Warning signs | Eating Disorders Victoria

Determining if someone has an eating disorder can sometimes be difficult, especially if the person is secretive about his or her behaviour.  An eating disorder can develop gradually and you may observe personality and behaviour changes. 

It is best for family and friends to be aware of the warning signs so they know what to look for if they suspect somebody they know may be developing or experiencing an eating disorder. It is most important to maintain open communication with your loved one and monitor changes in their personality and behaviour.

Please click here to view a list of physical and behaviour changes which often accompany the onset of an eating disorder.

For information on the physical, behavioural and psychological effects of specific eating disorders please click on the relevant link below:


How EDV can help:

  • The Eating Disorders Helpline is a first point of call for anyone who is concerned about an eating disorder or a related issue.  Call 1300 550 236, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or drop in to EDV at the corner of Lulie and Abbot streets, Abbotsford, Vic.
  • EDV Psychology offers private psychology sessions for individuals with an eating disorder and friends and family who are supporting a loved one.
  • Support Groups across Victoria for people with an eating disorder as well as their friends and family.
  • We have an Online Recovery Forum for people with an eating disorder, and the SANE Carers Forum aimed at family and carers.
  • EDV members can borrow books from our specialist library. Find out more about joining here.

Brie talks about how she handled the worry of having her best friend suffer from an eating disorder.

For more of Brie's story, click here.

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