Refugee Stories

Stories of people who’ve fled war or persecution to reach safety abroad.
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Organisations, Groups & Initiatives

People working together to make a difference.
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Good News Stories

Refugees giving back, success stories,  great initiatives, the kindness of strangers …
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Facts, Statistics & Reports

Factsheets, reports, statistics, articles, and more.
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Be a Virtual Refugee

Walk in the shoes of a refugee. What choices would you make?
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How Can I Help?

Volunteer, donate, write a letter, provide material assistance, and much more.
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Featured Websites

The Pledge

‘The Pledge’ to Asylum Seekers has been written to generate empathy, humanity and hope.

Julian Burnside

Julian Burnside: Australian barrister, human rights and refugee advocate, and author.

Asylum Seeker Resource C

Based in Melbourne, the ASRC provides support and advice for those seeking asylum in Australia.


Asylum Seeker & Refugee Events