Anna Bligh's move to banking upsets Treasurer

Former Queensland premier Anna Bligh in Melbourne on Friday. She will lead the Australian Bankers Association from April.
Former Queensland premier Anna Bligh in Melbourne on Friday. She will lead the Australian Bankers Association from April. Jesse Marlow

When Westpac Banking Corp chief executive Brian Hartzer and members of the Westpac board entertained clients and media at the St George Cinema this week the feature film was the political thriller set in Washington called Miss Sloane.

The film takes you into the murky swamp where lobbyists and politicians use whatever methods possible, including illegal surveillance and dodgy fund raising, to win critical ideological fights.

Miss Sloane is rated "R" in the States for the blueness of its language.

Chanticleer understands that a version of the fiery, hot-headed monologues found in the film were flying around Treasurer Scott Morrison's office on Friday following Anna Bligh's appointment as CEO of the Australian Bankers Association.

Morrison, who has fought tooth and nail against Labor's idea of a royal commission into banking, was said to be furious at the banks.

The appointment of a former Labor premier of Queensland to be the face of banking was viewed by Morrison as the powerful banking oligopoly saying Labor's Bill Shorten will win the next federal election.

There may be a germ of truth in this. As one well-credentialled observer said: "The banks might not understand politics but they can count. They know that if the polls stay at 54 Labor 46 Coalition then Labor will win." One banker said the angst in Morrison's office might have been inflated by the widespread perception in the industry that a senior adviser in Morrison's office had lobbied hard to get the ABA job.

Chanticleer understands that the CEOs of the big four were all on board with the decision to appoint Bligh. As incumbent chairman of the ABA, National Australia Bank's CEO Andrew Thorburn is said to have had the final say on Bligh's appointment.

She was presented to the other CEOs as a fait accompli rather than part of a short list. It is understood that all four CEOs believe she is the ideal person to change the industry's approach to dealing with a range of negative cultural and conduct issues.

She may be a former Labor premier but she does not come from that fast and loose union career stream, which carries lots of reputational baggage.

She has faced up against a hostile media and handled it well. Also, she has the advantage of joining the industry lobby group following a cathartic period for several major banks.

The major banks no longer dump the dirty linen with the ABA and leave it to take all the flak. Now each institution is facing up to its own problems and fronting parliament to discuss them.

Bligh will have to argue against a royal commission. That will make it harder for Shorten.

But Shorten has built his entire leadership on having a banking royal commission so he will not back down. The really shocking move would be for the banks and the ABA to dump their opposition to the royal commission.

This topic has been discussed. But the banks are smart enough to know not to get enmeshed in something that you cannot control.

It is best to fight against it and save shareholders the estimated $200 million in collective costs.