CARAD Refugee Causes

Today CARAD has assisted more than 5000 refugees and asylum seekers in Western Australia with services such as settlement support, advocacy, referral, emergency and financial aid, English lessons, homework support, social support and the preparation of documents.

About   Carad

Get Involved with CARAD

Show your support for CARAD by becoming a member. Your membership adds weight to our advocacy efforts. Participate as a volunteer with the CARAD community. Or sign up as a regular donor.

Above: video of our 2016 Annual General Meeting


Get    Involved

CARAD collection

CARAD provides welfare support, including financial assistance, material aid, accommodation and case management to community based asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees in need. We have a volunteer group visiting detention centres, and another group providing application assistance. 

Gift cards, financial donations and your kind thoughts are all appreciated.

Support   &   Donations



Carad Funding Bodies

 Sidney Myer Foundation

Mary MacKillop Foundation

Sisters of Charity