Welcome to Rural Australians for Refugees

Please return original signed sheets to Mike at Bellingen and Nambucca District RAR by 30 April 2017
Image result for filmsA fabulous resource –  
Videos from the UNHCR youtube website –

Ban on Mobile Phones in Detention Centres

The Immigration and Border Protection rationale behind the removal of mobile phones is set out here – http://bit.ly/2ilRxcs
 And RAC in Sydney responded –
We also received information from people in detention who say the ban has come in because, with the end of Telstra’s 2G phone network, the only phones now available for the 3G or 4G networks come with cameras and a video capacity which Border force do not want in detention centres.
There is an online Petition 




On October 2015 the Department launched a new website for IMAs

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection says its IMA website is designed to enable IMAs and other users to navigate intuitively to information that is relevant to different stages of the IMA status resolution journey, including:

1.     living in the community while waiting to apply for a visa

2.     applying for a protection visa

3.     after a decision has been made on the application.

For up to date always check information on the Immigration and Border Force Website 



Looking for information or resources about Refugee or Asylum Seeker issues?

Try RAC  and  Asylum Insight

From ChilOut – New Asylum Seeker Laws – Your Questions Answered

Australian Border Force Act explained

Asylum Policy in Australia Today
Asylum Insight have published a comprehensive update of background information on asylum policy in Australia. This content is updated annually to reflect recent changes in how Australia receives asylum seekers. The background information is presented in four main sections:

Those who wander are not lost  :  Tracking displaced people around the world

An excellent interactive graphic – Statistics based on 2014 figures supplied by UNHCR


A comprehensive report on the Economic and Social Impact of the Karen resettlement in Nhill


 For details of RAR Groups, please email RAR Admin at 


Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au

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