This adorable photo of twins cuddling newborn twin siblings will make you grin

Twins Nico and Siena cuddle their newborn baby sisters - also twins!
Twins Nico and Siena cuddle their newborn baby sisters - also twins! Photo: Facebook/ West on Jade Photography

Just try not to clutch your ovaries when you look at this adorable photo of two-year-old twins, Nico and Siena, cuddling their newborn - and also twin - siblings, Gia and Gemma.

Mum, Juliet Cannici, the talented woman behind West on Jade Photography, posted the photo of her four beautiful children to Facebook, along with the caption: "With their proud big brother and big sister, also twins!"

What a portrait of pure love and joy.

Little Gia and Gemma were only nine days old at the time of the shoot, their mum writing: "It's possible that I could be a bit biased, but I think my twin baby girls are some of the cutest nuggets I've ever seen."

Juliet told Parents that the twins were born on 26 January, each weighing around 1.8 kgs.
"My wife Nikki and I were mind blown throughout my wife's entire pregnancy, and we still are," she said. "We never imagined we would have four kids under 3 years old."
Of her eldest twins, Juliet says the pair were in love with their baby sisters "long before they were even born".
"They are both amazingly gentle with the girls, love holding and feeding them, and look forward to the days when they can take them down slides and on tractor rides," she said.
And here they are featured in their own photo - because why should babies have all the fun!
Congratulations to the gorgeous family!
