I need help: first steps | Eating Disorders Victoria

The first step in your journey towards recovery is admitting to yourself that something is wrong. Attempting to tackle an eating disorder alone is very difficult, so it’s a good idea to seek help from health professionals who can help and support you. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses, and so it’s important that you get support through a qualified health professional. Going to a good GP is often the best first step you can take.

You may decide to confide in somebody close to you or a health professional like your family doctor. Telling someone for the first time can be an incredibly daunting experience, but can also bring with it a great sense of relief as you are no longer carrying your concerns alone.

Helpline and Forum

The Eating Disorders Helpline is a free and confidential service providing information and support about eating disorders and related issues. It’s a safe place for you to seek information, openly discuss your experience with eating disorders and ask any questions you may have. Call 1300 550 236 between 9.30 and 5 Mon-Fri, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or drop in and talk to any of our trained volunteers between 9.30am and 4pm, Monday - Friday. EDV also has an online Recovery Forum which is moderated by trained volunteers, and give you a chance to share your experiences with other people in similar situations.

Talking to your family, friend or partner

You may decide that telling somebody close to you is the best avenue for you in taking the first step towards your recovery. Telling somebody for the first time can be very difficult as you may be unsure about the problems you are facing or the help you might need, so saying it out loud can make it feel all the more real. Although this initial step may seem daunting, sharing your problems with somebody close to you can bring with it a great sense of relief as you no longer feel alone in the situation.

When you are considering who to talk to, make sure they are someone trustworthy, sensitive and understanding, who you feel comfortable speaking with. Ensure you talk to someone who will support you in finding the best path to getting better.

Talking to a trusted person

You may feel more comfortable talking to your teacher, youth worker, sports coach or a supportive family friend. Sometimes it is easier to open up to someone outside of your immediate circle of family and friends because the level of emotional attachment is less significant.

For further information and tips on telling somebody about your eating disorder, please download the Telling Someone About My Eating Disorder fact sheet.

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