CBA rate rises sends $1 bn a month of property investors packing

CBA rate hikes are causing funding chaos, claim bankers, brokers and analysts.
CBA rate hikes are causing funding chaos, claim bankers, brokers and analysts. Glenn Hunt

CBA's decision to raise rates and tighten conditions on property investors loans $1 billion a month to smaller lenders who are struggling to handle the business, according to lenders, mortgage brokers and analysts.

Some lenders' fears of being swamped by a flood of rate sensitive borrowers are forcing them to push up prices and toughen lending conditions.

But others with bigger balance sheets and back office capacity for processing an increase in applications are offering special discounts, switching deals and promises to maintain lower lending rates, market analysis reveals.

"CBA has closed its door on $1 billion a month," said John Flavell, chief executive of Mortgage Choice, a listed mortgage brokerage. "That gives competitors a lot more pricing power."

$1 billion is Mortgage Choice's estimate of the loans seeking refinancing each month after CBA's rate rise.

Increasing uncertainty about rates and growing concern about changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax is causing the biggest fall in property investor confidence in 10 years, according to Finance Digital Analytics, a market consultancy.

The catalyst for the latest round of changes is CBA's decision to lift interest rates on interest only loans by 12 basis points to 5.68 per cent and on its line of credit products by 4 basis points to 5.82 per cent.

Other banks, ranging from ING Direct through to the banking division of financial services conglomerate AMP, quickly responded with their own rate rises for interest only and principal and interest loans.

"They are raising rates because they can," added Mr Flavell about increased pricing power because of CBA's rises.

Senior bankers also fear that if they did not raise rates they would be swamped by "huge numbers" of borrowers seeking cheaper loans.

"More loan applications might sound good but it creates serious problems," said a senior banker, who did not wish to be named.

They fear mortgage application processing systems will be overwhelmed and that approvals times will blow-out from two days, which creates reputational and servicing problems with mortgage brokers and customers.

Many of the lenders fear it would push their sales too close to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's speed limit of 10 percent annual growth of property investor lending.

Lenders also fear a breach might result in the regulator increasing their capital ratio requirements, which would lower return on equity.

Bankers claim "we don't want APRA breathing down our necks" because of spikes in lending.

For example, ING Direct, which declined to comment, announced to the market on Friday that it has increased variable interest rates for investment loans by up to 15 basis points.

Last month ING increased all residential home loan products for new customers by 15 basis points.

Earlier in the week, BankWest, which is owned by Commonwealth Bank of Australia, announced that generous negative gearing tax breaks will not be allowed for calculating loan eligibility for new – and some existing – borrowers. Without negative gearing, the amount of loan a borrower can get will be lower.

"It is going to be a chaotic period for home buyers and property investors," said Christopher Foster-Ramsay, principal of Foster Ramsay Finance, a mortgage broker.

Other lenders, such as ME Bank, which is owned by 29 industry funds, is offering cheaper rates and improved conditions in a bid to build market share from disaffected borrowers leaving competitors.

ME Bank recently won support from its owners for the injection of $110 million in extra equity capital to rapidly grow its balance sheet.

Offers include 3.99 per cent rates one year fixed rates for investors, interest-only periods of five years and same rates for interest only loans and principal and interest loans.

It is telling mortgage brokers it can assess applications in two days.

The remaining big three banks – Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, National Australia Bank and Westpac Bank and its subsidiaries – are also offering special discounts that are clearly targeting existing and potential CBA customers.

For example, Westpac is about to launch a $1250 refinance rebate for new owner occupied or investment home loan applicants.

NAB and ANZ's new offers include discounts and fee waivers.