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Center of Concern

Center of Concern | Thu, Feb 16, 2017

Stand with Our Immigrant Sisters and Brothers:

We cannot be bystanders.

Education for Justice urges you to pray and take action for the safety of our immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers. We stand in solidarity with all those who are persecuted and pledge our support to those providing sanctuary for our neighbors in need.

Together, let us recommit to being Gospel people by spreading mercy, justice, and peace.

Integral Ecology | Fri, Mar 10, 2017

Planting Seeds for the Legacy of Laudato Si’

Young people demand change. They wonder how anyone can claim to be building a better future without thinking of the environmental crisis and the sufferings of the excluded. I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.

Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 13-14

In the wee hours of a June morning in 2015, I awoke at 4 o’clock to begin furiously reading Laudato Si’. As a father with young children, giving up sleep is not a choice I made lightly — I was making a commitment! As I began to sift through the text, I could not help but think about how my three boys, ages three, three, and six at the time, would experience the legacy of this document. How would this collection of words influence a new generation to “care for our common home”? After just a few paragraphs, it was obvious to me that Pope Francis was thinking about this, too.

To read the rest of Chris Kerr's reflection, click here.

Rethinking Bretton Woods | Sun, Jan 29, 2017

New tax and human rights tools

Participation, accountability, transparency and access to information are critical human rights principles that apply to fiscal policies. Likewise, human rights duties of international cooperation and assistance compel states to consider how their tax policies affect human rights beyond their borders. 

The publications “Civil and Political Rights in Tax Policy” and ”Tax Policy and International Cooperation and Assistance for the Achievement of Human Rights,” are the last two in a series of four advocacy tools launched by the RightingFinance Initiative. Completing the previously launched set of advocacy tools, they offer further guidance on the meaning of human rights obligations for making and assessing tax policy.

Click here for all advocacy tools on tax policy and human rights.