Water Protectors marched to the location where the Dakota Access pipeline company bulldozed thru a sacred site that included grave markers on Saturday, Sept 3rd.
Hundreds of American Indian Tribes have come together to fight the Black Snake
Water Protectors marched to the location where the Dakota Access pipeline company bulldozed thru a sacred site that included grave markers on Saturday, Sept 3rd.
Hundreds of American Indian Tribes have come together to fight the Black Snake

This timeline will be updated and linked back to in our on-going coverage of the Standing Rock Water Protectors' resistance to Dakota Access Pipeline. This information needs its own link because it’s becoming too lengthy to keep adding at the bottom of all our stories.



Earthjustice’s FAQ on Standing Rock Litigation on the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s lawsuit.

April 2016:

Tribal members began protesting the 1,172-mile, four-state, Dakota Access Pipeline construction by setting up camp along the banks of Lake Oahe in North Dakota.

August 2016

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe filed suit in federal district court in Washington, D.C., against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is the primary federal agency that granted permits needed for construction of the pipeline. Background here—Sacred tribal sites still in danger from DAPL by Earthquake Weather

September 2016:

The small Sacred Stone Camp grows supporters there by the thousands with over 200 tribes represented.

National attention grows from the next two events.

Sept. 4 — The Dakota Access Pipeline guards unleash attack dogs on our American Indian water protectors by navajo (23,515 Facebook shares)

Sept. 8 — North Dakota activates National Guard to protect the pipeline instead of our tribes by navajo (40,677 Facebook shares)

The Vicious Dogs of Manifest Destiny Resurface in North Dakota​ by Jacqueline Keeler

North Dakota v. Amy Goodman: Arrest Warrant Issued After Pipeline Coverage

It was also reported that members of Red Warrior camp have been arrested and that law enforcement check points are photographing people, perhaps to make mass arrests later. Activists are urged to avoid the check points.

Federal court denies the Standing Rock Tribe’s request for injunction. However, a joint statement from the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army, and the Department of the Interior asked for construction to voluntarily be ceased on federally controlled lands.

Sept. 9 — Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request to stop Dakota Access Pipeline denied, Dept. of Justice steps in by navajo

Partial Victory for Standing Rock Sioux by EarthquakeWeather

Sacred Stone Camp is feeling this: Erased By False Victory: Obama Hasn’t Stopped DAPL

A detailed analysis provided by attorney Robin Martinez — who is coordinating legal advice and representation for protesters at the North Dakota camps: What You May Not Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline

Sept. 13 — 22 Water Protectors are arrested and jailed without bond after locking themselves to construction machinery. 

North Dakota’s Governor Declared a State of Emergency to Deal With Peaceful Oil Pipeline Protesters. We Call It a State of Emergency for Civil Rights by Jennifer Cook, Policy Director, ACLU of North Dakota

Sept. 14 — Morton County Sheriff pursues felony charges on those arrested. 23 people and their charges are named. As of 9/14 a total of 69 individuals have been arrested for illegal protest activities.

Judge drops injunction against tribal leaders allowing them to protest lawfully

Cherokee give $50,000 to oppose North Dakota pipeline

Sept. 16 —  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers grants Special Use Permit to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to use Federal lands managed by the Corps near Lake Oahe for gathering to engage in a lawful free speech demonstration.

Appeals court halts Dakota Access Pipeline work pending hearing that will give the court more time to consider the tribes' request for an injunction.

Sept. 20 — Standing Rock Sioux Chairman asks the United Nations for protection of the tribe's sovereign rights by navajo

Sept. 23 — 1,200 archeologists denounce desecration of Standing Rock burial grounds by DAPL, UN agrees by navajo

Sept. 26 — N.D. pipeline activism sparks White House to plan consultations with Native tribes on infrastructure by Meteor Blades

Sept. 28 — N.D. militarized police push back Water Protectors with armored vehicles, tear gas and rifles by navajo

Sept. 29 — 19 members of Congress write to Obama to halt construction on DAPL until a transparent permitting process is in place that includes tribal consultation and adequate environmental review

October 2016:

Oct. 5 —  Oral arguments on the emergency motion for injunction held at the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. A ruling was not issued, keeping the temporary halt to construction in place until the Court issues a decision.

— Standing Rock Update: Dallas Goldtooth's frontline report, ally camps & tribal statement on case by navajo

Oct. 10 —  The day before Indigenous Peoples Day U.S. Court of Appeals rules against the Standing Rock Sioux by navajo

Oct. 11 —  Lawrence O'Donnell and others Stand with Standing Rock, Turnaround Arts Concert​ Actress Shailene Woodley is arrested by navajo

Oct. 14 — ND Law Enforcement Steps Up Arrests as DAPL Construction Resumes by EarthquakeWeather

Oct. 21 — Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux: Call the White House today! by navajo

American Indians killed by cops at highest rate in the nation, but they're invisible in the mediaby Meteor Blades

Oct. 23 — 83 arrested at Standing Rock yesterday, Dakota Access Pipeline wants war. Native drones shot down! by navajo

Oct. 24 — Cops jail 141 in ND: Even more 'Water Protectors' step up to the frontline, citing 1851 Treaty by navajo

Oct. 27 — Cops, Nat'l Guard use sonic device to disperse Water Protectors, concussion grenades to scare bison by navajo

Oct. 28 — Standing Rock Update: 100s arrested, video of mass pepper spraying, injuries from non-lethal weapons by navajo

Oct. 30 — Standing Rock Update: Arson fire started near Oceti Sakowin Camp last night by navajo

November 2016:

Nov. 7 — Standing Rock Update: Rubber bullets, 500+ clergy represent and matriarchal leaders by navajo

Nov. 10 — Stand with Standing Rock on Tuesday, Nov. 15—Nationwide day of disrupting 'business-as-usual' by navajo

Nov. 20  Watch this live Facebook feed right now of Standing Rock: Massive spraying, rubber bullets and LRAD by navajo

Nov. 21  Cops attack Standing Rock ‘protectors’ with water cannons in freezing weather; 167 hurt, 7 badly by navajo

Nov. 23 — 'Water Protector' Sophia Wilansky's father: 'Someone will die if something isn’t done' by navajo

Nov. 25 — Army Corps of Engineers tells ND 'Water Protectors' it will close off their main camp Dec. 5​ by navajo

Nov. 30 — Spotlight on green news & views: Vets to stand with 'water protectors'; Greenland melts faster by Meteor Blades

December 2016:

Dec. 2 — Open thread for night owls: Veterans arrive in North Dakota to stand with 'water protectors' by Meteor Blades

Dec. 3 — Spotlight on green news and views: Clean energy jobs; polar vortex breakdown; ND protectors dig in by Meteor Blades

Dec. 4 — In huge victory, Army Corps of Engineers calls for full environmental impact statement on pipeline by Meteor Blades

Dec. 5 — A huzzah and thank you to the heroes and allies of the resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline by Meteor Blades

Dec. 16 — Lawyers needed for Standing Rock trials by navajo

January 2017:

Army Corp of Engineers proceed with easement process for Dakota Access Pipeline, UPDATED Action! by navajo

February 2017:

ACTION: You can register a comment at Army Department and let them know what you think of Dakota Access Pipeline project. Comments accepted until February 20
YOU can help
Please consider the on-going legal defense of the hundreds of people arrested and charged with crimes while they protected the water for the 17 million people whose water source is dependent on the Missouri River. Angela Bibens of the Water Protectors Legal Collective is coordinating the out-of-state attorneys who have volunteered to help defend the numerous Water Protectors facing charges. Their Legal Collective is providing funds to pay for these lawyers’ travel and lodging expenses. If you wanna help out there, click on their link above. 

People and groups to follow for news updates:

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Oceti Sakowin Camp

Sacred Stone Camp

The Indian Problem

Indigenous Environmental Network

Dallas Goldtooth

Joye Braun

Jacqueline Keeler

Standing Rock Rising

Democracy Now!

Myron Dewey of Digital Smoke Signals, Native drone operator

Dr. Adrienne Keene on Twitter

Ruth Hopkins on Twitter

We are all stewards of the earth

Banner for Native American Netroots news team, Navajo rug graphic drawn by Neeta Lind aka navajo

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