Students | Eating Disorders Victoria

Our eating disorder prevention workshops for students focus on the key protective factors that can help reduce the risk of an eating disorder developing.  These include promoting positive body image, improving media literacy, encouraging self-acceptance and highlighting the importance of social connection.  Our workshops are interactive, activity based and ideally suited to groups of 10-25 students.

For Secondary Students:

Workshop Series: Celebrating You!

Celebrating You!

This module explores:

  • Being different and unique
  • Celebrating diversity
  • Acknowledging the importance of both physical and mental health
  • Friendship and compassion
  • Self esteem, strengths and confidence
  • Body image


Media and You!

Students are encouraged and supported to think critically about:

  • Images and messages used by the media and advertising
  • Why the media/advertisers use unrealistic images
  • Considering what dissatisfaction in oneself looks like and feels like
  • Having unrealistic expectations
  • Identifying influences
  • Redefining beauty


Healthy You!

This workshop highlights the factors that combine to create good health. Students work to:

  • Define health and gain a better understanding of the determinants of health
  • Consider why we aspire to have good health
  • Explore body image and dieting
  • Develop strategies to maintain healthy habits and build protective factors and
  • Understand the impact and causation of eating disorders impact


For more information about workshops run by Eating Disorders Victoria please call 1300 550 236 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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