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    • 22 FEB 17
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    Why I volunteer

    Why I volunteer

    By Mayshan Kelishadi, ASRC volunteer When I was nine, my auntie came to Australia from Iran. For certain reasons, we decided it’s best for her and her family that she remain here and seek asylum. It took eight years until she was granted a visa and reunited with her husband and two daughters. Those eight

    • 20 FEB 17
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    Way of the West leading the way to food security

    Way of the West leading the way to food security

    Inspired by Pope Francis’ call for Catholics to show compassion and care for refugees, schools and parishes in Melbourne’s west aim to collect 40,000 donated food items this year for the 620 people seeking asylum who access the ASRC Foodbank each week. The initiative started by Mark Northeast is called the Way of the West

    • 23 JAN 17
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    Getting on the #RightTrack in 2017

    Getting on the #RightTrack in 2017

    The ASRC is hosting an event that introduces our #RightTrack campaign in 2017 and ways you can get involved, and help change attitudes about the rights of people seeking asylum.  Please join us for this important campaign event on Tuesday, 31 January from 6pm– 8pm to hear about our #RightTrack Campaign in 2017. Event details: Tuesday January

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