“All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why.” – James Thurber

About Julian Burnside

Julian Burnside AO QC is an Australian barrister who practises principally in commercial litigation, trade practices and administrative law. He is also a human rights and refugee advocate, and author.

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The Apology, 9 years on

On 13 February 2008, Kevin Rudd apologised to the stolen generations.  It was not great rhetoric, but it was a fine moment, because (for once) we heard a Federal Politician who sounded sincere. 9 years later, here is a message from Liberty Victoria: Yesterday marked... read more

The dodgy US refugee deal

When the agreement with the US was announced, the details were so meagre that it was hard to place much reliance on it. Then Donald Trump was elected President of the USA and the deal looked even more speculative. But now the realities of it are becoming apparent: it... read more

Climate change

I gave a speech for 350.org.au just recently.  Here is the substance of what I said. And before you read it (because it’s a bit depressing) cheer yourself up with First Dog on The Moon’s recent excoriation of our “Leader” Malcolm Turnbull on... read more

More on anti-Islamic rants

As mentioned before, a person who lives in Australia emails me regularly (at least a couple of times a week) ranting about Muslims.  Most of what follows was written in 2016.  At the end I have updated it in response to his emails of the past few weeks.  He is clearly... read more

Dishonest Dutton: at it again

The following news item appeared in The Australian on 21 November 2016, under the caption ‘I won’t be bullied’ (if you follow the link, you have to scroll down for the piece): Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has crossed swords with Bill Shorten in a fiery question... read more

Big Deal

Australia has announced an agreement with the US in relation to refugees presently held on Nauru and Manus.  In announcing the agreement, Prime Minister Turnbull and Immigration Minister Dutton were careful to avoid giving any significant detail of the arrangement. ... read more

News from Manus

I have just received another report from Manus.  Here it is, in edited form to preserve the anonymity of people involved: “In addition to declining mental health-we had an attempted suicide by hanging in October-a number of refugees suffering from serious... read more

Oppose Lifetime Visa Ban

Here is my submission to the Senate enquiry on the MIGRATION Legislation AMENDMENT (Regional processing cohort) BILL 2016 The Bill relevantly inserts sub-section 46A(2AA) The effect of that provision is to “prevent unauthorised maritime arrivals (UMAs) who were at... read more

Anti-Islamic rants

A person who lives in Australia emails me regularly (at least a couple of times a week) ranting about Muslims. He is clearly having an unhappy, insecure life.  Some part of me feels sorry for him.  But my pity for him is dimmed when he advocates: banning all Muslims... read more

Human Rights & Social Justice

The Arts

Art, music and theatre

Asylum Seekers

Julian on Twitter

The Very Excellent & Highly Esteemed @JulianBurnside closing keynote on "Why #HumanRights Matter?" #ALHR2017twitter.com/i/web/status/8… Retweeted by Julian Burnside

How about going out on a high note! Excellent conference ending with the amazing @JulianBurnside #ALHR2017 pic.twitter.com/a0zLeTJb0l Retweeted by Julian Burnside

.@JulianBurnside: Human rights matter because they're deeply embedded in our instinct for fairness and justice. Retweeted by Julian Burnside

@QandA @JulianBurnside @POLITICOEurope This troubles me deeply. If the 1250 PEOPLE were good enough for America why couldn't WE take them./2 Retweeted by Julian Burnside

I would say it is wrong to take people who have committed no offense, & treat them so badly| @JulianBurnside #QandA politico.eu/article/how-au… Retweeted by Julian Burnside

An interesting cartoon that is circulating. pic.twitter.com/OPG2R2ytkr Retweeted by Julian Burnside

Twitter Media

Hamid Kehazaei was metres from care unit that could have saved him, inquest told theguardian.com/australia-news… Retweeted by Julian Burnside

@JulianBurnside @JacquiLambie Such as Jewish women being subject to 'agunah' and therefore cannot initiate divorce from an abusive husband Retweeted by Julian Burnside

The news about this company is appalling but Malcolm is determined to do an Abbott and go ahead for political reaso… twitter.com/i/web/status/8… Retweeted by Julian Burnside

Adani's shocking track record shows they can't be trusted with our Reef. Tell your MP to can the deal getup.to/EDCKCyjOtL via @GetUp


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