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Letter writing campaign: here are some suggestions for writing effective letters to Federal politicians

This page lists a range of publications and online tools which you can use to find Australian and international statistics on refugee and asylum seeker issues.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)

  • Annual Reports DIAC’s annual reports contain statistical data on migration to Australia, refugee resettlement and processing of asylum applications.
  • Immigration Detention Statistics DIAC regularly publishes statistics on the numbers of people in immigration detention, including information such country of origin, gender, age, length of detention and where they are currently detained.
  • Statistical Publications DIAC publishes a range of statistical publications on migration flows and settlement in Australia. These include:
  • Asylum trends An annual publication which provides statistics on asylum applications, processing outcomes and the demographics of people seeking asylum.
  • Immigration update A biannual publication containing a summary of immigration statistics including permanent additions, settler arrivals, permanent departures, visitors, students and business visas.
  • Ministerial intervention statistics A biannual publication which contains an overview of Ministerial Intervention requests and outcomes.
  • Settler arrivals An annual publication containing settler arrivals statistics by birthplace, state of intended residence and eligibility category.
  • Settlement Reporting Facility The Settlement Reporting Facility is an online tool which provides statistical data on permanent arrivals to Australia. You can use the tool to sort and filter statistics by categories such as visa subclass, migration stream, age, gender, religion, language spoken, country of origin, area of residence and year of arrival in Australia.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

  • Census Data The ABS website provides access to census data from 1911. The website also features a range of tools which you can use to sort and filter census data on particular topics.
  • Migrant and Ethnicity Statistics The National Migrant Statistics Unit provides access to a range of statistical information and publications on migrants to Australia and their descendants.
  • Population Clock The population clock provides a real-time projection of the estimated resident population of Australia.

Australian Parliamentary Library

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


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