, Reply)

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