- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 133
Herman Yau Lai-To (Chinese: 邱禮濤), born 1961 in Hong Kong is a film director, scriptwriter.
A Chiuchow by origin, Yau studied film at The Department of Communications, Hong Kong Baptist College from 1981 to 1984 where he spent much of his early days hanging out with music lovers and making independent films.
Upon leaving school, Yau devoted most of his time working in the film industry, and writing for a number of magazine and newspapers as a columnist and freelance writer. Yau has also participated in a number of productions including music videos for Chang Kuan, Jie Cheng-jiang, Anthony Wong, Jacky Cheung, Andy Hui and the American jazz player Eric Marienthal. He has also produced TV commercials and promos for the Hong Kong Film Awards.
From 1997 to 1998, Yau participated in the filming of a TV series produced by Radio Television Hong Kong. In 2003, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Independent Committee Against Corruption, the ICAC produced a television drama series and invited Yau to direct one of the episodes.
Ip Man (1 October 1893 – 1 December 1972), also known as Yip Man, and also Yip Kai-man, was a Chinese martial artist, and a master teacher of Wing Chun. He had several students who later became martial arts masters in their own right, including Wong Shun Leung and Bruce Lee.
Yip was born to Yip Oi-dor and Wu Shui. He grew up in a wealthy family in Foshan, Guangdong, and received a traditional Chinese education. His elder brother was Yip Kai-gak, his elder sister was Yip Wan-mei and his younger sister was Yip Wan-hum.
Yip started learning Wing Chun from Chan Wah-shun when he was 7. Since Chan was 70 at the time, Yip was Chan's last student. Due to his teacher's age, Yip learned most of his skills and techniques from Chan's second eldest disciple, Wu Chung-sok (吳仲素). Chan lived three years after Yip's training started and one of his dying wishes was to have Wu continue teaching Yip.
At the age of 16, Yip moved to Hong Kong with help from his relative Leung Fut-ting. One year later, he attended school at St. Stephen's College—a secondary school for wealthy families and foreigners living in Hong Kong. During Yip's time at St. Stephen's he saw a foreign police officer beating a woman and intervened. The officer attempted to attack Yip, but Yip struck him down and ran to school with his classmate. Yip's classmate later told an older man who lived in his apartment block. The man met with Yip and asked what martial art Yip practised. The man told Yip that his forms were "not too great". The man challenged Yip's Wing Chun in chi sao (a form of training that involves controlled attack and defence). Yip saw this as an opportunity to prove that his abilities were good, but was defeated by the man after a few strikes. Yip's opponent revealed himself to be Leung Bik, Chan Wah-shun's senior and the son of Chan's teacher, Leung Jan. After that encounter, Yip continued learning from Leung Bik.
Final Fight (Japanese: ファイナルファイト, Hepburn: Fainaru Faito) is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up video game produced by Capcom. Originally released as an arcade game in 1989, it was the seventh title released for the CP System hardware. Set in the fictional Metro City, the player controls one of three characters: former pro wrestler and mayor Mike Haggar, his daughter's boyfriend Cody, and Cody's best friend Guy, as they set out to defeat the Mad Gear gang and rescue Haggar's young daughter Jessica.
The game began development as a sequel to the original Street Fighter released in 1987, but the genre was switched from a fighting game to a beat 'em up and the title was changed following the success of Double Dragon. Final Fight was ported to various home consoles such as the SNES and was followed by a few sequels. Its development team later worked on the original Street Fighter II and some of the characters from Final Fight later appeared as playable fighters in other entries of the franchise such as the Street Fighter Alpha sub-series.
The Final Fight or variant may refer to:
Final or The Final may refer to:
Herman Yau Interview | FEFF 17
Ip Man The Final Fight Official Teaser #1 (2013) - Herman Yau Movie HD
Herman Yau Interview - Hong-Kong 2004 (Extrait 1 - CatIII)
Quattro HK 1, Trailers 2010, Fried Glutinous Rice (Herman Yau), BrandHK
Ip Man: The Final Fight Q&A; with Herman Yau and Erica Li
Herman Yau Interview - Hong-Kong 2004 (Extract 3 - Misc.)
Intervista al regista Herman YAU | Far East Film Festival 2013 | Turismo FVG
Ip Man - The Final Fight | 葉問 – 終極一戰 | Trailer | HD
Presentazione del film Sara con Herman Yau ed Erica Li
Ip Man the Final Fight de Herman Yau (extrait)
director Herman Yau and his scriptwriter Erica Li discuss their film SARA, and the future of the Hong Kong film industry, during this interview with easternKicks at the Udine Far East Film Festival
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Subscribe to INDIE & FILM FESTIVALS: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt Ip Man Official Teaser #1 (2013) - Herman Yau Movie HD In post-war Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once more, when what begin as simple challenges from rival kung fu styles soon draw him into the dark and dangerous underworld of the Triads. Now, to defend life and honor, he has no choice but to fight one last time. 由國藝影視、英皇電影聯合出品之電影《葉問--終極一戰》,由冼國林監製,邱禮濤執導、並由影帝影后級人馬主演,包括:黃秋生、袁詠儀、曾志偉、陳小春、鍾欣桐、周楚楚、洪天明、周定宇、蔣路霞等主演。故事圍繞詠春宗師葉問師傅,從佛山來港及開館授徒的艱辛經過,當中更講述葉問師傅與首批徒弟的師徒情,及與紅顏知己鮮為人知的一段情,本片三月將於在香港上映。
COMPLETE VERSION (45min.) : http://youtu.be/jwmNnIM_1Z8 A 2004 meeting with Herman Yau Lai-To, one of the most controversial and committed filmmakers in Hong-Kong. Herman Yau Lai-To, l'un des réalisateurs de films les plus controversés et les plus engagés à Hong-Kong s'était confié à l'été 2004 dans cet entretien. Production : 9 Dragons / Cinemasie Interview : Archibald Pinault Originally uploaded here : http://www.cinemasie.com (2004) http://www.9-dragons.com/loeil/hermanyau.html (2009)
Film Society sat down with Herman Yau and Erica Li to talk about his latest film, Ip Man: The Final Fight, a slyly subversive send-up of the current craze for Ip Man movies starring Anthony Wong (Untold Story, Ebola Syndrome). Packed with some of Hong Kong's best stars of the 80s and 90s, including Eric Tsang, Ken Lo (Drunken Master), and Xiong Xin-xin (The Blade, Once Upon a Time in China 3), this Ip Man movie is not just an action flick but a love letter to Hong Kong's volatile history of political protest.
COMPLETE VERSION (45min.) : http://youtu.be/jwmNnIM_1Z8 A 2004 meeting with Herman Yau Lai-To, one of the most controversial and committed filmmakers in Hong-Kong. Herman Yau Lai-To, l'un des réalisateurs de films les plus controversés et les plus engagés à Hong-Kong s'était confié à l'été 2004 dans cet entretien. Production : 9 Dragons / Cinemasie Interview : Archibald Pinault Originally uploaded here : http://www.cinemasie.com (2004) http://www.9-dragons.com/loeil/hermanyau.html (2009)
Le opinioni di Herman Yau, il regista del film “Ip Man: The Final Fight “, sulla città di Udine. SCOPRI IL FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | DISCOVER FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA http://www.turismofvg.it/ VISITA IL NOSTRO CANALE | CHECK OUT OUR CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/user/fvglive?sub_confirmation=1 SEGUICI SU FACEBOOK | FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/friuliveneziagiulia.turismo SEGUICI SU TWITTER | FOLLOW US ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/fvglive SEGUICI SU INSTAGRAM | FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/fvglive/ Hong Kong e Udine, Far East e Friuli Venezia Giulia, qual è il link? Ecco cosa ne pensa il regista Herman Yau, a cui riusciamo a "rubare" una breve intervista (Yau e la sceneggiatrice Erica Li, che lo accompagna, sono veramente contesi!). Il suo film è sta...
Ip Man - The Final Fight (2013) | Director: Herman YAU | Starring: Anthony WONG, Gillian CHUNG, Jordan CHAN, Eric TSANG, Marvel CHOW SYNOPSIS | In postwar Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once more, when what begin as simple challenges from rival kung fu styles soon draw him into the dark and dangerous underworld of the Triads. Now, to defend life and honor, he has no choice but to fight one last time… 葉問:終極一戰 (2013) | 導演:邱禮濤 | 領銜主演:黃秋生、鍾欣桐、陳小春、曾志偉、周定宇 故事大綱 | 1949年,患有長期胃病的葉問隻身來港謀生,得一班新收徒弟的收留及照顧,在港九飯店職工總會天台開始教授詠春。其中當差的鄧聲因鎮壓工人罷工,被逼與同門師弟妹梁雙、李瓊、陳四妹等為敵。期間,葉妻張永成從佛山來港團聚,可惜香港生活艱難,來了又還,未料夫妻從此永別。即使生活捉襟見肘,老人卻從未折腰,《葉問-終極一戰》還原最真實的葉問,把這位一代宗師晚年在香港的生活如實呈現──包括妻死後不顧徒弟反對,與紅顏知己的一段緣,與長子葉準之間亦師亦父的父子情,及其對晉身成國際武打巨星的徒弟李小龍的看法等。
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Un film de Herman Yau (Hong Kong, 2013) avec Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan, Eric Tsang,Chu-chu Zhou et Hung Yan Yan... Après la seconde guerre sino-japonaise, le maître légendaire de Wing Chun se retrouve une fois de plus, entrainé malgré lui au cœur de l'action. D'autres experts en arts martiaux décident de l'affronter pour comparer leurs styles de Kung Fu, mais très vite Ip Man atterrit dans le sombre et dangereux milieu des Triades. Pour sauver sa vie, il n'a pas d'autre choix que de se battre une dernière fois.
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A 2004 meeting with Herman Yau Lai-To, one of the most controversial and committed filmmakers in Hong-Kong. Herman Yau Lai-To, l'un des réalisateurs de films les plus controversés et les plus engagés à Hong-Kong s'était confié à l'été 2004 dans cet entretien. Production : 9 Dragons / Cinemasie Interview : Archibald Pinault Originally uploaded here : http://www.cinemasie.com (2004) http://www.9-dragons.com/loeil/hermanyau.html (2009)
Spencer Murphy moderates a Q&A; session with legendary Hong Kong Director Herman Yau alongside director of 'Bloodtraffick' Jennifer Thym and rising actress Grace Huang. http://cueafs.com https://www.facebook.com/CUEAFS https://twitter.com/CUEAFS http://www.pinterest.com/cueafs
Director Herman Yau and scriptwriter Erica Li are accompanied by 3 'Fresh Wave' directors from Hong Kong; Louis Wong, Jia-hao Cai, Anastasia Tsang and programmer Kasumi Wong at this panel talk during the Udine Far East Film Festival 17th edition in 2015, discussing their short films and Sara. Filmed by easternKicks Interviewed by Sabrina Baracetti Courtesy of the Far East Film Festival
The Untold Story (Chinese: 八仙飯店之人肉叉燒包) is a 1993 HK crime-thriller film directed by Herman Yau and starring Anthony Wong and Danny Lee. The film is allegedly based on a true crime that took place in 1985 Macau.
Movie Title: Troublesome Night 6 Chinese: 陰陽路之凶周刊 Director: Herman Yau Lai-To Producer: Nam Yin Cinematographer: Joe Chan Kwong-Hung Country: Hong Kong Language: Cantonese Year: 1999 Subtitles: English | Chinese Cast: Louis Koo Tin-Lok, Gigi Lai Chi, Simon Loui Yu-Yeung, Amanda Lee Wai-Man, Wayne Lai Yiu-Cheung, Belinda Hamnett, Frankie Ng Chi-Hung, Helena Law Lan
The Masked Prosecutor Year: 1999 Director: Herman Yau Lai-To Producer: Nam Yin Cast: Jordan Chan Siu- Chun, Louis Koo Tin-Lok, Blackie Ko Sau-Leung, Grace Yip Pui-Man, Jessica Suen Huen, Lai Yiu-Cheung, Ng Chi-Hung, Tony Ho Wah-Chiu, Lam Chi-Sin, Lo Meng Overlooked thriller from Herman Yau features a new pairing: Jordan Chan and Louis Koo. Chan is Wah, an observant young cop who’s investigating a series of kidnappings by a masked vigilante dubbed “Ye Cha,” or Masked Prosecutor in the subtitles. This fellow has a curious habit of targeting only those bastards who have been acquitted in court. Then he captures then, beats them, and dumps them outside the police station. Wah is teamed with wacky partner Guy (Blackie Ko), who was once a famous cop until his two adopted sons met ter...
hongkong movie thriller A restaurant employee wanted for murder contracts Ebola by raping a woman in South Africa and starts an outbreak there and in Hong Kong when he returns home. Director: Herman Yau Writer: Ting Chau Stars: Anthony Wong Chau-Sang
Please Subscribe . . . ===================================================== Ebola Syndrome is a 1996 Hong Kong Category III exploitation film starring Anthony Wong and directed by Herman Yau. ===================================================== Plot: Ah Kai is a wanted convict from Hong Kong who escapes to South Africa after killing his former boss and his boss's wife. In South Africa, he works at a Chinese restaurant and one day travels with his boss to a South African tribe that is infected with the Ebola virus. Kai sees a dying infected tribe member and rapes and kills her, contracting the virus. Kai, however, is immune to the infection. He becomes a living carrier, spreading the disease to others through body fluids. He ends up killing his new boss and his boss's wife, but not be...
Short interview with director Herman Yau at the East Winds Film Festival after the European Premiere his film 'Woman Knight of Mirror Lake'. http://cueafs.com https://www.facebook.com/CUEAFS https://twitter.com/CUEAFS http://www.pinterest.com/cueafs
COMPLETE VERSION (45min.) : http://youtu.be/jwmNnIM_1Z8 A 2004 meeting with Herman Yau Lai-To, one of the most controversial and committed filmmakers in Hong-Kong. Herman Yau Lai-To, l'un des réalisateurs de films les plus controversés et les plus engagés à Hong-Kong s'était confié à l'été 2004 dans cet entretien. Production : 9 Dragons / Cinemasie Interview : Archibald Pinault Originally uploaded here : http://www.cinemasie.com (2004) http://www.9-dragons.com/loeil/hermanyau.html (2009)
World premiere of 《選老頂》The Mobfathers during the 40th Hong Kong International Film Festival. A Herman Yau film. Writtent by Erica Li 李敏. Produced by Chapman To. Starring Chapman To, Anthony Wong, Phillip Keung, Danny Summer, Gregory Wong, Kathy Yuen, Wylie Chiu, Carlos Chan, Ken Hung, Bonnie Sin, Lee Lung-Kei, Cheung Miu-Hau, Deep Ng, Kenny Wong, Tony Ho, Benson Ling, Lau Ho-Lam, Tarah Chan. Distributed by Golden Scene Co. Ltd. - Film LikeShow More ReactionsCommentShare
2013年台湾金马奖推介电影 香港导演邱礼涛首部3D惊悚电影 主要演员细谈《重生》拍摄 Main Casts' Interview 幕后制作特辑 Behind The Scenes Hong Kong 3D Horror Film directed by Herman Yau & produced by Raymond Ng, Flora Goh. Exciting Malaysian actress Joey Leong in her breakthrough role with Don Li, Maggie Shiu and Kenny Wong. 主演 Main Cast- 梁祖仪 Joey Leong 邵美琪 Maggie Shiu 黃德斌 Kenny Wong 李逸朗 Don Li 特別客串 Special Appearance: 邵音音, 林偉 特別介绍 / Special Introduction 梁祖仪 饰 Lucy Joey Leong as Lucy Lucy, 14歲, 開始看到幻象,在生日派對看到蛆蟲從蛋糕洶湧出來,開始瘋狂失控.揮刀子向着生日蛋糕亂斬。她奇怪的行為, 令家庭陷入一片混亂。當她的寵物狗意外被父親撞死,他變得更加瘋狂 , 她開始嗜血 , 很明顯,她可能被邪靈附體。但真相如何,是沒有人能想像的。 LUCY, 14, sees apparitions, slashes at maggots and throws huge tantrums. Her strange behavior throws the family into disarray. When her pet dog is killed under curious circumstances and she starts sucking blood fro...
Permanent Residence, 永久居留, Osman, EO2, 洪智傑, Scud, 雲翔, Sean, Herman Yau, 邱禮濤, 彭冠期, 港男, 香港先生, Franklin Lau, Trailer, Making Of, ArtWalker, 藝行者